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Hello Catia,
first congratulations on getting married legally!
wow, do you know why they are recruiting so much. Are they only recruiting in London? What do you do on the weekends at the moment (when you are not planning your wedding)? Still baking and cooking a lot?
Are you nervous with the wedding date approaching so quickly now, or are you just happy you can finally have the wedding? Is your mum still coming? I heard that they are on the ember listing or so at the moment. It's really sad that we won't be able to be there at the wedding. My best friend (and childhood friend) also got engaged recently and has decided to get married in October. I seriously hope that I'll be able to go to Germany by then, but it will still be tricky. If I can go I was thinking of adding a short trip to London to see you guys.
Please send me a lot of pictures from your wedding, the location sounds great!
I guessed that you would have preferred to keep working from home full time. The hybrid system is still better than nothing so...
Congratulations to Chris for his promotion! Glad to hear he is also doing well.
It would be great if you guys could come to Japan this year, but I agree that it might be a bit difficult.
I think in the UK it's similar to Germany, recently the outdoor gastronomy has opened again as well as more and more shops. They are also doing pretty well with the vaccinations. Everyone in my family is vaccinated by now (even the ones in Mauritius), so now I am the only one left . When do you think you are getting your shot? Do you have a vaccine you would prefer?
Yeah, I can't believe they are going through with the Olympics and that they are already next month! This is going to be a disaster. My mum already joked that there will be a new COVID strain - the Olympic strain ( a mix of all the current ones)
You mentioned that you are thinking of moving to the outskirts of town in the near future. How near are we talking? Are you already looking at places or will you start after the wedding?
I'll definitely enjoy the time I have left in Japan to explore more areas. (next month I'll go to Hokkaido to see the lavender and other places) and between Japan and Germany I am thinking of going to Australia and NZ for 2 month or so. That will be the only time I won't have to worry about rent. And maybe I'll even stay a couple of month in Mauritius afterwards. I might look into jobs which can be done remotely so I can stay there a bit. That would be nice!
So now I think I've covered everything LOL. I was typing on the computer while reading.
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