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Thank you calling bank of America
This is John .How can I help you today
We will surely help you today
May I have your full name?
And the registered phone number with your account
Please provide me the last 4 digits of your account/card
To pull up your account, I m placing your call on hold. Please stay on line

Hold (1 minute)

Thank you for staying on line. I appreciate your patience
For security and verification of your account please confirm the last available balance in your account or last available credit limit on your card
Could you please explain me the issue that you have with your card/account
Alright, first of all provide me the details of amazon representative to whom you had a word with.
Let cust speak
Have they sent any email to the bank?
Lemme go ahead and check the email from amazon and I will also verify the details of amazon representative
I am placing your call on hold .Please stay on line

Hold ( 3-4 Min)

Thank you for staying on line
Yes Robert we have received the email from amazon and we also got a green flag on the details of the Amazon representative that you have given to me
I can see the details of unauthorised order from your amazon account in the email
Please confirm the last transactions that you did from your card ending with 5689
(Sir Account details are high confidential information which we cannot disclose without making sure that you are the card holder/account holder)
This account is under the name of Robert and we need to make sure you are the account/card holder before disclosing any information of account with you)

I would like to inform you that apart from these transactions that you confirmed there are two more pre authorised transfer of $5000 and $3000 which has been made from your account at 9 am and 9:30 am in the morning and the amount will get debit from your account in next 2 hours.
Did u do this these transactions?
Let cust speak
The money is going to company name PLC support which I believe is a computer company.
Let cust speak
Robert we had sent you a onetime password on your registered phone number for authorising this pre-approved transfer and it has been successfully verified from your end.
Since it is a pre authorised transfer which has approved from your end so we cannot cancel it from here. As per the bank terms and conditions we are not authorised to cancel the pre authorised transfer
But I will definitely go ahead and talk to our fraudulent team. I m placing your call on hold again to talk to the our fraudulent team..Please stay on line

Hold (4-5 min)
Thank you for holding the line .I appreciate your time and patience
I had a word with fraudulent team and I explained them the situation that we have today
We are assigning this case to our legal team, they will Gonne work on it. Please write down the case number
Robert I would also like to inform you that there is federal investigation going on your case and we are on a recorded line.
And we are going to use this call recording as an evidence in the court room for filing a lawsuit against PLC support
We are filing a lawsuit of $18000 against the PLC support claiming compensation for illegal fraudulent transfer, mental harassment and distress .Therefore you will be entitled for the compensation of $18000.It will take up to 7 working days to win the lawsuit and later on you will receive the compensation of $18000 in your bank account. You will receive an automated notification via email once the payment has been made. 
First and foremost we need to stop the transaction and safeguard your money
We have two hours from now to safeguard your money
As we already explained you that we cannot stop pre authorised transfer from here therefore we have to go out of the way to safeguard your money.
At the first place the remaining limit of your card has been frozen by the bank). So that no one will be able to use your remaining balance. Your account remaining balance is secured now and $8000 is unsecured amount which we need to safeguard
Lemme explain what you have to do in order to safeguard your money and file a lawsuit for compensation of $18000
According to banking policy duplicate transactions automatically get declined by the bank server
Therefore we have to show duplicate transaction of same amount in order to cancel this preauthorised transfer of $8000.
You have to do transactions of same amount before pre authorised transfer get debited from your account i.e. within two hours.
Once you will do the transaction of same amount .Anyway ,your balance will be insufficient for pre authorised transfer and also because of duplicate transactions pre-authorised transfer will automatically get declined by the bank server.

