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To Whom It May Concern,

My name is Wanda Brown and this is what happened on the morning of Aug 15th, 2014. All us culinary employees met with chef Swen to have him see if we can all meet with Tom Anastasia and discuss the matter of employee pay rates being reduced & what effect it was going to have on all of the employees. I wanted to hear from the big bosses up because I don't think it has been fair for chef swen to just get back from helping out with a new unit opening in another state. Then come back to work with the General manager quitting along with the Catering Sales manager. Chef Swen said that he has emailed, text, & tried to call Tom about this matter to find a solution & to answer questions that we had. Chef asked us to go to the 6th floor of the Deacon tower & that Tom was going to meet us up there. Tom had called chef swens phone while we were waiting & told chef he would be up here when he's finished with his meeting. Chef swen let us knowed that so we all hold out up there till Tom finally came to meet with us.When he got to the meeting. he looked mad & started getting loud with chef. He asked why were all the cooks here? He said he thought he was meeting with the sous chefs John, Pam, & Clint, and with chef Swen. Tom knew we were there to meet with him. Chef told him that on the phone. Anthony spoke up & asked Tom was the hourly employees going to have their pay cut same as the sous chefs? Tom gave us a long answer about losing $500,000 and that the unit has to make cuts and never gave us an answer. Then Derek the new GM came over to us & said that if we care about our jobs and family that we need to get back to work or we will be fired! That upset us because he was not in the meeting. We never got a good answer from tom. We told Derek that we don't want to be fired and wants to go back to work but we want to know about the pay. He said then you all quit then & we said no, we are not quitting we just want to hear it from tom what is going to happen. Tom came over to our area & said look guys we need you down in the restaurant now. Go to work & we can discuss later. So we left back to work upset. I'm not happy with my job anymore but do not want to get fired. Everything changed for the worst since chef swen and the other sous chefs were fired. Employees keep quitting and the management staff doesn't care about us. Please do not usew this to get me fired. I just wanted to tell the truth. I can be contacted by email at [email protected] or by phone 336-918-7691.

Wanda Brown
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Regards; Team

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