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Hi, my name is Sophie. Right now I am in my backyard, laying on the grass. I hear something buzzing in my ear. It sounded like a bee. What else could it BEE? (Get it??) I started swatting, it was a bee! I'm not afraid of bees, I just don't want them to sting me. Did you know: 1,000 bee stings could kill an average adult? This is why we have beekeepers. If you see a bee, don't swat at it or do any to it. If you leave it alone, it wouldn't sting you. I only swatted at the bee because I was actually scared. The bee flew back at me. I ran away from the bee, but the bee kept chasing me! What should I do? I figured if I kept running, the bee would eventually stop chasing me. The bee did stop chasing me! After I ran inside. My mom was making spaghetti and meatballs.
"Is someone chasing you?" Mom asked, when she saw me running like a maniac.
"No," I replied. "A wasp was chasing me!"
"Did you mean a bee?"
"Yeah." Why did I say wasp? I would hate to bee in a bee hive.
All insects must have somewhere to stay or live. Bees have hives, Spiders make webs, Ants have ant hills, and worms live underground. Do worms bite? I wonder...
"Do you want spaghetti and meatballs?" The smell of spaghetti and meatballs tickled my nose.
She put my plate on the table. "Hey! When will you be done with that?"
"Patience, Sophie. Almost done."
I put my elbows on the table. I'm not allowed to put elbows on my school desk. I do that when I'm bored. I could write an entire essay on bugs, (bee stings,) and bug bites.
Mom put spaghetti and meatballs on my plate. I could smell and see the smoke coming from the spaghetti and meatballs. I picked up my fork. But when I tried to eat, it was too hot. I went over to the fridge to get a drink of water. My older brother, Sam, came downstairs.
"Is that spaghetti?" He sat at the chair next to me.
"This is spaghetti," He looked at my dinner plate. I hope he didn't spit in my food.
Sam got his own dinner plate. Mom gave him some spaghetti and meatballs.
"Hey! I only want spaghetti!" Sam yelled. He threw the meatballs in the trash.
"You didn't have to throw that away," Mom glared at Sam. "Also, you could have gave the meatballs to me. Sam, work on your manners."
Mom looked at Sam. She didn't seem as mad. "Sam, don't you have to study with your friend?"
"Yeah." Sam put on his shoes and brought his backpack.
"Please ask for dinner at their house. Maybe they'll give you something besides spaghetti and meatballs?"
"Yeah... I'll ask for diner." I could tell Sam was lying because he was giggling.
Sam left with dad. I know Sam's friend, Caroline. I visited her house a few months ago. She has a full library of books! It's like she could own a library when she grows up. When I visited her, she was mostly reading. She didn't talk very much. Even though she should be talking very much, because when she reads a lot, she extends her vocabulary.

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