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Math notes for revision:
terminating decimal ends like 1/2 = 0.5
recurring decimal like 1/3 = 0.33333333333...
surd is a decimal that never ends, or repeats like root7, can't be a fraction or ratio
surds are irrational
when simplifying surds, break it down into things you can simplify
*surds: root(a)*root(b)=root(a*b)

Causes of ww2:
ww1 ended with treaty of Versailles massive amounts (500bil aud 2020), had to give 25^2 miles of land
strain on rebuilding econ
league of nations started after treaty, but US never joined making it weak
germany wasn't allowed military
they invaded austria, czechiaslovakia - britain and france decided to not care and to tollerate it as long as they did no more
22may 1939 treaty of steel italy/germany - italy was invading abyssinia, japan was invading parts of asia
27sep, japan joins the now tripartite pact
germany and ussr 23 aug 1939 agree the molotov-ribbentrop pact (they wouldn't join/support the other's enemy)
just after germany invaded poland

The Universe
o Explain the big bang theory.
The universe began, with all of its energy jammed into a very tiny point. This extremely dense point (grey matter) exploded with massive force, creating matter and propelling it outward to make the billions of galaxies of our vast universe.
o State three pieces of evidence supporting the big bang theory.
Hubble and redshift
Cosmic microwave radiation (has been redshifted over time), temperature gives an idea of age
That we can see the universe expanding
4th ik - Abundance of primordial elements (Using the Big Bang model, it is possible to calculate the concentration of helium-4, helium-3, deuterium, and lithium-7 in the universe as ratios to the amount of ordinary hydrogen)
o Compare the evidence supporting the big bang theory.
Hubble is common, cosmic microwave is harder to understand (Nobel physics), universe expanding cool

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