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I was having a bad day when it happened. One of my loli prisoners wouldn't stop crying all day and it made me really irate. I decided to go play Smash and ease my frustration against some lowlevel CPUs. When I opened the game, it said something about a new fighter. Oh cool, I thought, someone new to play as. It was Piranha Plant of course. What the ****? Who wanted a plant in Smash? Either way, I decided to try him out, playing on Smashville against Gannondorf. He was absolutely terrible as expected... he was relatively fast and his attacks hit hard but so uncomfortable to play as. Even though he was a lv3 CPU Ganon still managed to beat my ass with both stocks remaining. Now I was even more pissed. To suppress my anger I decided I'd now take it out on this bastard. I set my fighter to Ike and Piranha Plant, again on Smashville, and readied myself to kick his ass. I could not foresee the chaos and destruction that would follow.
Before I could even move Piranha Plant had somehow already caught me in a grab. I was powerless as he jabbed me ten times then downthrowed me with more knockback than I recalled then followed up with a crazily high jump and down aerial that now had a meteor smash which buried me in the ground. I was stuck once again as he powered up his side special to the maximum and proceeded to unload his poison on me, then started charging a smash attack. By the time I escaped he already had it fully charged and KO'd me before I had time to act. As I returned on my second stock he used his up special which broke through my invincibility, I was caught in this continuous attack before he managed to unleash a neutral aerial with no knockback at all and another down aerial with the meteor smash. I knew what came next and silently accepted my fate.
When I got back to the character select screen I noticed... Ike was gone. Disappeared. No longer playable, poof. Maybe it was a glitch they didn't playtest for? Ah well, I'd contact Nintendo later. Right now I wanted nothing more than to beat the **** outta this dude. "I hate plants," I muttered under my breath, "who ever wanted a plant in Smash?" I chose Duck Hunt Duo this time because I rarely played him anyway. Gotta test this one more time, right? I opened up another battle on Smashville and waited for Piranha Plant to move. This time, he didn't. I cycled through all three taunts to see if he'd react, he didn't I then decided to go up to him and see if a smash attack would provoke a reaction. However, as soon as I readied my attack, the game froze.
Another bug? Another bug. There was no use waiting any longer, I opened up my laptop and tried to see if anyone else had these problems. Yet as soon as I opened my laptop, my Irisu Kyouko wallpaper was gone - replaced with a picture of Piranha Plant. I opened up the internet browser, everything was replaced with Piranha Plant. My homework folder... Piranha Plant hentai. What the ****? There was no escaping it now. I closed my laptop, as I did so I heard the most ungodly, disembodied voice I would ever hear in my life. It was coming from my TV. "Who dares insult the almighty Piranha Plant? I am much more worthy than your false gods." Before my eyes, I noticed something green coming out my TV. I was stupefied. How could this be possible? Before I knew it, Piranha Plant was now in my living room. I was in total shock, unable to comprehend nefore he finally spoke to me.
"Eat ****!" exclaimed Piranha Plant as he proceeded to punch me in the nuts with enough force to take down a Star Destroyer. I was completely stunned as he then waddled out my living room. From the corner of my eye I seen him walking towards my basement, and it hit me what he planned to do. I eventually picked up enough strength to go there and see for myself - all of them were dead. The lolis I had planned on eating, their corpses littered the ground, murdered by the Plant. It was too late for me to save them. I heard one cry of "onii-chan" before I realised that I must find and defeat him. With a new sense of anger inside me I rose to me feet and walked out my house in search for the dreaded Piranha Plant.
No sooner had I managed to escape my house that I noticed a car driving down my street with hip-hop music playing loudly from the speakers. I didn't think anything of until, to my horror, I noticed Piranha Plant emerging to the sound of Kanye West with a machine gun in hand. "You're dead to me *****!" he screamed as he peppered my sorry ass. I was now on my knees again, almost dead. The least I could do was crawl behind some rotten garbage in the alley next to me as not to inconvenience any passerbys. It looked like this was finally the end for me. I closed my eyes, my wasted life flashing before my eyes as I prepared to drift into eternal sleep. Even in my death there was no escape, for the final image was that of Piranha Plant laughing at me mockingly.
Yet it was not the end. I eventually woke up, surrounded by men in military uniforms. "You are the man who unleashed this monstrosity, correct?" asked one of them. "Uh, I guess so... let me explain, you see-" "Silence! You must be dealt with later, but for now we have a greater threat on our hands." I was totally confused. All I wanted to do was play Smash, why was I suddenly surrounded by these people? Surely Piranha Plant was only after me? There was no way he could of escalated into this. One of the soldiers gave me a rundown: "Recently there were reports of a plant being sighted attacking civilians in various locations. His motives are unknown, but his power is remarkable. We sent the entire police force after him and he killed them all. We sent the entire military after him and he killed them too, we are the only survivors. Now we have no choice but to unleash our ultimate weapon on him - I call it, Galactron MKVII."
I had no idea what this was, only nodded in understanding. "He's here!" screamed another soldier, and my attention was drawn to a glass screen on the other side of this room. An empty entrance encompassed the left side and Piranha Plant had casually waddled in. "Close the gates! Send in the Galactron!" barked the leading officer, "Yes sir!" responded the soldier in charge of the control panel. The entrance was suddenly sealed shut by what seemed to be the same overly sturdy construction the rest of the hanger was made from. A section on the ground of the left side temporarily disappeared as perhaps the biggest mecha I have witnessed rose from the ground. It was armed with an armada of weaponry ranging from simple pistols to nukes. This included at least ten M-388 Davy Crocketts. Piranha Plant simply stood there as if waiting for Galactron to make a move, as we eagerly awaited what would come next.
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