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Who’s turn is it anyways?

Allay immediately knew when her friends had switched out with a headmate of theirs, and she grimaced behind her mask. Tommy had most likely switched out with Grieve during his conversation with Wilbur, if the heavy dissociation was anything to go by, and Allay could practically see Toby attempting to co-front with Tubbo. Still, Allay continued to bounce off of Billzo and entertain the stream chat. Allay looked up at Aimsey and silently cursed, realising that the other woman most likely noticed the three of them acting weird. Toby had already started pushing the body to be more non-verbal than usual. Grieve stood up and left the room, and Allay desperately hoped that Corey could push Grieve back and guide the body back into a space where Tommy could fully front. Allay took a breath and reached back for someone to help.
The Archivist glared at itself through the computer’s screen. It hated its reflection and it hated the way it looked. The Archivist hated how its hair wasn’t styled the right way, it hated the fact that it didn’t have the right pair of glasses, it hated that the body’s jaw shape was off, it hated that there wasn’t a mole on its lower cheek like there was in its library, it hated that the reflection staring back at it wasn’t staring with crystalline, sapphire eyes, it hated all the clothes in Toby’s wardrobe and it hated the fact that none of those clothes belonged to it. Toob got its own clothes, Sophia got her own clothes, Ghostbur got blues own clothes, hell, even Beep got its own clothes, and all it wore was various shades of white and very light blue!

The Archivist felt a phantom hand on its shoulder (pun not intended). Without looking into the frontspace, it could tell that Ghostbur was attempting to comfort it without coming up to co-con.

‘Go away, Ghostie,’ the Archivist thought, trying to project its words through the space. Ghostbur only leaned in closer, wrapping blues arms around the Archivist’s chest.

“Nope! Hug time!” The Archivist rolled its eyes (wrong colour) and settled back into Tubbo’s gaming chair. “No one is exempt from hug time!” the ghostly alter said cheerfully. The Archivist slipped its eyes (wrong colour) shut and let Ghostbur do blues thing. It knew the touch wasn’t really there in the real world, but at least it could ignore everything else except for Ghostbur.
Grieve wasn’t doing too hot. Earlier, she had been asked to step in for a little bit. She had been asked to look at the camera weirdly and maybe allow herself to fully step away from frontspace, leaving it empty and letting the body zone out completely. It was a weird request from Tommy, but she was happy to be involved. Even if Wilbur scared her, even if she couldn’t look at him without being reminded of the older boys at school (bad touch bad touch bad touch!), Wilbur was Tommy’s best friend, Toby and Tubbo not included.

Corey had come up to co-front for a bit as Grieve worked herself into awareness again, and together, they pushed Tommy up to front. Corey sat with her after, gently helping her keep warm as a chill seeped into her. She was grateful. She was cold. ——————
Theseus and Theo should have never been able to meet. Theo, from the Bee System, and Theseus, from the Innit System, were both interjects of the same character. Of Tommy’s DSMP character. On their own, Theo and Theseus caused shitloads of trouble. Together, they had the ability to flatten a city block.

“So you’re me.”
“We have similar memories.”
“Stress on similar, not identical.”
“Of course, of course.”
“But we’re almost the exact same person.”
“Oh, this is gonna be great!”
Tommy was in a call with Quackity, trolling other peoples’ streams and just generally talking nonsense. It was late for Quackity and Tommy was starting to feel delirious from staying up so late the night before, so the two of them were acting almost completely brainless.

It all came to a boiling point when Quackity starting making fun of Tommy’s accent again.

“Say- hehe- say ‘Cheeseburger’,” he giggled, curling up in his chair. Tommy growled a bit and his face dropped from laughter into desperate rage.

“Cheeseburger!” There wasn’t an accent. He said it correctly. “It’s fucking ‘Cheeseburger’! I don’t know what the fuck he’s talking about, ‘Cheese-BORGOR’! It’s so fucking simple!” Quackity sobered up immediately. He sat up in his chair and set his feet back on the floor. (?)Tommy(?) wasn’t speaking with a British accent. “He knows how to say it, too, but he chooses not to fucking say it right, Big Q, and it fucking pisses me off!”

“Hey, hey-” The other person looked up at Quackity and their eyes widened.

“Uh- Oh, shit.”

