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(past) enemies to (current) lovers John and Dirk
Dirk: Dance with me?
John: What?
Dirk: Dance with me. We didn't get to dance at the ball.
*they dance but after a bit, dirk slows to a stop*
John: You still in there?
Dirk: A lot on my mind... I've learned a lot, being around the three of you. Mainly, looking at my actions and seeing what may become of them. And standing with you, in the brightness of you three, I turn around and see how large my shadow is.
John: What do you believe in, Dirk? Anything?
Dirk, rubbing at his eyes: I don't know anymore. It's just, I can't hide the fact that there is a version of me, a darker, crueler, version of me that could *thrive* in Derse. And I hate him now.
John: Well that's not you anymore. You can always change your shadow.
Dirk: It's just difficult seeing everyone shine so brightly...
John: Dirk, look at me. Every day is a new chance to be a better person. Including, starting right now. So stop hiding yourself, and be the person I know you can be.
Dirk: You have such a strange way of showing faith. *kisses John's cheek and goes to leave*

John: *grabs his wrist* Don't go? Please.
Dirk: What would you have me do, John?
John: I don't know... *laughs* this was all so much easier when you hated me.
Dirk: I agree *laughs* For what it's worth, I don't think it was ever truly hatred
John: Oh? *moves to stand between Dirk and the door*
Dirk, slightly flushed: I don't know... I don't have the words
John, smirking: Try and say it
Dirk: It's like, being able to recognize a part of yourself in someone else and not know how to feel about it
John: I see it too. When I first met you, you represented everything I hated about Derse
Dirk: That's fair.
John: *takes Dirk's hand, quiet for a moment* You scare the hell out of me
Dirk: What?
John: And I don't know why *kisses his palm*
Dirk: It's infuriating that I don't understand you *kisses John*
John: *kisses him back*

Dave and Jake: fade to black???
Dirk and John: WHAT THE HELL GUYS?!?!
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