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Hello little Cleo,

(It just occurred to me now that I forgot to ask for your consent in regards to referring to you as 'Little Cleo'. If you feel uncomfortable with my spontaneously chosen treatment term, feel free to express yourself the discomfort. I will understand. I can call you just by Cleo if that is what your heart desires).

Lucky you, you now have a sister and older brother to count on. Having been raised by your parents, and based on my positive impression of you, your older sister must be a kind human being.

Knowing that you are in good company while exploring the ZEPETO world pleased my heart. An activity that in itself is enjoyable, it becomes even better in the right company.

By the way, I hope you and your parents can have more moments like the one you shared with me. In my own family we have the habit of playing games together whenever possible. One of the sweetest memories of my childhood involves playing analog and video games as a family. Ludo and Monopoly is one of our favorites board games. Mortal Kombat is one of our favorites to play on the console game.

I fully agree with the words of wisdom from your parents regarding maturity. Again, I feel in my heart that you should be a source of deep pride to your family. If I, "newly arrived" to your lovely family, am already involved in this pride of you. This impression I have is strengthened by the meaning of your name. I do not know whether it was your parents' original intention to give you that name among all the others names because of the meaning it has, or whether they did so with that in mind; but your name speaks  plenty about you and perhaps your destiny as well.

The name "Cleo" has Greek origins. When possible (if you have not already), do a little research on it.

That being said, I must share the feeling I have about you and your role in the world.

You have a star that will surely one day shine in the sky of many hearts. It already shows a glimpse of its brightness in some hearts, you make a difference, you try to be that difference in the world. I can not currently visualize exactly what the means it will shine through, but that is the impression I get. Perhaps you will inspire many people to follow their dreams; to love yourself and each other and the world. You care without distinction and that is so bloody beautiful. Just as today you are inspired by your idols, one day you can be the idol of other people, like your younger siblings, for example.
Even though the walk is difficult and sometimes the feeling of impossibility appears like a dark cloud in the clear sky of your thoughts. As I tell my nephews, "You can be anything you want to be."

We must do what we love and love what we do. The love transforms, heals, invigorates when in its purest and most unconditional state. So, love your studies; love the arts; love the music; love. Love all the other activities that warm your heart and will allow you to reach your dreams. Respect your time, respect your body, your mind, your soul and your heart. Do not let anyone steal your voice, your choices. Your voice matters, your choices matter. See the beauty around you and the beauty that exists within and without you. Cultivate your self-love and let it shine as your best and eternal accessory. Live your adolescence with a smile on your face and joy in your heart and let your inner child play. A person who lives his life hand in hand with the child he once was is a person embraced by the light and kissed by the love. So do not be in a hurry to become an adult. Enjoy this stage of your life. Life is like a book, each age is a chapter.

We share the same thinking regarding the protection of children, animals, nature and everything and everyone that needs to be protected.
Speaking of good deeds. This site [ ] belongs to a non-profit organization based in the United States that promotes positive change on issues such as climate change, human rights, animal rights, corruption, poverty and conflict.

So your nine-year-old sister and my niece are the same age. Fascinating. My niece is also very fond of artistic games, in which it is possible for her to create different characters from the available items.
She loves to express herself through the arts.

Hyun sounds perfect to me. 😊

I also enjoy this cartoon and others.
My favorite character is Marceline Abadeer. And what is your favorite character? The stories of Marcy and Bonnie; and Simon and Marcy are two of my favorite stories within that universe. But each character and story captivates us in a unique way. Is there a particular reason why you are not reading any more books or just no books have been able to pique and hold your interest? Most people seem to believe that they choose the book, however, I have a different theory: the book chooses us. The story contained in a book can be wondrous and engaging, but if we are not "ready" to receive everything it has to offer to us, the reading will hardly ever flow. A book is an invitation; a time machine; a portal with a thousand possibilities accompany it. My niece and my eleven-year-old nephew usually carry their books wherever they go. They inherited the love for books from me and I inherited this love from my mother. Like me, they read more than one book simultaneously, but not at the same time, of course. The younger ones are learning to read and taking the same bibliophilic path as us. My love for languages came to marry with my love for words, such as: Meraki. Research this word when you can, I believe you identify with it, with the meaning of it. I am always looking to encourage them on this literary journey that my nephews are undertaking. I talk to them about the books they are reading and the books they want to read. We gather to read together, and pauses to comment on something about the reading are made to show each other something intriguing or funny. And as your older brother I also encourage you to read as much as you can, whenever you can; wherever you are and whoever you are with.

Poems please your heart?

If yes and you want, a poem can accompany my future responses. Here is one from Rumi, one of my favorite poets.