“Wait, no, you don’t have to panic, okay? What’s your name? And your pronouns, if you’re comfortable?” The other person glanced to the side quickly, then back.

“Uh… What-?”

“It’s alright,” Quackity stressed. “I can’t say who, but I have a close friend who’s also a system.” An image of his friend popped into his head and he smiled slightly. “You’re all good, man.” The other person sighed in relief and melted into their chair.

“Then I don’t have to explain this to you. My name is Clementine, she-her. Tommy’s a little shit and says ‘cheeseburger’ wrong on purpose to piss me off. Fuck me, Corey is gonna beat my ass for taking front…” Clementine gnawed at her cuticles and her eyes flicked to the side briefly.

“Pleasure to meet you, Clementine. I assume you know me?”

“Yeah, Big Q.”

“Cool. What’s your poison?” Clementine blinked in surprise.


“Y’know… What’s your humour like, what do you do for fun?” Clementine glanced off to the side again in thought.

“Well, Theseus and I both really like to knit, but I don’t know how exciting that would be for you, Big Q. And honestly, I’d love to get to know you, but someone has to get this body to sleep, so I kinda should head off now.” Quackity smiled at Clementine and waved.

“No worries, kid. We’re all good. Have a good night!” Quackity disconnected the call and immediately rang his friend he’d mentioned to Clementine.

“We need to add someone else to the discord.”

He stretched his arms above his head and smiled at the camera. The glasses on his face were a nuisance, and he finally resolved to take them off. He didn’t mention the change to his camera, but he could see people already wondering about them. He set the frames down on the table with a clear click.

“Chat…” He made the screen go black and lowered his voice. He pulled the mic close to his face. “Why is it so cold?” He ended stream and giggled madly to himself. Callum never was much of a live streamer. He was good during recordings, but he didn’t like being in front of a live camera.

No, that was reserved for Wilbur and Will.

goldblum [BOT]
We have to ask him first.

resident singlet
well obviously
hed freak the fuck out if we added him unprompted

gnf OnlyFans
I’m just surprised that there are so many systems on the smp.
Like, there’s three of us here, and now with Tommy…

swirls and stars [BOT]
One of us could try to talk to him about it? I think Karl is good with that stuff?

goldblum [BOT]
I’m not sure.
Tommy might take it as mocking.
Hold on-

cave bitch [BOT]
Anyways, Toms most likely won’t take kindly to me or the og Dream Team, so Big Q might actually be better.
No offence, Doc.

swirls and stars [BOT]
None taken, Wilbur.

resident singlet
awww! thank you, wilbur!!!!

cave bitch [BOT]
Nuisance. (Affectionate)

resident singlet
how do i break it to him though?

gnf OnlyFans
Over discord? idk, how do you usually start conversations with him?

resident singlet
as if i know

gnf OnlyFans
We can bring it up. Why do you think he wouldn’t take it well from us?

cave bitch [BOT]
Gut feeling. And again, if one of us, or one of you tried to bring it up to him, I fear he’d take it as mockery.
Quackity already has rapport with at least one of his alters, meaning he has an “in”, so to speak.

resident singlet
wilbur, youre really laying on the compliments thick!
if you want to get in my pants so badly you just have to ask!

cave bitch [BOT]
Aw, but baby, I already have.

swirls and stars [BOT]
Stop. #horny-jail, both of you.

cave bitch [BOT]
Yes, Doc.

resident singlet
sorry man :P
Discord messages between TommyInnit and WilburSoot

Hey, child

Fuck off
What do you need?

Quackity is being weird.
Weirder than normal.
I noticed it a bit ago, and he won’t respond to me, so can you please talk to him?

Why me?!?!

Because you two were talking recently.
Idk, he got off call with you and was acting weird so go tell him to knock it off.

Didn’t mean that

Discord messages between TommyInnit and Quackity

Big Q!
Why is Wilbur asking me to talk to you?!?!
He says you’re acting all weird n shit

theres been something on my mind
and i dont know how to say it
look, when we were on call the other night
are you aware that youre a system?

