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Dear Dad.. or Thomas or whatever I'm supposed to call you at this rate,

To be honest with you I don't even know how to start this letter. It's like I have so much to say but I choke and get all tangled with my own words and thoughts. This would be why it's taking me so long to write back to you. I can just say I might be a little bit brutally honest. I don't know whether to hate you for for what you've done or to love you because you wrote to me and actually remember me. You really had me thinking there for a while that you didn't even remember my first name. I think about you ALL the time, I've cried thinking about you multiple times. It's like, even after all the hell I've gone through and the mental/emotional scars you have left me with, I still can't help but to want to run up into your arms and say I love you, because I do and I always will love you. I miss you so much... I know about addiction way too well, considering a specific recovering drug-addict in our family (not my mom). I've gone through a lot of crap for a 14-year-old that not even most middle-aged adults have experienced and it has put me through great depression. The point is, daddy, I really really realllyyyy miss you and I want to get to see you again.. at least one last time...maybe a phone call. I'm not even 100% positive that I want you completely back into my life, but what I do know is that getting this letter from you had me in tears .... the happy kinda shocked ones : ) . Calling you a dad is very hard to do when you were never there. I mean, what happened to the father who swore he'd stay? Well now mom feels a lot of guilt and pain. I really deeply hope you would never go and do something 'stupid'. I want you to remember this, I miss you and love you SO much. I remember a couple things about you... I remember what you look like (of course I see pictures from when I was an infant.), I remember the tattoo on your upper arm of barbwire wrapped around very well, I remember you being pretty tan. Well, like I said I have so much to say but I'm going to end this letter here.

Always & Forever yours...,
Veronica Parker <3
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Regards; Team

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