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*📍The Virtuous Shaykh Sa‘d Az-Za‘atarī, May Allāh Preserve Him, Confirms, Emphasizes, And Underscores The Advice Of Al-‘Allāmah Rabī‘ Al-Madkhalī, May Allāh Preserve Him, To Take Knowledge From The Ones Who Are Clear-cut Regarding The Salafī Methodology And To Abandon The Fence-sitting Wobbly Vacillating Ficklers And The Unclear Mumbling Murmurers*

The Virtuous Shaykh Sa‘d Az-Za‘atarī, may Allāh preserve him, said:

"May the peace, mercy of Allāh, and His blessings be upon you. I would like to clarify a matter that many questions have been asked about from the students of knowledge. And it is about clarity in Manhaj/methodology. Shaykh Rabī‘, may Allāh preserve him, and other than him from the senior scholars in their books and recordings, and we have heard much from them, (have taught us) that one takes (knowledge) from (only) one who is clear-cut in his methodology and not with those who have (an unclear Manhaj) mumblings with them. Take (knowledge) from the one who supports (defends and gives victory to) the truth. Take (knowledge) from the one who warns from innovation and it's people, proponents, and leaders. Do not take (knowledge) from the Witholders (ones who just stand around not saying nothing in support of the truth or against falsehood when necessary), Fence-sitters, and Diluters (of the Salafī Methodology). Take (knowledge) from the ones who are clear-cut (in Salafī Methodology). Shaykh Rabī‘ and other than him said it before and during this time. So this is our sincere advice to the students of knowledge which is that they take (knowledge) from the ones who are clear-cut (in Salafī Methodology). The clear-cut one in (Salafī) methodology shows straightforwardness, shows that he is apparent in his affair, and the mumbler (one who's unclear in Manhaj) is well-known. So therefore we ask about (Ṣāliḥ) Al-‘Uṣaymī, (Sulaymān) Ar-Ruḥaylī, (Muḥammad Sa‘īd) Ar-Raslān, and other than him. So we say have they made clear and explained their Manhaj/methodology in particular? Or have they warned against the people of tribulations and evil particularly during the recent tribulation of (the so-called Muḥammad) ibn Hādī fitnah? Did this (Ṣāliḥ) Al-‘Uṣaymī and other than him take a stand (and warn against the people of tribulations) and warn in his recordings, audios, videos about Sayyid Quṭb, about the group of the (Bankrupt) Muslim Brotherhood. (Will he warn from them both?) And will he warn from the Tablīghī group? Will he warn from their dignitaries like Ḥasan Al-Bannā and other than them? That's the question. Will he warn from the one who is the proponent of the new tribulation? That's the question. Did ‘Abdur-Razzāq Al-Badr or other than him take a stand (regarding this new tribulation)? That's why Shaykh Rabī‘ summarized it for us when he said take (knowledge) from the ones who are clear-cut (in Salafī Methodology). And I (Sa‘d Az-Za‘atarī) (also) say take (knowledge) from the ones who are clear-cut (in Salafī Methodology). If Sa‘d Fatḥī Sa‘īd Az-Za‘atarī, me the speaker, did not show clarity regarding the tribulation of (the so-called Muḥammad) ibn Hādī, (Ibrāhīm) Ar-Ruḥaylī, and other than it from the tribulations of (‘Alī) Al-Ḥalabī. Is there any speech from (Ṣāliḥ) Al-‘Uṣaymī regarding (‘Alī) Al-Ḥalabī? Show us the speech of ‘Abdur-Razzāq Al-Badr regarding (‘Alī) Al-Ḥalabī. Until they clarify, then I am articulating (to you) don't take (knowledge from them). The one who shows clarity in the (Salafī) methodology. So take (knowledge) from him and we withhold (taking knowledge from) other than him. And this (lack of clarity) mumbling in Salafī methodology we reject and had enough of it. This is what I wanted to explain. So we ask Allāh for unity, success, and correctness. And Allāh knows best."

Translated with the permission of Shaykh Sa‘d Az-Za‘atarī, may Allāh preserve him, by

Abū Marthad Munthir Haile


*📍تأكيد الشيخ الفاضل سعد الزعتري حفظه الله على وصية العلامة ربيع المدخلي حفظه الله بأخذ العلم عن الواضحين في المنهج السلفي وترك المغمغمين والمذبذبين*

قال الشيخ الفاضل سعد الزعتري حفظه الله:

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
أود أن أبين أمرا يسأل عنه الكثير من طلبة العلم وهو الوضوح في المنهج. الشيخ ربيع حفظه الله وغيره من العلماء الكبار في كتبهم وأشرطتهم وسمعنا الكثير عنهم أن خذوا عمن منهجه واضحا لا غمغمة فيهم. خذوا عمن ينصر الحق وخذوا عمن يحذر من البدع وأهلها وأصحابها ورؤوسها ولا تأخذوا عن الواقفين والمذبذبين والمميعين. خذوا عن الواضحين قالها الشيخ ربيع وغيره من قبل وفي هذه الآونة. فهذه نصيحتنا للطلبة أن يأخذوا عن الواضحين. والواضح في المنهج يظهر مباشرا ويبين ويظهر أمره وصاحب الغمغمة يعرف. لذلك نسأل عن العصيمي وعن الرحيلي وعن الرسلان وعن غيره. فنقول هل قد أوضحوا وبينوا منهجهم خاصة أو تحذيرهم من أهل الفتن وأهل الشر خاصة في الفتنة الأخيرة فتنة ابن هادي؟ هل وقف هذا العصيمي وغيره وحذر في شريط له أو في مسموع أو مرئي عن سيد قطب عن جماعة الإخوان المسلمين احذروها عن جماعة التبليغ وحذر من أعيانهم من حسن البنا وحذر من غيرهم؟ هذا هو السؤال. وحذر من من هو صاحب الفتنة الجديدة؟ هذا هو السؤال. هل وقفوا عبد الرزاق البدر وغيره؟ لذلك الشيخ ربيع اختصر علينا وقال خذوا من الواضحين. وأنا أقول خذوا من الواضحين. لو كان سعد فتحي سعيد الزعتري أنا المتكلم غير واضح في فتنة ابن هادي في فتنة الرحيلي في غيرها من الفتن في الحلبي. هل في كلام العصيمي عن الحلبي؟ بينوا في كلام عبد الرزاق عن الحلبي. إذا بينوا إذا أنا أبين لا تأخذوا. الذي يبين واضح في المنهج خذوا عنه وغيره نتوقف. وهذه الغمغمة نرفضها في المنهج السلفي واكتفينا. هذا الذي أردت أن أوضحه. فنسأل الله للجميع الهداية والتوفيق والسداد. والله أعلم.

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