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I think we should ask michelle to prom, like last year me and her did it and like hers was really cute she like had a jar of m&ms and an empty egg that had a note saying prom? in it was tres cute.... hahaha but anyways i think me and you should do something like amazing like really cute and sweet and like even if its OTT i think we should to maybe make her smile genuinely for like a minute???

Yeah okay well here were some of my ideas pitch in with me too
- have like a really cute movie night let her pick like movie and everything
Then be like oh lets have a hunt lol or something
and she picks up like little things and clues
then it gets her to like my room or a room
that is absolutely filled with balloons
and hanging from each balloon is a photo of all of us or of her
with a cute message on the back
and film it so then can put it together and have memory forever
then theres like one either big balloon or a balloon that stands out of us holding signs saying "will you go to prom with us?" with like the checkboxes saying if yes then smile if no do a backflip hahahahhaa
I just think like the cheesyness of it will make her cringe but in a happy way
with each like clue thing in the hunt could be like a little handmade present for her or something and to make it seem unsuspicious we can do like blog things that day then movies bc she likes to do the blog stuff i thinks
and in the room with the balloons we can make like a sparkly banner that says something like prom or ily or something cutesy
And like we join in so she's oblivious
We have a clue - "where the cups are kept" open cupboard - get question which leads to other place for other question etc

Or we cna do it before the movies yeah bc then afterwards we can jsut get heaps of blankets and have like a blanket fort to watch the movies in (or that still works if we do it before as well so nvm idm ahhahaa)

but starting like monday or today or when we next see her or asap, then like everyday we write one(or couple if want) of something we like about her or how she made us smile that day or something, and like then we can give her it with the prom stuff and like on top of the jar it can say "pull one out when down" so like it cheers her up a little
I mean like with the main balloon that has the pic of us saying "will you go to prom with us" it also has that jar thing

Bc then like bc we cant do these all the time so when she is down in the future she can look at that and 1 be reminded of our love for her

Make a corsage
We can make them and they can match our dresses
after the prom asking
Like next to all the balloons should be little kits that look all cute with our names on it with all the things we need to make a ocrsage
And bc were all black to an extent well look lie proper dates bc theyllmatch

When should we do this bc it has to be like soon after shes back bc then itll be prom
Hmmmm we can start doing things next weekend and then the weekend she gets back or the weekend after
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