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Archived Tape #1
Archivists' note: This tape is from an unknown entity roaming the backrooms. Keep in mind it's still out there.

tape goes in

Hêllð †ð †hê lµ¢k¥ þêr§ðñ whð £ðµñÐ †hï§ †åþê. ¥ðµ Ððñ'† kñðw mê, ßµ† Ì'm hêrê †ð ïñ£ðrm ¥ðµ åß𵆠§ðmê†hïñg. Ðð ñÖ† †rµ§† †hê VðïÐ Èñ†ï†¥. †hêrê rµ†hlꧧ åñÐ wïll kïll ¥ðµ ï£ ¥ðµ'rê ñð† ¢årꣵl. Ðð ñð† †rµ§† †hêm. †hê¥ wïll ðþêñ hðlê§ †ð †hê vðïÐ åñÐ †hêñ †hê¥ wïll kïll ¥ðµ. †hê¥ wïll †êår ¥ðµ µþ ïñ†ð llê þïê¢ê§. Ðð ñð† êñ†êr þh ßlå¢k hðlê§. ¥ðµ håvê ßêêñ wårñêÐ.

tape goes out

Archived Tape #2
Archivists Note: Another tape I found, this time somewhere in level 5. It seems to be a chat log between two people. I'll call both of them A and B (for privacy reasons).

tape goes in

A: Ugh, this painting again.

B: You sure it's just junk painting?

A: Yeah, of course. It's obviously just junk.

B: Could be symbolic of something. I mean, this octopus probably means Cthulhu, right?

A: It's just an octopus! What could go wrong?

B: Sarah, everything could go wrong.

A: Quiet, Nick.

silence for 10 seconds.

A: Nick, do you see this?

B: What?

A: A note.

B: Let me see.

it reads: "Hêllð, §åråh åñÐ ñï¢k. ¥ðµ Ððñ'† kñðw mê, ßµ† Ì kñðw ¥ðµ. Ì'vê ßêêñ w冢hïñg ¥ðµ §ïñ¢ê ¥ðµ êñ†êrêÐ Lêvêl 5. ¥ðµ þrðßåßl¥ §åw hðlê§ ïñ †hê wåll§. †hð§ê lêåÐ †ð †hê vðïÐ. Ððñ'† êñ†êr †hêm. ¥ðµ'll rêgrê† ï†. Ì'm †hê †rµê þrð†ê¢†ðr. Ððñ'† †rµ§† åñ¥ðñê, ñð† êvêñ ¥ðµr§êl£ ðr †hê ð†hêr. †rµ§† ñð ðñê."

B: Ho..Holy shit.

A: How did it knew our names?

B: I..I don't know.

A: If that painting could talk, I'm booking it.

B: No. It isn't that squid entity. It's someone else.

A loud bang is heard. Then we hear A screaming.


static for 3 seconds.

tape goes out.
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