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The Yellow Fever
1. you usually die fast after you get the Fever
2. For 2 centuries it terrorized the nation
3. nicknamed the Visitor or Invader
4. killed over 10,000 people
5. attacks everyone
6. it hit Boston in 1693
7. spreads by mosquito
8. makes you spew black vomit
9. Philidephea lost 10% of their poputation
10. it was unpredictable, sometimes it struck many, sometimes it struck few
11. the Yellow Fever struck fear in may people's hearts
12. after a while, you would bleed from every where on your face (Eyes, mouth, ears, etc...)
13. citizens covered themselves with Mustard extract to try to get it to stop
14. they shut the windows to try to keep the fever out
15. many people fled from the cities
16. New Orlends became a ghost town because of it
17. the disease wes known as Yellow Jack
18. people tore up bridges so the train couldn't come into the town
19. the Yellow Fever traveled to over 10 states
20. by the time it ended, the fever had taken 20,000 lives
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