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Roblox: why are yuo still ignoring my questions?
Fox: Then why don't you answer my original question?
Roblox: which is?
Fox: *leans in* where are you from? Coming from your attitude, you don't sound or act like any Algolian.
Roblox: That's true. But trust me when I say this, but all I will confirm is that I'm not from Algolia, nor am I from the Darklanders.
Fox: *leans away, and sighs* That answer is enough to satisfy me. I am heading out now, and don't bother following me.
Roblox: *scoffs, rolls her eyes* As if I would.
The two head in the same direction, and the two glare at each other.
Fox: I thought I told you not to follow me?
Roblox: I'm not. I'm going to babysit. Besides, even if I weren't a babysitter, I would follow you around because I'm sure you wouldn't want your cloak lying around. Algolia may be a better place than any other nation around, but that doesn't mean there are still people who will steal things that are lying around.
Fox: Wait. You're going to babysit in the castle? That is the worst excuse I have ever heard.
Roblox: I'm not kidding! I thought you heard? The king and queen had a baby!
Fox: No way are you the babysitter. I presumed that the two would have someone more... *looks her up and down* mature, to be babysitting their child.
Roblox: Well, that's what I thought, until they said pretty recently that they wanted their daughter to live among the commoners.
Fox: *brows furrowed, raises an eyebrow in confusion but does not question further.*
Roblox: Are you headed to the king and queen?
Fox: Yes.
Roblox: Finally, you answered my question properly. Hey, for what reason are you going to them?
Fox: That, is none of your business.
Roblox: *sighs in defeat* You are an odd Algolian. OR SHOULD I SAY DARKLANDER?? Perhaps I should report you to the guards.
Fox: Not all Darklanders are born to be evil. Some even act villainous because of trauma or loss. Some have even reformed. *stops walking to stare at Roblox* I thought people like you would be educated on that?
Roblox: Jeez, I'm kidding.
Fox: *continues walking* Clearly, you are not a good fit as a babysitter. Jokes like those are not funny. I wouldn't even call them jokes.
Roblox: *looks away, hurt* ...Sorry.
Fox: So long as you are educated.

*cut back to Bub*
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