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June 2nd, 2021, 4:16 PM.
Recently, I've begun playing a game called "けものむすめのそだてかた." In English, it translates to "How to raise a Wolf Girl."
To get things straight; You play as a guy named Shuuji. He has a little sister named Kotori.

Shuuji Kousaka; The main character and the guy you play as. His father died in a car crash, and when he was a kid, his mother left saying, "I don't want you." Essentially abandoning him and his baby sister. He sees himself in Iroha, because they have similar pasts; without the "Being spirited away by a Wolf Deity" bit. He lives with his Grandpa and his Sister in the sticks.

Kotori Kousaka; Shuuji's little sister. Presumably still in elementary school. She is doing her best to convince others she's an adult. The game description said this was a potential Harem game with all the characters on the options menu with the exception of one. I however; don't believe this exception is Kotori, for reasons I'll get to later. If you can woo your elementary grade little sister, that brings up several red flags; the most notable being Pedophilia and Incest. If it gives me the option, I will avoid her at all costs.

Kana Kagaya; Your childhood best friend. She wants to be your wife in the near future, and strives to be the perfect wife. She doesn't take lightly to other girls who flirt with Shuuji, and very frequently tends to get violent with Shuuji, but not in a bad way; More-so like; "Shuuji...! Why hang out with her when your future wife is in FRONT OF YOU!" She also tends to jump to conclusions extremely fast. She is very jealous of Iroha, who, we will get to in a bit.

Sakuraba Iroha. The Wolf Girl of the game. When she was young, she got spirited away from her home by a Wolf God. Her family set up a search party to look for her. When the search failed, she was presumed dead and disowned, leaving her completely without any family. When she returned to her original realm 10 years later, she couldn't remember how to speak and do other things. In other words; She lived like an animal. So Shuuji and Kana are going to take care of her and raise her. However; Judging by the point in the story I'm at, she is developing a crush on Shuuji. Whether Iroha will go into heat like an actually Wolf is to be discovered as of yet. She also has a particular fondness of Shuuji.

Chihiro Kotsugai. Iroha's childhood best friend. Nicknamed: Chiicha by Iroha. When Iroha was presumed dead, it must have destroyed her emotionally; So much to the point, I'm not sure she's experienced any emotion until ten years later. When Shuuji and Kana bring Iroha to school, Chihiro sees her childhood friend in front of her for the first time in a decade, with a pair of wolf ears on her head and a fluffy tail on her back, no less. To me, she seems like the villain of the story, but I can't confirm until I get later into the story. She's emotionally distraught at the reappearance of her quote unquote "Dead" Friend. She also seems to have a crush on Shuuji.

Kisaka Marin; the School Nurse. She has a fascination with Iroha and at first calls her a cryptid, before settling on the term "Supernatural Creature." From what I learned in school, those two descriptions should be the same, I think. Anyway, she would like to experiment on Iroha. Shuuji even refers to her as a mad scientist.

Chatty; This is the exception in the Harem whom I believe. The best way I can describe Chatty is a small, round dog. Not much information is known about Chatty, but I have a feeling its a manifestation of The Wolf God. That's mainly why I believe him to be the exception to the Harem.

I will make another when I get further into the story.
This is OP, signing off.
June 2nd, 2021, 4:52 PM.
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