"Not Christian or Jew or Muslim, not Hindu
Buddhist, Sufi, or Zen. Not any religion
or cultural system. I am not from the East
or the West, not out of the ocean or up
from the ground, not natural or ethereal, not
composed of elements at all. I do not exist,
am not an entity in this world or in the next,
did not descend from Adam and Eve or any
origin story. My place is placeless, a trace
of the traceless. Neither body or soul.
I belong to the beloved, have seen the two
worlds as one and that one call to and know,
first, last, outer, inner, only that
breath breathing human being."

We are often so blinded by our differences that it is easy to forget that we are all the same. That as birds they are birds independent of their respective species; we are all human.

Thank you for sharing this detail about you.

When I am sad, upset or angry, listening to music and sleeping help as well. And cry, of course, if (or when) the tears pay a visit. It also helps to talk about it and express myself through the arts. In the first scenario (talking about the reason for such a feeling) I usually do it with the Creator before involving another person. I appreciate maturing thoughts and feelings with myself before working them with someone. But each person is a universe unto himself and has his own internal processing methods.

Never be ashamed of your tears. Tears are the way of our heart expressing itself and letting any negative emotions, feelings and thoughts that are oppressing our souls spill out of it. When you feel the need to cry, just cry. Let the sadness go through each tear. And share with someone you trust why you feel the way you do at that moment, even if the confidant is a sheet of paper, like a diary. I am not Stefan Salvatore from 'The Vampire Diaries' (🧛🏻) writted by the American author L. J. Smith, but I always have a notebook where I deposit thoughts; dreams that impacted me upon awakening; ideas for any future project; etc. 😋 When you feel ready to open your heart and turn your emotions, feelings and thoughts into words talk to someone. Talk to your parents or older sister. With your best friend. Communication is important. Especially if something is keeping you away from your joy of living, your zest for life; away from your happiness. That said, I will take the space and opportunity to leave here my wishes that you have more reasons to smile than reasons to cry. And if a tear is to fall from your eyes, be it of joy and gratitude.

What other cartoons do you enjoy? Have you tried watching any anime? My niece used to wrinkle her nose at me when I suggested we watch one. Animes were not her cup of tea. It was not that long ago.  Nowadays she appreciates several animes. 'Kakegurui'; Naruto'; 'Boku No Hero' are some examples of animes she enjoy to watch.

Thank you for the kind words about my grammar correction skills, I try to be.

Answering your questions:

Traveling is one of my endless passions. A passion that became best friends with other passions of mine, like the love for languages; for learning; for being and making a difference; for knowing and familiarizing myself with other places, cultures, customs and everything that makes them unique.
Do it like the locals do. Look at everything with a renewed look and a willing spirit. That is why collaborative tourism is very attractive to me. It is for me one of the best ways to get to know a place and immerse yourself in its culture, get to know its people and its soul, experiencing it as a local.
Japan, China and Egypt were three of the first countries I was interested in exploring. I remember researching a plentu about everything about it as a child. I read books, researched the Internet, and printed a thousand sheets on the topic to reread whenever I wanted. Research is a passion of mine. As I mentioned I always loved studying, learning, knowledge is a true transforming power.
By the way, a tip for you who want to travel the world and share the same love I have for travel: do a plenty of research. Search about everything. About the places (culture, customs, etc) you want to know before traveling. Search for ways to do this safely. And when this happens, keep in touch with someone at home, so they can hear from you and any need that arises, you can have the necessary assistance. Safety first, in our own country and elsewhere.
Backpacking through Asia; spend the night in a tent in the Sahara desert; celebrate an Indian wedding; contemplate the Northern Lights (among other natural events); traveling around the United States on a motorcycle or simply drinking mint tea on a terrace in Marrakech accompained a book are some experiences that will warm the heart. I know every continent except Antarctica. I have not gone around the world yet, literally walking every inch of them all, but this is the dream and goal. And I am an advocate and promoter of dreams.

I read since I learned to read and write since I learned to write. I have a book or two with me wherever I am, not to mention a terrific reading application that allows me to access a larger amount of books without having to carry a suitcase of books everywhere like the character Matilda. My favorite is always for the book in its physical format, where I can touch the pages and run my fingers through the cover art. But the electronic format is welcome to me because of its practicality. And I write different content every day.

Do not worry about it, as your curiosity is welcome. Curiosity is the ability to seek and acquire new knowledge, skills and ways of understanding the world. It is at the heart of what motivates someone to learn and what keep them learning for a lifetime. If I do not wish to answer a question, I will communicate my will just as I want you to. Communication is the key.


Hyun oppa.
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