Hiw the fuck did tou jnie tsht
No ont if duppised to k ie thrh

youre going to give yourself a stroke with all this misspelling
chill out.
you switched with someone when we were on a call
Clemetine, I think her name was

Thank fuck
Jesus Christ
I thought one of my friends ratted me out.
Why did you ask?

because theres a discord server for systems on the dsmp
youre invited 🎉🎉🎉

Are you…?

im the resident singlet
heres the link

—> TommyInnit joined the party!

Wait, what the fuck
what the fuck

cave bitch [BOT]
Hello, child. Welcome to the System Server. Number of systems: 4!

Wilbur what the fixk

cave bitch [BOT]
My name is Wilbur Soot, the person you are thinking about is Will Gold.

Are you

cave bitch [BOT]
I am an interject of Will Gold’s roleplay character on the Dream SMP. Since I split, I have developed into my own person and I find it delightful to officially meet you.

I dont what wait

gnf OnlyFans
I’m dream. Clay. You know me!


gnf OnlyFans
Yeah. Lol, we call ourselves the og dream team

I dont even onow what to say

swirls and stars [BOT]
And my name is Doc. I am an alter of Karl Jacobs.


Hello! Tommy’s not doing too hot at the moment, so he’ll be back in a bit!
In the meantime, my name is Corey.
I don’t front often, but when I do, it’s to help Tommy through something particularly difficult.
Pleasure to meet you all!

cave bitch [BOT]
Pleasure to you as well, Corey.

grade A simp [BOT]
im the guy up here who will based what was it
the egirl trilogy was based on me
my names sadie
he him

Well, hello!
Also, can someone explain the pluralkit?
I don’t understand it…

gnf OnlyFans
I can help you with that in #pluralkit

Sadie smiled thinly at the camera. He chewed at the inside of his lip in an attempt to ground himself, but he felt floaty and not all there, a different sensation from what he associated with switching.

“Wil? Talk to me mate, you went all spacey for a bit. What’s up?” Philza’s voice. Sadie shook his head and shifted his teeth to chew on his actual lip instead of just the inside of his mouth. He tried to focus his vision, but he still felt slightly crosseyed.

“Dude, seriously, are you alright? Do you need to end stream?”

“‘m not Will.” The words slipped out before he could really process them. A hand drifted up to his mouth and he chewed on the tip of his middle finger. He was careful not to chew on the nail, though that’s the limit of what he could do.

“What?” Sadie shook his head.

Louder, “I’m not Will.” His eyes flickered sightlessly across the room. They lasered in on something next to the keyboard. Sadie pulled the hand from his mouth to dart out and grab the set of bandages on the side of the monitor, nestled in between the other subtle things Will and Wilbur had set up for whenever someone else switched out during stream. He took a bandage and made a task of settling it across the bridge of his nose, running his shaking fingers over the raised padding in the centre. He tugged his fringe into his left eye, screwing up his hairline.

“What’s going on, mate? How can I help?”

“I- Uh…” Sadie was at a loss for words. He could hear Vale whispering for Karl or Dream, but Sadie didn’t know how to verbalise it.

“Do you need me to call someone?” A small, borderline hysterical giggle bursts from his mouth.

“Sorry, ‘m sorry! I’m sorry, Philza, haha!” Sadie plastered a fake smile over his face and reached out to the computer mouse resting on the desk. His left hand went back down to his lips, fingertips just resting on the skin. Through bleary vision, he managed to stop the stream through OBS.

“Fuck. FUCK!” Sadie slammed a hand into the desktop.

“W- Uh, mate, are you good?!”

“No! No I’m not! Fuck, Philza, what the hell is wrong with me?!”

“Wil, chill out, man. Tell me what’s going on!”

“MY NAME ISN’T WILL! IT’S FUCKING SADIE!” He slammed his palm against the desk again, almost involuntarily. “Where’s Tommy, I need to get him or Dream or Q…” He tried to work the computer, but he couldn’t see past his blurry vision, made worse by the tears welling up from frustration.

“I can add Quackity to the call?” Sadie crumpled into himself, sticking his left middle and pointer fingers in his mouth. Around them, he whispered a tiny, “Please”.

They sit in silence for a few moments. The tell-tale sign of someone joining the call breaks that. “Hello? Sadie, you can hear me, right?”

“Yeah. Yeah.”

