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*Allāhu Akbar!! Allāhu Akbar!! Allāhu Akbar!!*

*-An Astonishing Detailed Explanation From Shaykh Sa‘d Az-Za‘atarī' Regarding The Case Of Doctor ‘Abdur-Razzāq Al-Badr.*

-A load of proofs, rebuttal of some of the doubts, establishment of the evidence, and final word for whoever's aim was to strongly learn and follow the truth.

-May Allāh reward Shaykh Sa‘d Az-Za‘atarī with the very best reward. The praise is only for Allāh who provides the ability to be upon clarity and protects one from ambivalent fence-sitting.

Shaykh Sa‘d Az-Za‘atarī, may Allāh preserve him, said:

"Yes, the answer to the first question:

The Questioner, who is from the city of Salé, Morocco said:

{How do we deal with some of our brothers who still take knowledge from Shaykh ‘Abdur-Razzāq Al-Badr and they are insistent upon that (i.e. taking knowledge from Shaykh ‘Abdur-Razzāq Al-Badr, may Allāh rectify his affairs) despite the Mashāyikh's advice to cease taking knowledge from him?}"

Shaykh Sa‘d Az-Za‘atarī, may Allāh preserve him, further said:

"We say, in other words, you must advise them, Inshā' Allāh, the matter is clarified to them. Stay connected with them and explain to them what we have said about refraining and withholding taking (knowledge) from ‘Abdur-Razzāq Al-Badr. That's because he mingles and frequently visits the Ḥizbīyīn (Partisan Innovators). The position of the Salafī methodology is well-known regarding whoever mingles and frequently visits the Ḥizbīyīn (Partisan Innovators). The matter is easy, clear, and straightforward.

We have known ‘Abdur-Razzāq Al-Badr for many years since we were together at the Islāmic University of Madīnah; we did not find a single position from him, as far as what I know, where he took a stance alongside the Salafīs refuting the People of Innovation and Tribulations (Ahl-ul-Bid‘ah wa Ahl-ul-Fitan). During the tribulation of Al-Ma'ribī, we did not hear any words from him (‘Abdur-Razzāq Al-Badr). During the tribulation of Fāliḥ (Al-Ḥarbī) not a single word was said by him. Similarly he remained silent before it during the tribulations of (‘Adnān) ‘Ar‘ūr, (Muḥammad) Al-Maghrāwī, and (Yaḥyā) Al-Ḥajūrī until now. Also during the tribulations of (Muḥammad) Al-Imām, (‘Alī) Al-Ḥalabī, and this recent tribulation of Muḥammad ibn Hādī. He is still silent. Where is he in all of this (What has been his position for all these tribulations)? Where is he? For those who claim that he refutes the (Bankrupt) Brotherhood and the Tablīgh, I want you to show where he even recorded one single refutation stating that the (Bankrupt) Brotherhood are the People of Innovation and Misguidance (Ahl-ul-Bid‘ah wa Ḍalāl) and that he warns against them. Just as was done by our Mashāyikh, like Shaykh Rabī‘, Shaykh ‘Ubayd, Shaykh Aḥmad An-Najmī, Shaykh Al-Bukhārī, and other scholars.

Where is he (‘Abdur-Razzāq Al-Badr) from them? We only find him concerned and focused on the topic of Rembrances of Allāh (Athkār) and some other issues here and there like Tawḥīd which is all good. Everyone who studied Tawḥīd calls to Tawḥīd. This is a good thing which is something necessary and important. Rather it is the most important thing. But there are those who call to Tawḥīd and at the same time they aid the People of Innovation (Ahl-ul-Bid‘ah) and call to innovation themselves. Do you think that Al-Ḥalabī does not call to Tawḥīd? Al-Ḥalabī says, "I call to Tawḥīd!" But this call to Tawḥīd must be 100% correct which includes warning against the People of Innovation (Ahl-ul-Bid‘ah) and other well-known matters. Unblemished (i.e. Tawḥīd, do you understand?!). Also, now regarding ‘Abdur-Razzāq Al-Badr, we do not perform tabdī‘ (declare him to be an innovator) but just as (Muḥammad) ibn Sīrīn, may Allāh have mercy upon him, said: 'Surely this knowledge is your religion. So look (and be cautiously careful) from whom you take your religion (religious knowledge) from.'

