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import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

import org.apache.cxf.common.util.StringUtils;
import org.hibernate.Query;
import org.hibernate.Session;
import org.hibernate.SessionFactory;
import org.springframework.orm.hibernate5.HibernateTemplate;

import com.highradius.common.util.HRCLog;
import com.highradius.common.util.HRCLogFactory;


public class InvoiceDetailsDaoImpl implements InvoiceDetailsDao{

private static final HRCLog LOGGER = HRCLogFactory.getLog(InvoiceDetailsDaoImpl.class);
private SessionFactory sessionFactory;
private HibernateTemplate hibernateTemplate;

public SessionFactory getSessionFactory() {
return sessionFactory;

public void setSessionFactory(SessionFactory sessionFactory) {
this.sessionFactory = sessionFactory;
this.hibernateTemplate = new HibernateTemplate(sessionFactory);

public Map<String, Object> getInvoiceDetails(Integer startIndex, Integer rowsToFetch) {
LOGGER.debug("Inside getInvoiceDetails() method called from InvoiceDetailsDaoImpl");
StringBuffer query = new StringBuffer("FROM trn_invoice");

LOGGER.debug("Query : " + query.toString());
try {
return getRowsAndCountForQuery(query.toString(), startIndex, rowsToFetch, true);
} catch (Exception e) {
LOGGER.error("Error in getInvoiceDetails()", e);
return null;
public boolean addNewInvoiceDetails(trn_invoice invoiceObj) {
LOGGER.debug("Inside addNewEmployeeDetails() method called from EmployeeDetailsDaoImpl");
try {
return true;
} catch (Exception e) {
LOGGER.error("Error while saving entry : ",e);
return false;
protected Map<String, Object> getRowsAndCountForQuery(String intialQuery, int startIndex, int rowsToFetch, boolean isPaginated) {

List rows = getRowsForQuery(intialQuery, startIndex, rowsToFetch, isPaginated);
int count = getRowCountForQuery(intialQuery);

Map<String, Object> resultMap = new HashMap<String, Object>();
resultMap.put("rows", rows);
resultMap.put("count", count);
return resultMap;
protected List getRowsForQuery(String intialQuery, int startIndex, int rowsToFetch, boolean isPaginated) {
LOGGER.debug("Query is: " + intialQuery);
Query query = getSession().createQuery(intialQuery);

if (isPaginated) {
"limiting rows as isPaginated is true. startIndex: " + startIndex + " rowsToFetch: " + rowsToFetch);
LOGGER.debug("Before Executing Query " + query.toString());
List list = query.list();
// AcctDocHeader acc1 = (AcctDocHeader)list.get(0);
LOGGER.debug("After Executing Query ");
return list;
private Session getSession() {
return hibernateTemplate.getSessionFactory().openSession();
protected int getRowCountForQuery(String intialQuery) {
int rowCount = 0;
try {
String countQuery = "select count(*) as count " + removeSelectNOrderByClause(intialQuery);
LOGGER.debug("CountQuery is: " + countQuery);

Query query = getSession().createQuery(countQuery);
Object resultCount = (Object) query.list().get(0);
rowCount = Integer.parseInt(String.valueOf(resultCount));
catch (Exception e){

LOGGER.debug("Count returned is: " + rowCount);
return rowCount;
protected static String removeSelectNOrderByClause(String initialQuery){
String finalQuery=initialQuery;
finalQuery = removeSelectQuery(finalQuery);
finalQuery = removeOrderByClause(finalQuery);
return finalQuery;
private static String removeSelectQuery(String initialQuery){
String finalQuery = initialQuery;
Pattern p = Pattern.compile("\s*select.*\s+from\s+(.*)", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE);
Matcher m = p.matcher(finalQuery);
finalQuery = " from " +;
return finalQuery;
private static String removeOrderByClause(String intialQuery) {
int index = intialQuery.toLowerCase().indexOf("order by");
if(index != -1){
return intialQuery.substring(0, index);
return intialQuery;



import java.util.Date;

