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Root Canals in Capitol Hill Seattle
No other word strikes more fear in the heart of the average dental patient than "root canal." The mere mention of this treatment starts people worrying, and you can easily see why.

What is a root canal anyway? Why do I need one? What will it feel like? How much does it cost? And most importantly - Will it hurt?

We're going to cover all these questions and more in this article, so let's get started: What Is A Root Canal Anyway?

The dictionary defines "root canal" as: 1) an abnormal passage or channel in certain organs. 2) surgical removal of such passages with filling and sealing . 3) an organ such as fallopian tube including such a passage or channel.

What's happening during a root canal? Is there some kind of surgery going on? Of course not! Even though I've read about this treatment since my childhood and even worked with endodontists (the guys who do root canals) for many years, I still have a hard time explaining this treatment to people! It's very complex and defies accurate description.

Basically, during a root canal treatment, the endodontist (the doctor) cleans out an infected tooth. The dentist does this by making an opening (incision) in the tooth and removing whatever decaying material remains inside. Once the dentist has removed as much of the infected tissue as possible, he or she cleans out the canals of all diseased tissue. This requires the dentist to make very fine files that are flexible enough to maneuver through tiny spaces! The whole process typically takes two or three appointments over several weeks time.

Once this is done, our endodontist fills up each canal with a special root canal filling called gutta percha . After that they seal off your tooth with a crown . Finally - you're finished !! So what does this have to do with pain? Isn't it just an expensive cleaning job?

The answer YES - sort of ... You see, the reason your tooth hurts is because bacteria have gotten into its root canals. Since these canals are near the nerve of your tooth, this causes severe pain . The endodontist has to remove all that diseased tissue or you'll continue to feel pain! You might be wondering why I used the word "sort of" when describing the cleaning process. Don't get me wrong - this treatment does clean out an infected tooth. But there's more to it than just that...

For example, what makes teeth decay? Tooth decay begins with bacterial plaque which builds up on our teeth after we eat foods containing carbohydrates (sugar). This acidic plaque slowly dissolves the enamel of our teeth day in and day out until the decay reaches the inside of our teeth. If you have a lot of plaque build up, it will take approximately two years for tooth decay to reach the nerve of your tooth. However, if you don't brush and floss every day, this process can occur more quickly.

This brings us to another important point - prevention ! Toothbrushes are only designed for cleaning on top of your teeth - not all around them! Your tongue also has bacteria on it that excrete an acidic fluid that dissolves your enamel too! This is why flossing and brushing alone can't save you from having a root canal treatment some day . You need to use dental floss , interdental brushes , mouthwash , fluoride treatments , get everything!

You also need to make sure you're getting fluoride treatments at your dental office whenever they are available. There are ways to apply fluoride topically (toothpaste, varnish, rinses, etc...) and this is a good thing too BUT it doesn't work as well as applying a fluoride treatment directly to the inside of your tooth . Your enamel dissolves away slowly over time so the best defense you have against losing it is by replenishing what's been lost with an ongoing treatment of fluoride applications !

Other ways our teeth decay: In addition to bacterial plaque , there are other problems that can cause tooth decay. Here's a list of some other conditions that contribute to tooth decay:

-Diet high in carbohydrates

-Sensitivity to hot or cold temperature changes

-Hormones - Children going through puberty are particularly susceptible to tooth decay. Why? Because their hormones cause an increase in the production of plaque!

-Medications that make our mouth dry (antihistamines, blood pressure medications, etc...)

The good news is that in many cases these conditions don't require a root canal treatment . If you get your teeth cleaned at least twice per year , then you should be able to avoid this invasive procedure. Here's another thing about root canals - they're not cheap! I know people who have paid $4000+ for this treatment. Yikes! Now imagine what it would cost if the tooth isn't treated and eventually dies . The average cost of a root canal is around $1500 so it's in your best interest to get regular dental cleanings and avoid this treatment in the first place!

I hope you enjoyed this article on root canals.

Capitol Hill Seattle Dentist located in 963 E Union Street Seattle, WA 98122 specialize in all kind of dental procedures. Visit their website on or give them a call on (206) 323-7727 or (206) 323-7659.
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