We told the youths that we have known this man (‘Abdur-Razzāq Al-Badr) for many years now; it's known that he was advised repeatedly but he did not respond to any advice. He claims he gave da‘wah to the youth and it changed them (i.e. caused them to repent from misdeeds). This is not correct. He did not give effective da‘wah or change any of the youth for better. He did nothing in reality. Hah? Surely, I would say to him, 'The one who mingles and frequently visits (Ahl-ul-Bid‘ah) and this is what causes the People of Innovation (Ahl-ul-Bid‘ah) to feel rejoiced by him.' As a result, the followers of Al-Ḥajūrī, Al-Imām, Al-Maghrāwī, Al-Ḥalabī, and any or every Nā‘iq (i.e. Obstructionist, Abdullah, Zaid and ‘Amr) that comes along spreads this example (the fact that ‘Abdur-Razzāq Al-Badr mingles and frequently visits the Partisan Innovators) until here in Palestine, we have common-folk here who spread what they have of mostly stories and such and such. Unfortunately they spread this through pictures and image-making. This is prohibited. We ask Allāh for safety and well-being.

There is something else we want to say about him (‘Abdur-Razzāq Al-Badr) regarding this withholding (from taking a position). We want refutations against the People of Innovation (Ahl-us-Bid‘ah). Support the People of the Truth (Ahl-ul-Ḥaqq). In other words, I invite those who ardently defend him to consider this. Now why would Muḥammad ibn Yaḥyā Ath-Thuhulī, may Allāh have mercy upon him, listen and was told by reliable people that Imām Al-Bukhārī (and as a side note this was not true about him) said, 'My recitation of the Qur'ān is created.' And in actuality, Imām Al-Bukhārī truthfully and correctly said, 'The slave's (people's) actions are created'. However the transmitter of this (unreliable) speech warned against sitting with Imām Al-Bukhārī. He (Muḥammad ibn Yaḥyā Ath-Thuhulī, may Allāh have mercy upon him) warned his students so that they would not come to Imām Al-Bukhārī. Hah? He did this wanting to take precautions and guard his religion. We say this divided the Salafīs and also the People of Ḥadīth (Ahl-ul-Ḥadīth). Salafīs were not accustomed to separation. Oh my brother, if you want to take (knowledge) from him, you're free to do so. That's your business and your religion. But we, Inshā'Allāh, do not want haziness or ambiguity (i.e. to take knowledge from the unclear ones in Salafī ‘Aqīdah and Manhaj). We want clarity (i.e. to take knowledge from the clear-cut ones in Salafī ‘Aqīdah and Manhaj). This is our right, isn't it?! Oh ‘Abdur-Razzāq just be upon clarity. This is what we want. This is my position.

What is your (‘Abdur-Razzāq Al-Badr) position from Shaykh Rabī‘'s (ruling) when he said, 'Whoever is silent about the tribulation of Ibn Hādī and does not explain (his position) then abandon him.' They said to him (Shaykh Rabī‘ what about) Sulaymān Ar-Ruḥaylī (who was silent about his position). He (Shaykh Rabī‘) said, 'Abandon him!' Oh so now, Shaykh Rabī‘ is causing division?!! In other words, Shaykh Rabī‘ is not taking into account the benefits and harms (by enforcing this standard)?!! Meaning, Shaykh Rabī‘ grabs onto one mistake and now warns against someone based on just that?! The tribulation of Ibn Hādī is a tremendous one so what do you (‘Abdur-Razzāq Al-Badr) have to say regarding this?!

For years, we asked some of the Mashāyikh by saying, Allāh Musta‘ān, what should we do with him (‘Abdur-Razzāq Al-Badr)?! Hah! We advised him. Good, but now the matter became worse. Now, the People of Innovation (Ahl-ul-Bid‘ah) are rejoiced by him and they attract a greater number of people through him (‘Abdur-Razzāq Al-Badr). So what do we do now?! In other words, if you say take (knowledge) from ‘Abdur-Razzāq then the commoner and the innovator will say there is nothing wrong with this. They will also go mingle and frequently visit the People of Innovation (Ahl-ul-Bid‘ah) and give Da‘wah to them based on the fact that this Shaykh (‘Abdur-Razzāq) does that.

