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I was on Omegle, and then this... I couldn't resist.
True Test by God.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Question to discuss:
What's your Religion? How religious are you? Rate it on a scale of 0[atheist] to 10[devout].

You: Muslim

You: 10

You: Uh.

You: I can explain.

You: I'm 16 years old.

You: and

You: Wait

You: stranger

You: why dont you talk?

You: or say something

You: Alright?

Stranger: Youre typing super fast

You: Anyways

You: Oh okay, sorry, go ahead m8.

Stranger: Christian (8)

You: Alright, lemme say something. I never thought I'd be the one to openly talk about God to other religious people. You do know that Muslims believe that God (We call him Allah) is the SAME GOD that Christians.. and Jews believe in?

You: What does Allah mean? It just means Higher Diety.

You: Aka: God.

Stranger: Yea i knew that

You: Why am I so devout? Because well, I read the Qur'an. And I undertsand it. Most muslims just read the quran and memorize it and not understand any of it. Why? Because they read it in Arabic. They're blind as bats, and will never make it to Heaven.

You: And there is so Much math involved in the Qur'an.

You: Moon cycles.. It speaks about Chromosomes.. It speaks about Blood Cells, and Blood clots, the brain... Psychology.

You: It's quite interesting.

You: You'll be a different person. I'm not saying you should read the Qur'an and convert to Islam, I'm just saying that the Book, Qur'an, is guidance.

You: A question that usually comes up is that "What is the purpose of life" Usually, that question is raised by Atheists.

You: Well, when we look at life, in a muslims perspective, we see the world differently.

Stranger: Thats pretty interesting, i didnt know how much the Qur'an had

You: We see it as a test.

You: Of course, friend. The Qur'an touches base on all things related.

You: Most people don't know that.

You: Like..

You: Here is an example of math in the Qur'an.

You: There are 7 layers in the atmosphere.

You: Correct?

Stranger: yea

You: We gave the troposphere 1, tropopause 2, Stratosphere 3, Ozone layer 4, Mesosphere 5, Ionosphere 6, and Exosphere 7.

You: In the Qur'an

You: It says,

You: There are 7 Levels of Heaven

You: Coincidentally? The Atmosphere makes up 7 levels.

Stranger: you really are a devoted Muslim, that's good

You: Yeah.

You: I believe you should try to be a devout Christian.

You: God says, Question the world.

You: The more you question

You: The more you believe.

Stranger: Im trying

You: If you have a question, you'll need an answer right? You get answers from proof. Find your proof, friend.

You: Want to see something else that's pretty scary?

You: Okay,

You: Scientists say, The world is roughly 70% Water..

You: And about 30% is Land.

Stranger: ok

You: The word Land is used 13 times.
The word Sea is used 32 times.

13 + 32 = 45.

13 Divided by 45 Times 100 = 28.888%.

You: 13 is Land.

You: Scientists say the world is roughly 30% land.

You: The qur'an's math says about 28 or 29%

You: Leaving the remaining 71% to water.

You: 32 divided by 45 Times 100 = 71.1111%

You: Scientists say the world is roughly 70% water.

You: You wanted answers? You got 'em.

You needed proof? You got 'em too.

Stranger: thats pretty crazy

You: Modern Science has only recently proven that the water covers 71.111% of the earth, while the land covers 28.889%.

The Miracles of the Quran will never end. There will never be a time where mankind can fully take in the knowledge that is in this holy book. It is a treasure of which guides those that want to succeed in this life and the hereafter.

You: Like I said, there's also numbers that prove the Number of Chromosomes and things like that.

You: How our Brains work.

You: and further more.

You: 24 - Al Rajul (Man)
24 - Al Mar' ha (Woman)

You: 24 - Man

You: 24 - Woman

You: Agh, hold on.

You: 12 Al-Shahr (Month)

You: We have 12 months.

You: 365 Al-Yahom (Day)

You: We have 365 days.

Stranger: thank you for sharing all this information, it was all very interesting

You: People say, forgiveness is two times better then Reward.

You: one last thing

Stranger: ok

You: The word "payment or reward" is repeated 117 times, while the expression "forgiveness" (mughfirah), which is one of the basic morals of the Qur'an, is repeated exactly twice that amount, 234 times.

You: "Forgiveness is 2 times better then Reward."

You: If you want to leave, you can. I thank you personally that you stood through this.

You: There is no Science with out God.

Stranger: it was all really interesting, im glad to have been able to hear , well read this, keep sharing your faith, and i will try to get more in touch with our God

Stranger: btw my name is Natalie

You: My name's Daanish

You: or Danny.

You: Thanks again, Natalie.

Stranger: I like your name, and thank you Danny (: Hope to speak to you again, one day
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