“Good, focus on me, alright? That’s all you need to do. How are you feeling right now? Spacey? Frustrated? You don’t have to worry about that, okay? Wilbur told me he and Wil have stuff for this under the desk, can you check in the top drawer for me?” Sadie was quick to follow Q’s instructions.

As Sadie rooted through the drawer, he heard Philza and Q talking. He found a small, rubber bouncy ball that he tossed up into the air twice, catching it easily both times. He switched hands and continued to throw the ball up, only to catch it in his opposite hand. After an entire minute of this, Q broke off his and Philza’s conversation to talk to Sadie.

“Hey, Sadie, doing better?”

“Yeah. Sorry, Philza. I didn’t want to meet you like that, but…”

“It’s fine, mate. As long as you’re doing well now.” Sadie bobbed his head and sighed.

“I think Will’s trying take back over. I’m gonna let ‘m have front, Q.”

“That’s okay, Sadie. You’re alright.” Sadie took a deep breath in, and Will let it out.

“Hey, Phil.”
As was expected, Twitter had a meltdown.

Allay tugged on the hem of the skirt she was working with. Clementine, Theseus, and Theo had invited her to their sewing club, and she wanted to impress them all. Something was off, though. She felt like she was forgetting something and couldn’t put her thumb on it. It might’ve been due to how switchy the system had been lately. She’d fronted after one of Ranboo’s facecam streams and immediately took a bath, choosing to dress herself in a black crop top and a pastel pink high-waisted skirt that went down to her knees, black stripes around the bottom hem. She also had grabbed a pink mask with a small, cartoon bluebird on one side. (While no one really identified with the body, she and Ranboo had it the worst.) She’d went back to the streaming room to work on the skirt without Ranboo’s moms bothering her. They respected the “streamer space”, as Ranboo’s father had put it with a grin.

And that brought her to now, where she ran her finger over the hemline of the skirt she was embroidering. At first, she brushed off the feeling as her paranoia rearing up. A valid conclusion, given, well… There’s a reason Markus isn’t considered the host anymore. But no, it wasn’t the same feeling as paranoia. Allay sighed and pushed up the rose-coloured sunglasses she liked to wear.

In, out, cross back, in, out, over. In, out, cross back, in, out, over.

Then she moved on to the next segment.

In, out, cross back, in, out, over. In, out, cross back, in, out, over.

It was soothing. A knock at the door made her startle. “Hey, who’s fronting?” Allay smiled at the soft voice of Amber, one of Ranboo’s moms.

“Allay, Momma.”

“Hello. I’m starting to make dinner. Any preferences?” Allay thought for a minute.

Sheepishly, “Shrimp? You know I like seafood…?” Amber laughed softly and knocked twice as if to say “yes”.

“It’ll be ready in ten minutes.”

“Thank you, Momma.”

“No problem, babygirl.” Allay smiled under her mask. She mumbled quietly about how she wasn’t a baby anymore, still grinning. She felt slightly better, but there was still a feeling of something being off. She continued to embroider the same pattern around the hem, falling into the vaporware music that played from her phone. She hummed along, bopping her head slowly to match whatever the tempo was. Suddenly Amber was back at the door.

“Darling, your stream is still on.” Allay sat up and paused her music.


“Tom texted me, you’re still live!” Amber searched through the ridiculous amount of tabs on Ranboo’s computer profile, eyes widening when the stupid OBS interface was still showing the webcam. She hastily turned off the stream and crumpled in on herself.

“Allay, honey, can I come in?” She made a vague noise and let Amber wrap her in a hug.

For the second time that week, Twitter self-destructed.

silly quirky arg-ing mood [BOT]
We all saw that, right?

mamacita [BOT]
I’m sending them an invite now

fuckign tangerine [BOT]
yeah send it

fuckign tangerine [BOT]
can I send an invite to someone else?

mamacita [BOT]
Another dsmp system?

fuckign tangerine [BOT]

mamacita [BOT]
Go ahead!
Discord messages between TommyInnit and Tubbo

So ive been thinking
you’re plural

what are you doinh

and it’s already weird that there are three systems on the dsmp server right

what is this bit

[link attatched]

thsi better not doxx me

—> Everyone welcome Tubbo!
—> Ranboo hopped into the server.