So why are we, if we seek clarity and no ambiguity, accused of being divisive? This speech is incorrect. So let people understand this affair. That the affair is getting worse from one aspect.

Likewise this Ṣāliḥ As-Suḥayl...Ṣāliḥ what's his name? Whose voice and recordings are widespread? What's his name? What matters. This Al-‘Uṣaymī! Yes. Ṣāliḥ Al-‘Uṣaymī. Likewise, we have the Ḥalabīyīn from here. They tell my students to try hard to travel to the lessons of this Ṣāliḥ A-‘Uṣaymī. We passed through his seminar and there is nothing in it which separates the wheat from the chaff (doesn't distinguish between truth and falsehood). The Mumayyi‘ (Diluters of the Salafī methodology) and the weak ones from the followers of Ibrāhīm Ar-Ruḥaylī here and there were at the seminar. Likewise we do not take (knowledge) from... We were asked about this Ṣāliḥ Al-‘Uṣaymī. I swear by Allāh, we do not take (knowledge from him). We do not advise (benefitting) from him. Let's be with the clear-cut ones (i.e. in Salafī ‘Aqīdah and Manhaj). Subḥānallāh. This affair is important.

What do you say about the trial of the Imām during the tribulation of the creation of the Qur’ān and what Imām Aḥmad did! This is our problem, Mā Shā' Allāh! If we want to speak about a subject, for example, the People of Innovation (Ahl-ul-Bid‘ah) and the predecessors (Salaf) we can speak a lot about it. But when it comes to to applying it, we don't act on it whatsoever!

No man should come and philosophize (or rationalize a justification) by saying look at Shaykh so and so visiting so and so or look to this. You shouldn't say this speech because it's not permissible. He's a prestigiously mindful scholar. We say he's a prestigiously mindful scholar because he's not accustomed to this (i.e. visiting the People of Innovation). And we have good thoughts regarding him because it's from the affairs of the rulers who sent him hoping and wanting to provide advice (i.e. to tell Ṣāliḥ Al-Maghāmisī to repent from his innovations). But is he accustomed to going and visiting Ṣāliḥ Al-Maghāmisī?! No! What's his Manhaj? Doesn't he have refutations against the (Bankrupt) Brotherhood?! Doesn't he have voice recordings in refutation against the (Bankrupt) Brotherhood and the Tablīgh where he warned against these groups? Doesn't he put out refutations on any issues against these Ḥizbī groups?! Do not judge and compare this with such. So we should not clarify?! Or in other words, shouldn't the students of knowledge clarify this matter. Look! We do not want to cause division. We seek protection with Allāh from that. And we are from the keenest of people to strive to unify the Salafis. But our right is to take (knowledge) from the clear-cut ones (i.e. in Salafī ‘Aqīdah and Manhaj). This is what our Mashāyikh commanded us. Yes! Allāh knows best."

Translated with the permission of Shaykh Sa‘d Az-Za‘atarī, may Allāh preserve him, by

Abū Marthad Munthir Haile

Links to the Images of the Screenshots giving permission to translate and share his response to the question:


*الله أكبر!! الله أكبر!! الله أكبر!!*

-تفصيل عجيب للشيخ سعد بن فتحي الزعتري الفلسطيني حفظه الله في قضية الدكتور عبد الرزاق البدر.

-حزمة من الأدلة، وتفنيد لبعض الشبهات، وإقامة الحجة، وكلمةٌ فصلٌ لمن كانت بُغيتُه الحق.

-فجزى الله عنا الشيخ خير الجزاء، وليحمد الله من رُزِق الوضوح وعوفيَ من الغمغمة والهمهمة.