public class trn_invoice {

private int pk_invoice_id;
private trn_account fk_account_id;
private String invoice_number;
private String company_code;
private String fiscal_year;
private String item_number;
private trn_invoice_type fk_invoice_type;
private trn_posting_key fk_posting_key;
private trn_customer fk_customer_id;
private double invoice_total_amount;
private double invoice_due_amount;
private Date invoice_created_date;
private Date due_date;
private int discount_1_percentage;
private int discount_2_percentage;
private int discount_3_percentage;
private String debit_credit_indicator;
private int is_open;
private String approval_status;

public trn_invoice(int pk_invoice_id, trn_account fk_account_id, String invoice_number, String company_code,
String fiscal_year, String item_number, trn_invoice_type fk_invoice_type, trn_posting_key fk_posting_key,
trn_customer fk_customer_id, double invoice_total_amount, double invoice_due_amount,
Date invoice_created_date, Date due_date, int discount_1_percentage, int discount_2_percentage,
int discount_3_percentage, String debit_credit_indicator, int is_open, String approval_status) {
this.pk_invoice_id = pk_invoice_id;
this.fk_account_id = fk_account_id;
this.invoice_number = invoice_number;
this.company_code = company_code;
this.fiscal_year = fiscal_year;
this.item_number = item_number;
this.fk_invoice_type = fk_invoice_type;
this.fk_posting_key = fk_posting_key;
this.fk_customer_id = fk_customer_id;
this.invoice_total_amount = invoice_total_amount;
this.invoice_due_amount = invoice_due_amount;
this.invoice_created_date = invoice_created_date;
this.due_date = due_date;
this.discount_1_percentage = discount_1_percentage;
this.discount_2_percentage = discount_2_percentage;
this.discount_3_percentage = discount_3_percentage;
this.debit_credit_indicator = debit_credit_indicator;
this.is_open = is_open;
this.approval_status = approval_status;

public trn_invoice() {

public int getPk_invoice_id() {
return pk_invoice_id;

public void setPk_invoice_id(int pk_invoice_id) {
this.pk_invoice_id = pk_invoice_id;

public trn_account getFk_account_id() {
return fk_account_id;

public void setFk_account_id(trn_account fk_account_id) {
this.fk_account_id = fk_account_id;

public String getInvoice_number() {
return invoice_number;

public void setInvoice_number(String invoice_number) {
this.invoice_number = invoice_number;

public String getCompany_code() {
return company_code;

public void setCompany_code(String company_code) {
this.company_code = company_code;

public String getFiscal_year() {
return fiscal_year;

public void setFiscal_year(String fiscal_year) {
this.fiscal_year = fiscal_year;

public String getItem_number() {
return item_number;

public void setItem_number(String item_number) {
this.item_number = item_number;

public trn_invoice_type getFk_invoice_type() {
return fk_invoice_type;

public void setFk_invoice_type(trn_invoice_type fk_invoice_type) {
this.fk_invoice_type = fk_invoice_type;


public trn_posting_key getFk_posting_key() {
return fk_posting_key;

public void setFk_posting_key(trn_posting_key fk_posting_key) {
this.fk_posting_key = fk_posting_key;


public trn_customer getFk_customer_id() {
return fk_customer_id;

public void setFk_customer_id(trn_customer fk_customer_id) {
this.fk_customer_id = fk_customer_id;


public double getInvoice_total_amount() {
return invoice_total_amount;

public void setInvoice_total_amount(double invoice_total_amount) {
this.invoice_total_amount = invoice_total_amount;

public double getInvoice_due_amount() {
return invoice_due_amount;

public void setInvoice_due_amount(double invoice_due_amount) {
this.invoice_due_amount = invoice_due_amount;

public Date getInvoice_created_date() {
return invoice_created_date;

public void setInvoice_created_date(Date invoice_created_date) {
this.invoice_created_date = invoice_created_date;

public Date getDue_date() {
return due_date;

public void setDue_date(Date due_date) {
this.due_date = due_date;

public int getDiscount_1_percentage() {
return discount_1_percentage;

public void setDiscount_1_percentage(int discount_1_percentage) {
this.discount_1_percentage = discount_1_percentage;

