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A suicide method is any means by which a person chooses to end their life.

Suicide attempts do not always result in death, and a nonfatal suicide attempt can leave the person with serious physical injuries, long-term health problems, and brain damage.

Worldwide, three suicide methods predominate with the pattern varying in different countries. These are hanging, poisoning by pesticides, and firearms.

Other common methods are jumping from a height, drug overdoses, and drowning.

It is not possible to die simply by holding the breath.
Because a reflex causes the respiratory muscles to contract, forcing an in-breath, and the re-establishment of a normal breathing rhythm.

Hanging is a common method of suicide.
and involves the use of a ligature which is a thread or wire used for tying something such as a rope or cord.

Hanging was the most common method in traditional Chinese culture, as it was believed that the rage involved in such a death permitted the person's spirit to haunt and torment survivors.
and Chinese people would often approach the act ceremonially, including the use of proper attire.

Suicide by poisoning, also called self-poisoning, is usually classed as a drug overdose when drugs such as painkillers or recreational drugs are used. The use of pesticides to self-poison is the most common method used in some countries. Poisoning through the means of toxic plants is usually slower and is relatively painful.

Poisoning by farm chemicals is very common among women in rural China.
/ and it is regarded as a major social problem in the country.

A drug overdose involves taking a dose of a drug that exceeds safe levels.

In the UK (England and Wales) until 2013 a drug overdose was the most common suicide method in females/ when this was then overtaken by the method of hanging.

A particular type of poisoning involves the inhalation of high levels of carbon monoxide.

/It is a condition in which the body or a region of the body is deprived of adequate oxygen supply at the tissue level.

/In most cases carbon monoxide is used because it is easily available as a product of burning.

See also: Multiple gunshot suicide

Suicides are often impulse decisions that may be preventable by removing the means
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