قال الشيخ سعد الزعتري حفظه الله:

نعم، جواب السؤال الأول
يقول السائل من مدينة سلا المغربية: كيف نتعامل مع بعض إخواننا الذين لا يزالون يأخذون العلم عن الشيخ عبد الرزاق البدر، وهم مصرون على ذلك رغم نصائح المشايخ بتوقف الأخذ عنه؟

نقول يعني تناصحونهم وإن شاء الله يعني يتبين لهم الأمر وابقوا يعني على تواصل معهم وبيِّنوا لهم أن عبد الرزاق البدر (ما قلنا) ما قلناه بعدم الأخذ عنه أو التوقف عن الأخذ عنه إلا لأنه يخالط الحزبيين ومعروف منهج السلف فيمن يخالط الحزبيين. الأمر سهل وواضح وبيّن.

عبد الرزاق البدر سنين ونعرفه أيام كنا في الجامعة لم يعني نجد له موقفًا واحدًا فيما يعني أعلمه وقف فيه مع السلفيين، رد فيه على أهل البدع، على أهل الفتن، في فتنة المأربي لم نسمع له كلام، فتنة فالح، قبله فتنة عرعور، وفتنة المغراوي، وفتنة الحجوري الآن، والإمام، والحلبي، وفتنة هادي(هذه) الجديدة هادي محمد بن هادي. أين هو من هذا كله؟ أين هو؟ والذين يقولون هو يرد على الإخوان والتبليغ أنا أريد رد واحد صوتي يعني يبين فيه أنّ الاخوان المسلمين أهل بدع وضلال واحذروهم ووو... كما يفعل مشايخنا الشيخ ربيع والشيخ عبيد والشيخ أحمد النجمي والعلماء والشيخ عبد الله البخاري.

أين هو من هؤلاء؟ ما نجد إلا اهتمام بالاذكار ويعني بعض المسائل هنا وهناك وفِي التوحيد طيب الكل... كل ال.. جميع الذين درسوا التوحيد يدعون للتوحيد، هذا شي طيب وشي مطلوب وهذا شي مهم وأهم شي لكن هناك من يعني يدعو للتوحيد وفِي نفس الوقت يناصر أهل البدع ويدعو إلى البدعة ووو.. الحلبي لا يدعو إلى التوحيد!! الحلبي يقول أنا أدعو إلى التوحيد لكن هذا التوحيد يدعو ليه ما هو سليم مئة بالمائة 100% يعني الذي فيه التحذير من أهل البدع وفيه الأمور المعروفة، مشوب. وكذلك يعني الآن على الشيخ عبد الرزاق نحن لا نبدِّعه ولكن كما قال ابن سيرين-رحمه الله- "إن هذا العلم دين؛ فانظروا عمّن تأخذوا دينكم".

نحن قلنا للشباب هذا الرجل من سنين ونوصح وأعرف أنه نوصح ولَم يستجب وأقول أنا أدعوهم وأنا أغير فيهم.
كلام ما هو صحيح؛ ما دعا، ما غيّر، ما عمل شي. ها؟ فأنا أقول له هذا الذي يخالط وهذا الذي يفرح بِه أهل البدع؛ أتباع الحجوري ينشرون له، أتباع الإمام ينشرون له، أتباع المغراوي، أتباع الحلبي، أتباع أي ناعق ينشرون له. حتى عندنا هنا فلسطين في العوام ينشرون له ما عندهم وأغلبها قصص وكذا كذا وكذا وانتشروا و مع الأسف عن طريق التصوير هذا المحرم نسأل الله السلامة والعافية.

أمر آخر فنقول له وهذا يعني نتوقف. نريد ردود على أهل البدع، مناصرة لأهل الحق يعني أنا أدعو للذين يعني ينافحون عنه منافحة كبيرة يعني الآن لما محمد بن يحيى الذهلي -رحمه الله- سمع وأُخْبِر من الثقات أن البخاري وهو غير ثابت عن البخاري يقول قولي بالقرآن مخلوق والبخاري يقول أفعال العباد مخلوق وهذا حق، لكن موصل هذا الكلام حذّروا من الجلوس إليه، حذّر طلابه أنه ما يأتوا له. ها؟ هذا يريد أن يحتاط في دينه. هذا نقول فرق السلفيين، فرق أهل الحديث ما كان (كان) السلف على هذا الشي.
يا أخي هذا تريد تأخد، تأخذ حر. هذا شأنك ودينك، لكن والله نحن إن شاء الله الغمغمة لا نريدها، نريد الوضوح.
هذا حقنا ولا ما هو حقنا؟! أنت يا عبد الرزاق خليك واضح بس هذا الذي نريده. هذا موقفي.