public int getDiscount_2_percentage() {
return discount_2_percentage;

public void setDiscount_2_percentage(int discount_2_percentage) {
this.discount_2_percentage = discount_2_percentage;

public int getDiscount_3_percentage() {
return discount_3_percentage;

public void setDiscount_3_percentage(int discount_3_percentage) {
this.discount_3_percentage = discount_3_percentage;

public String getDebit_credit_indicator() {
return debit_credit_indicator;

public void setDebit_credit_indicator(String debit_credit_indicator) {
this.debit_credit_indicator = debit_credit_indicator;

public int getIs_open() {
return is_open;

public void setIs_open(int is_open) {
this.is_open = is_open;

public String getApproval_status() {
return approval_status;

public void setApproval_status(String approval_status) {
this.approval_status = approval_status;



import java.util.Map;

import com.highradius.common.util.HRCLog;
import com.highradius.common.util.HRCLogFactory;


public class InvoiceDetailsManagerImpl implements InvoiceDetailsManager {
private static final HRCLog LOGGER = HRCLogFactory.getLog(InvoiceDetailsManagerImpl.class);
private InvoiceDetailsDao invoiceDetailsDao;
public Map<String, Object> getInvoiceDetails(Integer start, Integer limit) {
LOGGER.debug("Inside getInvoiceDetails() called from InvoiceDetailsManagerImpl");
return invoiceDetailsDao.getInvoiceDetails(start, limit);
public boolean addNewInvoiceDetails(trn_invoice invoiceObj) {
return invoiceDetailsDao.addNewInvoiceDetails(invoiceObj);
public InvoiceDetailsDao getInvoiceDetailsDao() {
return invoiceDetailsDao;
public void setInvoiceDetailsDao(InvoiceDetailsDao invoiceDetailsDao) {
this.invoiceDetailsDao = invoiceDetailsDao;



import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

import org.apache.cxf.common.util.StringUtils;
import org.hibernate.Query;
import org.hibernate.Session;
import org.hibernate.SessionFactory;
import org.springframework.orm.hibernate5.HibernateTemplate;

import com.highradius.common.util.HRCLog;
import com.highradius.common.util.HRCLogFactory;


public class InvoiceDetailsDaoImpl implements InvoiceDetailsDao{

private static final HRCLog LOGGER = HRCLogFactory.getLog(InvoiceDetailsDaoImpl.class);
private SessionFactory sessionFactory;
private HibernateTemplate hibernateTemplate;

public SessionFactory getSessionFactory() {
return sessionFactory;

public void setSessionFactory(SessionFactory sessionFactory) {
this.sessionFactory = sessionFactory;
this.hibernateTemplate = new HibernateTemplate(sessionFactory);

public Map<String, Object> getInvoiceDetails(Integer startIndex, Integer rowsToFetch) {
LOGGER.debug("Inside getInvoiceDetails() method called from InvoiceDetailsDaoImpl");
StringBuffer query = new StringBuffer("FROM trn_invoice");

LOGGER.debug("Query : " + query.toString());
try {
return getRowsAndCountForQuery(query.toString(), startIndex, rowsToFetch, true);
} catch (Exception e) {
LOGGER.error("Error in getInvoiceDetails()", e);
return null;
public boolean addNewInvoiceDetails(trn_invoice invoiceObj) {
LOGGER.debug("Inside addNewEmployeeDetails() method called from EmployeeDetailsDaoImpl");
try {
return true;
} catch (Exception e) {
LOGGER.error("Error while saving entry : ",e);
return false;
protected Map<String, Object> getRowsAndCountForQuery(String intialQuery, int startIndex, int rowsToFetch, boolean isPaginated) {

List rows = getRowsForQuery(intialQuery, startIndex, rowsToFetch, isPaginated);
int count = getRowCountForQuery(intialQuery);

