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Write a note in this area. It's really easy to share with others. Click here ..Why I chose this topic

I chose this topic because I’ve had prior knowledge to Sam Houston and this has always been a favorite topic for me. I also chose this topic because I enjoy to take what I know and expand on the subject. I’ve always had an interest in Sam Houston so this topic was perfect for me, as I enjoy Texas history. I also thought that I would be able to find a lot of information on Sam Houston. I also enjoy learning about the some of the battles that happened in Texas, which Sam Houston was involved in. The last reason I chose this topic was because I felt like not everyone would do a project about Sam Houston.

How I conducted my research

I conducted my research by using the Internet to help me understand my topic better. I tried to use other sources like encyclopedias, but I had great difficulty trying to find information that way. I find it easier to use the Internet for my research, as I use the Internet more often and I am more familiar with it. I find that books are more difficult for me to find but I do want to try to use more sources like books, and newspapers from that time period next time so I can have more trusted information on my topic.

How I created and developed my project

I created my project by narrowing out the topics that I was interested in then I narrowed out what type of project I wanted to do. After that I did my bibliography cards and note cards to go along with the bibliography cards. Then I did my annotated bibliography cards, which was one of my favorite parts. I am making sure everything goes together in my project so it’s logical. I have started to work on my main project so I can get an early start. I have had no trouble conducting my research and making my project.

How my project relates to the topic

My project relates to the topic, “leadership and legacy” because, it talks about what Sam Houston did in his life and some background information. For example, my project talks about what he led, and what legacy he left on Texas. I also think it relates to the topic because you need to know about the person before you learn about the topic. I feel that it’s an easier way to learn about someone’s history that way because you know some background information about that person. The last thing that I think relates to the topic is the subject of Sam Houston leading an army and his legacy was left behind from that action.
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