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RBC nedir?,rbc yüksekliği nedir,rbc nedir kan tahlili
You took the result of the analysis like this, you see that some values are higher or lower than normal in the results of the test, which is usually called a hemogram. Until you go to the doctor and he explains to you, you want to know why these results go up or down. One of these analyzes is the assay called RBC (Red Blood Cell), that is, red blood cells. Now come on, what is RBC? What does low RBC and high RBC mean? rbc yüksekliği nedir what should i do?

The blood cells responsible for transporting oxygen or carbon dioxide in our body are called red blood cells, erythrocytes or RBCs. These red blood cells (RBCs) are the most abundant cells in the body.

The structure of erythrocytes consists of hemoglobin and iron. Hemoglobin makes up about 90% of the weight of the RBC and causes it to take its unique and unique shape. The iron in the hemoglobin gives the red color to the erythrocyte.

1.5 million RBCs are produced every second by the bone marrow. The nucleus of the red blood cell, which is nucleated at first, disappears after a week of maturation, and thanks to the flexibility it has gained, it plays a more active role in circulation and carries oxygen molecules on both sides.

rbc nedir kan tahlili of the red blood cell whose nucleus has disappeared is approximately 130 days. When it expires, it breaks down in the spleen and iron mineral emerges from the red blood cells. This iron mineral is used in the production of red blood cells. It is used as a kind of recycling. The remainder goes to the gallbladder.

RBC Normal Values
Although the values vary according to the working principles of the laboratories, on average, it is 3.8-5.4 million mcL in healthy women and 4.4-5.4 million mcL in healthy men. The normal value in children is 4.0-5.5 million mcL. RBC value decreases in cases such as leukemia, cancer, anemia, thyroid disorders, pregnancy. RBC is high in cigarette, alcohol and stimulant use, heart diseases, and diseases such as polycythemia vera.

Now, let's examine what the RBC height and RBC low seen in the analyzes mean.

RBC (Erythrocyte) Height
It is very important for body health that the RBC value is within the reference ranges. RBC nedir? is when the bone marrow produces an excessive amount of red blood cells for compensatory purposes due to insufficient oxygen-carbon dioxide cycle of red blood cells and insufficient oxygen delivery to tissues and organs. Or when you go to high altitude places, the oxygen rate decreases, the body produces more red blood cells, or RBCs, to carry more oxygen.
At RBC Height;
Joint and chest pains
Blurred vision,
blood pressure,
Sensitivity in the palms,
headache, dizziness,
Sleeping disorder,
It is quite normal to experience symptoms such as abdominal pain, muscle pain, itching.
Factors Causing a High RBC Value
cardiovascular problems (congenital heart disease),

kidney ailments,
carbon monoxide poisoning,
Bone marrow diseases,
Using drugs containing cortisone,
Dehydration of the body
Sleep apnea,
heavy exercises,
doping use,

Lung disease (pulmonary fibrosis),
Being in high pressure places,
intestinal obstruction,
Some of the drugs used can have side effects.
Low RBC (Erythrocyte)
When we say low erythrocyte, the disease that comes to our minds can be anemia. When there is not enough RBC or hemoglobin in the blood plasma, low erythrocyte deficiency can come to light due to many ailments.

Low RBC usually occurs due to diseases, impaired erythrocyte production ability or the presence of conditions that cause erythrocyte loss.

Inability to produce enough red blood cells to meet the needs of tissues and organs in the body, and loss of blood due to bleeding can be counted among the causes of low erythrocyte.

Low RBC Symptoms
easy fatigue
severe chest pain
energy loss
restlessness and irritability
Shortness of breath
Headache and dizziness
Pale skin, Pale skin
Cramps in the legs
having trouble sleeping
It can be seen as an irregular heartbeat.
Diseases Causing Low RBC
Anemia types (aplasia, iron deficiency anemia, chemotherapy, pancytopenia, x radiotherapy),
internal or external bleeding
not enought feeding ,
multiple myeloma,
bone marrow failure,
blood cancer (leukemia),
thyroid disorders,
kidney ailments,
epileptic seizures,
mineral and vitamin deficiencies (iron, copper, folic acid, B6 and B12),
side effects of cancer drugs,
blood transfusion,

injury of blood vessels.

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