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For today, select one of the three Lincoln speeches. How does Lincoln appeal to American values we have discussed throughout the term to appeal to his audience? 720


The American values that Lincoln touches on in his Gettysburg Address are the basis for which the country is founded: the Bible/Religion and Freedom/Equality. Lincoln opens the Gettysburg Address with, "Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal..."(720). In the first half of the sentence, "Four score and seven years ago..." this a biblical reference giving time is this way, as this was done in different books and chapters of the Bible. It is also important to note that given that this speech was made in 1863 and four score and seven years ago is 87 years ago. Lincoln is referencing 1776, that is the year the United States of America's Declaration of Independence was adopted. The second half of this opening statement is Lincoln is referring to a time where English ancestors escaped to North America to avoid religious persecution. On the basis of their religion, these people were seen as less than and it was a satisfactory explanation for them to be put to death. North America was a sanctuary for all different iterations of Christianity to be practiced without the punishment of death, that there are no persons practicing their faith who are above or superior than others.
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