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Tinnitus and CBD: Will it help

What is Tinnitus?

Tinnitus is a physiological condition caused by constant ringing, and buzzing in the ears that isn't present in any way. According to a study 10% of the world is suffering from Tinnitus. 15 million suffer from Tinnitus and seeking medical attention every year in the U.S alone. Sometimes, a underlying hearing issue may also be the cause of Tinnitus. People living in noisy environments are more susceptible to hearing loss over other people. A patient suffering from a head injury could also suffer from Tinnitus. According to some medical researches, Tinnitus can be considered as a Genetic condition. Viral and Bacterial infections are another main cause of Tinnitus. The likelihood of developing Tinnitus are higher for elderly than those who are young.

Tinnitus is not terribly dangerous but it can become the cause of many serious medical conditions and diseases. If a person is constantly hearing the sound of buzzing and ringing or ringing, it can cause constant feeling of frustration that is extremely difficult to manage. The most prominent signs and symptoms of Tinnitus can be seen as follows,



Inattention and loss of focus


Frustrating behavior


Tinnitus can be extremely annoying as it's extremely difficult to forget about it. It gets more annoying when a person suffering from it tries to sleep or relax.

CBD to treat Tinnitus CBD for Tinnitus: Will it help?

CBD (Cannabidiol) is the chemical compound from the hemp plant. It is available in the form CBD Oil. CBD is non-toxic and not psychoactive. People are using CBD for the treatment of a myriad of mental illnesses for a number of years. Our today's topic is about the utilization of CBD to treat Tinnitus. The information available is sporadic. is available regarding the medical benefits of CBD in Tinnitus. According to a few independent study, CBD can be effective in the alleviation of various symptoms of Tinnitus such as insomnia, Headache, loss of concentration, anxiety, and Depression. The exact mechanism for this symptom's alleviation is not fully understood, but some research studies have suggested the following method for this purpose.

U CBD reduces depression and anxiety through interaction with the Serotonergic system:

CBD can aid in Tinnitus by interacting in the body's Serotonergic System. Depression and anxiety are the two major symptoms of Tinnitus. when they are reduced, the intensity of the symptoms of Tinnitus could be decreased. Tinnitus has already been a troubling condition and can be worsened by depression.

Serotonergic System comprises a multi-faceted neurological network. It is responsible for the control of many functions , including learning, stress, anxiety, and depression. CBD is a part of this system to bring about changes in it to lessen anxiety and depression.

There's a second mechanism through which CBD helps to reduce anxiety and Depression. In this mechanism, CBD works with your body's Endocannabinoid System. The Endocannabinoid system is found throughout the body. It regulates many vital functions, such as Pain reception as well as inflammation production, memory, and emotion. The Endocannabinoid System regulates these functions via its receptors. There are two main types that comprise Endocannabinoid receptors. CB1 receptors as well as CB2 receptors. Within these two categories, CB1 receptors responsible for the regulation of depression and anxiety.

CBD molecules bind with CB1 receptors and enhance their signaling capabilities to reduce level of anxiety. CBD can also increase the production of Serotonin , which is known as a "happy chemical".

Based on a study in rats (2016), CBD could be used to help reduce general anxiety in rodents. Apart from this study, there are several research studies available supporting the idea that CBD is able to alleviate depression and anxiety symptoms.

U CBD can relieve Insomnia:

As we have discussed earlier, Insomnia is another major manifestation of Tinnitus. Insomnia can be described as a condition in which sufferers find it difficult for them to get to bed and remain asleep. Sometimes, Tinnitus triggers anxiety and depression in which individuals have difficulty falling asleep and may develop Insomnia. In the prior section we've explained how CBD can relieve depression and anxiety. The relief from anxiety is directly connected to the relief of Insomnia. If a person is not suffering from anxiety, they can automatically fall asleep easily. This fact is supported by a study published earlier this year. In this study, 70 patients with anxiety and insomnia problems were administered by CBD (150 mg) for a month. The results were awe-inspiring. A majority of patients reported an improvement in their sleeping. A majority of patients felt more content and at ease. The study was a huge leap forward for researchers working on the therapeutic benefits of CBD. While it's not enough, but this study has opened the door of research about CBD ability to help treat Tinnitus.

CBD is believed to be effective in painkilling by binding with CB2 receptors of the Endocannabinoid System. Through this mechanism, CBD can ease headaches caused by Tinnitus. Headache is one of the most common symptoms of Tinnitus.


From the above discussion it is clear that CBD has the ability to combat Tinnitus-related symptoms and signs especially anxiety, depression, and insomnia. CBD does so by interacting to the body's Endocannabinoid System and Serotonergic System. We've talked about some research studies published in this field. However, there is not enough information on the medicinal uses of CBD. The research into CBD's potential to combat Tinnitus continues. It is our recommendation that you should consult with your doctor before you begin using CBD. Still, if you want to take CBD for the first time, you should start with a low dose first. It will be very helpful to know the adverse impacts and benefits from CBD on your body.

Thank you for taking the time to read this article!

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