ايش موقفكم من الشيخ ربيع لما قال يقول الشيخ: "الذي يسكت عن فتنة ابن هادي، يسكت ولا يبيِّن اتركوه". قالوا له سليمان الرحيلي، قال "اتركوه!" يا شيخ ربيع الآن مفرق!!
يعني الشيخ ربيع الآن ما راعى المصالح والمفاسد؟!! يعني على الغلطة الواحدة الشيخ ربيع مسك وحذر؟!
هادي فتنة عظيمة فماذا تقول في هذا؟!
نحن سنين ويعني نسأل بعض المشايخ وبيقولك الله المستعان ماذا نفعل؟! ها! ناصحناه، طيب الآن استفحل الأمر، الآن يفرح به ويستكثر به أهل البدع. ماذا نفعل نحن الآن؟! يعني إذا قلت خذ عن عبد الرزاق، العامي و المبتدع سيقول ما في بأس أيضًا أن نذهب ونخالط أهل البدع وندعو عندهم ووو.. بناءً على أنّ هذا الشيخ يفعل ذلك.

فلماذا نحن إذا طالبنا بالوضوح وعدم الغمغمة نقول نصبح يعني مفرقين؟ هذا كلام غير صحيح فليعقل الناس هذا الأمر لأن الأمر استفحل في هذا الجانب.

كذلك، هذا صالح السحيل.. صالح ايش اسمه هذا؟ الذي يعني الآن انتشرت صوتياته وتسجيلاته. ما اسمه؟! المهم، العصيمي هذا! نعم، صالح العصيمي. كذلك، هنا عندنا الحلبيين من هنا يقولون لطلابي شدوا الرحال إلى دروس صالح العصيمي هذا. ومررنا على حِلَقه ما فيها إلا الغث والسمين وفيها المميع والتعبان والرحيلي التابع لإبراهيم وهنا وهناك. كذلك لا نأخذ! لو سُئلنا عن صالح العصيمي هذا، والله لا نأخذ، لا ننصح به. خلينا مع الواضحين سبحان الله. هذا أمر مهم.

وماذا تقولون في فتنة الإمام في فتنة خلق القرآن والإمام أحمد وماذا فعل! هذا احنا فقط يعني نريد عند ما شاء الله إذا أردنا أن نتكلم في موضوع في أهل البدع والسلف ونتكلم عند التطبيق ما نجد!

ولا يأتي إنسان ويتفلسف ويقول لك انظر إلى الشيخ فلان زار فلان أو انظر إلى كذا ف.. لا تقول هذا الكلام هذا ما يجوز. هذا عالم وله اعتباره، عالم نقول وله اعتباره؛ لأنه ليس هذا ديدنه أولًا ونحسن الظن فيه لأنه من ولاة الأمور يعني أرسلوه لعلهم وأراد المناصحة، لكن ديدنه يذهب ويزور صالح المغامسي؟! لا. وكيف منهجه؟ ألا يرد على الإخوان؟! أليس له صوتيات في الرد على الاخوان وعلى التبليغ والتحذير من هؤلاء؟! ألا إذا جاءه شيء أن هذه فيها حزبية رد عليها؟!

هذا يختلف، لا تقيس هذه بهذه؛ فلا يجب أن نتوضح أو أن يعني يتوضح هذا الأمر لدى طلاب العلم ولا نريد تفريقًا. نعوذ بالله من ذلك ونحن من أحرص الناس على لَمِّ شمل السلفيين، لكن حقنا أن نأخذ عن الواضحين وهذا الذي أمرنا بِه مشايخنا، نعم والله أعلم.

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