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<h1>Why You Should Build A Facebook Chatbot And Advantages Of Creating A Chatbot On Facebook For Your Business</h1>
Many companies are developing Facebook chatbots to improve interaction with their target audience. They are looking for ways to make it easier to interact with people and bring brands closer to their customers.
Below we will talk about three good reasons why you should create a Facebook chatbot:
1) The chatbot will be able to answer questions 24/7.
2) The chatbot can be used as a customer service agent
3) It is easy and quick to set up.

What Is A Chatbot On Facebook Useful For?
To provide more tools to businesses, Facebook recently introduced a new feature:
implementing chatbots in Messenger to respond to common customer questions and meet exact requirements. But what precisely is a chatbot?
The word chatbot is composed of two components: “chat,” which means “to converse,” and “bot,” which originate from a robot.
So, a chatbot in Facebook is an expert system program that can “converse” with people, answer specific questions and make suggestions immediately. By doing this, it is possible to configure it to answer the audience according to the profile and the company’s exact needs in question. For a chatbot to work on Facebook, it must be integrated with the Messenger chat application and work from there. Let’s look at the benefits a chatbot can have for your business.

Benefits Of Creating A Chatbot On Facebook For Your Business
A chatbot allows you to:
• Provide personalized attention to your customers in real-time.
• Answer their questions at any time of the day.
• Add useful features to your fan page (a good reason to follow you on Facebook).
• Secure your customers’ loyalty by answering their questions immediately.
• Configure programmed questions that match your different business goals.
• Offer essential support without having to pay a person to do it.
• Catch doubting customers by giving them the answer they need at the right moment.
To get the maximum benefit from a chatbot on Facebook, you must define its primary goal. For example, this way, it can help you respond to technical inquiries regarding your item or area, or you can configure it to advertise an offer or link.
Now that you know how a chatbot works on Facebook let’s look at how it works. Through Facebook Messenger’s API (Application Programming Interface), chatbots can interact with humans via text, video, images, and buttons with calls to action.
For example, a chatbot can help users book an appointment, purchase a product, or complete an online request. To start interacting with your chatbot, users need to click on the Facebook Messenger button available on your fan page.
After clicking marketing chatbot (shown in the image below), users will see a chat window with a greeting or a presentation of options they can choose between to receive a response that suits their needs and start the dialogue. They must click on the “Get Started” button to do this. Once they press “Get Started,” a collection of keywords will guide customers through different procedures that will complete the interaction, all of which will save them time and eliminate unnecessary options that will not lead to the satisfaction of their needs.
The chatbot uses the keywords users write in the chat line during the dialogue and interprets what they might be looking for. For instance, if you have a shoe shop and users type in the term “Adidas,” you can configure the chatbot so that the response includes deals with that word.
How can you produce a chatbot on Facebook? Step-by-step instructions, In summary, you can create a chatbot in Facebook whose artificial intelligence includes keywords and predefined answers that you specify. This way, the “bot” can respond with text fragments pre-written by you to provide the user with the correct answers.
Now that you know the theory let’s learn how to create a Facebook chatbot step by step. To get started, you’ll need tools like Botsify Chatfuel, which will allow you to create your chatbot without knowing anything about programming. Next, we will explain how you can create your chatbot on Facebook for free using Chatfuel. This way, you can create a chatbot based on the menu system you have predefined. This way, users will see the options they can click on to guide them through the menu you have created.

Terms You Need To Know For Creating Your Chatbot
Before proceeding, it is beneficial to look at some terms you will find when creating your chatbot on Facebook:
A block consists of one or more cards (in other words, messages). Multiple cards can be part of the same block, which means they can be displayed as a single response. You can also include a button to the bottom of a card to offer users a clock URL or open new answer blocks with more options.
A text card provides space for text, buttons, and short answers
A card gallery can contain numerous images in a carousel, each with a title, subtitle, URL, buttons, or short answer. A quick answer is an additional card that provides information about what to do next in the instruction sequence if the user does not know what to do next.
An image card can contain an image and a short answer
A “plugin” card contains built-in options, such as the ability to sign up to your blog through RSS, send a post from one of your social networks via tools like IFTTT, and various other options.

Steps For Creating Facebook Chatbox
Step 1: The first thing you call for is to create a Chatfuel account. After logging in with Facebook, click on the “+” sign as shown here:
Step 2: You must select a template to edit or create a chatbot from scratch (in this guide, we choose the latter). Get in a name for the chatbot in the message box and click ” develop a Chatbot” to create it.
Step 3: Click “Link to Facebook” to connect it to your fan page.
Step 4: Choose an existing Facebook web page (your company’s) or create a fan page where you want to install the chatbot.
Step 5: Click “Create” in the menu on the side tab in Chatfuel to start creating your chatbot on Facebook.
Step 6: The welcome message is a text card by default and is the first thing people will see after hitting the Messenger button on your fan page. You can leave this message card, add another one (for example, an image card) or opt for other options like a plugin or a card gallery.
Step 7: Enter the appropriate components of your chosen card. You can also add switches to the card that users can click to perform a specific option, such as visiting a website, opening a new block, or making a call.
Step 8: The default response is the block that appears in the main menu button at startup. Chatfuel allows you to change the message (the first response when the client asks something). You can alter the text or create a custom block to replace this default response.
Step 9: Remember to add more than one button to this card. If your followers ask more often about your company’s dates or location, this way, you can create additional blocks with this information to show to users.
Click on the “+ Add Block” button to create a new block
Step 10: After clicking it, a new window will open to create new cards and buttons to guide customers to new choices.
Step 11: When you are pleased with your chatbot, click on “Test This Chatbot” to save the changes.
Step 12: Click on “View on Messenger” to test your chatbot.
Step 13: Testing the chatbot from tablets, smartphones, and other computers is recommended. If something does not work the way you expected, click the help button in Chatfuel located in the bottom right edge or contact the company for assistance.
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