Map<String, Object> resultMap = new HashMap<String, Object>();
resultMap.put("rows", rows);
resultMap.put("count", count);
return resultMap;
protected List getRowsForQuery(String intialQuery, int startIndex, int rowsToFetch, boolean isPaginated) {
LOGGER.debug("Query is: " + intialQuery);
Query query = getSession().createQuery(intialQuery);

if (isPaginated) {
"limiting rows as isPaginated is true. startIndex: " + startIndex + " rowsToFetch: " + rowsToFetch);
LOGGER.debug("Before Executing Query " + query.toString());
List list = query.list();
// AcctDocHeader acc1 = (AcctDocHeader)list.get(0);
LOGGER.debug("After Executing Query ");
return list;
private Session getSession() {
return hibernateTemplate.getSessionFactory().openSession();
protected int getRowCountForQuery(String intialQuery) {
int rowCount = 0;
try {
String countQuery = "select count(*) as count " + removeSelectNOrderByClause(intialQuery);
LOGGER.debug("CountQuery is: " + countQuery);

Query query = getSession().createQuery(countQuery);
Object resultCount = (Object) query.list().get(0);
rowCount = Integer.parseInt(String.valueOf(resultCount));
catch (Exception e){

LOGGER.debug("Count returned is: " + rowCount);
return rowCount;
protected static String removeSelectNOrderByClause(String initialQuery){
String finalQuery=initialQuery;
finalQuery = removeSelectQuery(finalQuery);
finalQuery = removeOrderByClause(finalQuery);
return finalQuery;
private static String removeSelectQuery(String initialQuery){
String finalQuery = initialQuery;
Pattern p = Pattern.compile("\s*select.*\s+from\s+(.*)", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE);
Matcher m = p.matcher(finalQuery);
finalQuery = " from " +;
return finalQuery;
private static String removeOrderByClause(String intialQuery) {
int index = intialQuery.toLowerCase().indexOf("order by");
if(index != -1){
return intialQuery.substring(0, index);
return intialQuery;



public class trn_customer {
private int pk_customer_map_id;
private trn_account fk_account_id;
private String customer_number;
private String customer_name;
private trn_customer_type fk_customer_type;
private trn_address fk_address_id;
private String company_code;
public trn_customer(int pk_customer_map_id, trn_account fk_account_id, String customer_number, String customer_name,
trn_customer_type fk_customer_type, trn_address fk_address_id, String company_code) {
this.pk_customer_map_id = pk_customer_map_id;
this.fk_account_id = fk_account_id;
this.customer_number = customer_number;
this.customer_name = customer_name;
this.fk_customer_type = fk_customer_type;
this.fk_address_id = fk_address_id;
this.company_code = company_code;
public trn_customer() {
public int getPk_customer_map_id() {
return pk_customer_map_id;
public void setPk_customer_map_id(int pk_customer_map_id) {
this.pk_customer_map_id = pk_customer_map_id;
public trn_account getFk_account_id() {
return fk_account_id;
public void setFk_account_id(trn_account fk_account_id) {
this.fk_account_id = fk_account_id;
public String getCustomer_number() {
return customer_number;
public void setCustomer_number(String customer_number) {
this.customer_number = customer_number;
public String getCustomer_name() {
return customer_name;
public void setCustomer_name(String customer_name) {
this.customer_name = customer_name;
public trn_customer_type getFk_customer_type() {
return fk_customer_type;
public void setFk_customer_type(trn_customer_type fk_customer_type) {
this.fk_customer_type = fk_customer_type;
public trn_address getFk_address_id() {
return fk_address_id;
public void setFk_address_id(trn_address fk_address_id) {
this.fk_address_id = fk_address_id;
public String getCompany_code() {
return company_code;
public void setCompany_code(String company_code) {
this.company_code = company_code;


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Notes is a web-based application for online taking notes. You can take your notes and share with others people. If you like taking long notes, is designed for you. To date, over 8,000,000,000+ notes created and continuing...


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  • * You don't need to create any Account to share a note. As you wish you can use quick, easy and best shortened notes with sms, websites, e-mail, or messaging services (WhatsApp, iMessage, Telegram, Signal).
  • * has fabulous infrastructure design for a short link and allows you to share the note as an easy and understandable link.

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You immediately create your first note and start sharing with the ones you wish. If you want to contact us, you can use the following communication channels;

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Regards; Team

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