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History 2A Notes

By 1929, more money is spent on advertising than on education.

In 1929, $6 billion of goods are bought on credit, but 80% of Americans have no savings at all.

By October 1929, The stock market lost 12 times more money in there third week.

34 million Americans have no source of income.

Only 2% of the population own stocks, The other 98% get on with their lives.

he Bank of United States has collapsed.

In the last 60 days of 1930, 600 banks shut.

Banks close in wave after wave across the country.

By 1933, there are 28 states without a single bank open.

Unemployment goes from 4 million in 1930 to 12 million in 1932.

The Colorado River is one of the most powerful rivers in the world.

Every second, twice as much water tears through these canyons than goes over Niagara Falls.

March 4, 1931.
The government gives the go-ahead to build
the Hoover Dam.

The Hoover Dam cost nearly $1 billion in today's money.

42,000 men come from across the country looking for jobs on the biggest construction site in America.

96 men died building the hoover damn.

Up to 30 men drill into the rock around the clock,
24 hours a day

5,000 people live in Las Vegas.

Then the dam workers arrive and the tourists and the gambling. Now, over 37 million people

n Manhattan, the streetlights come on at midday.

A monstrous dust storm 1,800 miles wide from the Great Plains to the Atlantic Ocean.

The storm carries 3 tons of dust for every American alive.

70 million people tune in via radio across the country.

Over 100 million listen in around the world, the biggest audience to that date for anything, anywhere.

There's a $3,000 fine for every day the project falls behind schedule.

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