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Think back to a recent project you worked on. If you were the BA on that initiative, how would you define its change strategy now?

I used to help in my Father’s business. We had a basement which is quite big and had a common entry with our home. So, it made inconvenience for the family members as well as the clients because the clients had to cover a long distance to reach the basement. Me and father thought to renovate the basement so that the entry should be from outside and also there should be partition so that we will use the basement for better arrangements of the products. We analyze the current state that is big basement with the common entry and a need for change.

After planning, we went to the supplier which was our family friend and we ordered the things like cement, bricks etc. The renovation was started and we faced issues such as shortage of materials, also the material would not reach on time. So, we moved to the market and bought things at same time which was quite disappointment. It was like time taking process but we had to do this for our stakeholders who are my family and the clients. When the renovation completed, everybody were happy. All products were arranged properly in both the basements and there is separate entry for the basements.

If I was BA at that time, I analyze the suppliers so that we should not face the shortage of the materials as well as the delay response. Also, I should analyze the risk as what are the risks in renovating the basement and what are the solutions of those risks.
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