If you do the transaction on buying anything like groceries or anything else. In this case bank will not be able to put a dispute on that transaction and we will not be able to put the money back into your account
In this scenario since there will be no dispute therefore it will not possible for us to file a lawsuit against PLC support claiming compensation of $18000
So, In order to file a lawsuit for compensation and to safeguard your money you have to do transaction of same amount with gift cards.
Now day’s gift card cards are being used in various kind of computer scams .so, when you will do the transaction of same amount with gift cards.We can easily put a dispute on that transactions of gift card and you will get the money back in your account
We will show to the court room duplicate transaction of gift card are done by PLC support for claiming the compensation of $18000 that you will receive in your bank account
If in case you don’t spend and use the money within 2 hours .Anyway, the Pre authorised transfer of $8000 will get debit from account after 2 hours.
(There is certain line of credit which is given to the customer by the bank, on your account the line of credit is sufficient enough to cover up the $2000)
Let customer speak
Lemme go ahead find a place where you can get the gift cards?
Robert do you have Lowes nearby to your place. You can easily get the gift cards for $8000 from Lowes.
Let customer speak
How far it is from your home?
Robert As I already informed that there is federal investigation going on your case and this call recording will be used as an evidence in court, so you cannot disclose the case details with anyone
Secondly as you already know we are going to put a dispute on those gift therefore if you will inform the Lowes store guy that you are buying those cards to put a dispute on them later
They will never let you buy those cards therefore we request you to do not disclose anything to the Lowes store guy.
You have play smart over there If they ask you “why are you buying these cards “, you can tell them anything like you wants to gift it you daughter or your grandson
You also have to grab your driving licence as well, because the store guy gonna ask you to show your driving licence for buying those cards
Let customer speak
Robert, I will stay on line till the problem gets resolved and please make sure this call does not get disconnected until we fix the situation. I will be with you all the time to guide you out till the issue get resolved .Please write down the number to call me back if in case we get disconnected
Robert please go ahead and put your shoes on, grab your car keys and driving licence along with you.
And also don’t forget to wear face mask.
When you reach outside the Lowes store at the parking lot.
Just say hi to me and just make sure to talk to me before you go inside the Lowes store. And I will guide you from there
In the mean while lemme try to buy some more time for this pre authorised transaction
We will talk to financial institution which is receiving the money to buy some more time for this transfer
When Customer reaches the parking lot
Also we will going to work on both pre authorised transfer one by one .At first we will work on 1st pre authorised transfer of $5000 therefore you only have to grab gift card of $5000 from Lowes and then later on we will work on 2nd pre authorised transfer
Here do the revision with customer
You can put this call on speakerphone and just place your phone inside the pocket
Once you come out of the store first of all sit inside the car and lemme know you are back
When came out from store
Alright, so you got the cards.
Now just reach your home and then we will go ahead and put a dispute on these cards
When customer reaches home
In order to put the dispute on these cards first of all we need the transaction number which is there on the receipt . Now, use a coin to scratch off silver panel on the back side of card
we also requires the cards numbers which are there on the back side of the card to put a dispute There will be a 4 digit pin as well
Now please write down phone number which I m providing u.
In order to put a dispute and file a lawsuit against PLC support we also required the pictures of the cards and receipt.
You have to send the pictures of receipt and all cards on the phone number that I gave you.
After getting the details
Lemme go ahead and work on your case .it will take at least 15-20 minutes .I will place your call on hold .You can sit back and relax and have a glass of water or wine for yourself. And please put me on speakerphone so that you can hear my voice when I am done

Red flag situation

Robert your card got declined by red flag department because you are purchasing gift card of $5000
Also they are not aware about federal investigation and lawsuit which is goin on
Since you are buying gift cards of a $5000 therefore the red flag department want to make sure that you are the one who is buying these gift cards.
Lemme go ahead and patch your call to the red flag department. You have to talk to red flag department to authorised this purchase
As they are not aware of the federal investigation which is going on and also we can’t disclose the investigation details with each and every person as it is a highly confendential information. Hence make sure you don’t disclose any information regarding this case with person of red flag department.
You just have to ask the red flag department to authorise the transaction which you are doing now
Now, I am patching your call to the red flag department and just follow the IVR in order to get connected with red flag department.

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Regards; Team

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