silly quirky arg-ing mood [BOT]
Welcome to the System Server, children! Number of systems: 6!
Wait ehat the fuck
Why are there so many of us?
This feels statistically unlikely.

streamer man [BOT]
these BALLS are statisdtically unlikejlt

silly quirky arg-ing mood [BOT]

streamer man [BOT]
gloriuds wonfders of copy and paste

silly quirky arg-ing mood [BOT]
You are genetically modified.

streamer man [BOT]

you are a menace to society <3

streamer man [BOT]
my little skrunkly wumpy scridge muffinfuck

aww <3

streamer man [BOT]
reading mangoball was the worst decisions of out livse

gimme a sec

streamer man [BOT]
while bossman’s setting uo

silly goofy arg-ing mood [BOT]
If you feel comfortable
You don’t have to

streamer man [BOT]
toby’s father raped him when he was younger and still sometimes hits him
that formed toob
then others came in
im here rn cos toby is panicking

silly goofy arg-ing mood [BOT]
Do you know how many alters you have?
Not what I was expecting
In the slightest

mamacita [BOT]
Could we get your name and pronouns, hun?

streamer man [BOT]
im still tubbo
they/them tho
toby uses he/him

fuckign tangerine [BOT]
#intros for that stuff
whos fronting

Still me.
Momma let me eat in my room cause of

fuckign tangerine [BOT]
How are you going to handle that?

I kinda wanna ignore it but that won’t fly.
maybe do a stream on it?
i’ll go live tomorrow and play it by ear

fuckign tangerine [BOT]

dsmp dni /srs [BOT]
gods why did i get so nervous just then…?

Hey Theseus
Hows goin?

dsmp dni /srs [BOT]
hey ranboob

silly quirky arg-ing mood [BOT]

dsmp dni /srs [BOT]
yeah hi
im an introject of tommys smp character laugh it up

goldblum [BOT]
Wasn’t going to, big man.

there are 10 of us, and the core is dormant, so thats fun
i was one of the first alters that split, along with allay
neither of us really had names until sometime last year…
(allay is **your mc girlfriend**)
we have two littles and one introject
its spamton, so get ready for that
catchcalls are ranboo and he/him
I use they/them btw
allay and I are the only ones who call my parents mom and dad and stuff
our littles are terrified of them cos ✨trauma✨
fate is a ghost and Corvid is a bird person
damien and mikael are the littles
ophelia (**hamlet’s bitch (lit major)**) is a literature nerd and also a sexual protector so i apologise now for any advances
my phone’s at 69%

streamer man [bot]
my turn
toby is set up as tobes
he uses he-him pronouns
im tubbo_ and i use they/them
catchcalls are tubbo and he/him
i only have one little
that’s toob!
i’ve given it phone privileges but its a kid so be careful with it. it knows how to set up pluralkit
ive got a tommy fictive as well
which was fun to take front after
and a ghostbur introject

goldblum [bot]
You’re gonna love meeting Vale.
They’re the one I based ghostbur off of

streamer man [bot]
don’t interrupt
ghostbur uses blue/blues/blueself neopronouns, so
The Archivist is completely nonverbal
it is very sensitive to sound and used to co-front during school so now it keeps a library in Nebula
(nebula’s my innerworld btw)
The Archivist doesn’t see itself as fully human, though it has himan features, and generally gets really touchy about its appearance and hiw people approach it
last time i checked it liked when you didnt look direcy at it so if somwrhing ever happens and it’s trivgerred to front, dony look at it directly
OH so if you know of Beep, “my” character from the BearSMP, yeah its an alter too
i just realised how many of us use it/its pronouns
she’s best girl
like, seriously best girl
she’s saved us from so mich shit ever
jax is a meanace but in a fun way
think both of the weasly twins from harrp potter but as one person
thats jax
yeah im done

mamacita [BOT]
Pleasure to meet you! My name is Dahlia, or “girl dream”

once upon a december
so we all agree that w//lbur and ra//nboo are DID systems, right?
- red rabbits pov
babes, if anyone
disagrees with you, just
show the clips
- glitch cutesy core
It’s NONE of OUR
business!!! Ugh!! I hate
stupid stans like you!
- once upon a december
jfc chill

allay stan // 18+ dni
Sorry, but it’s gotta be said: Allay is an ICON! Look at her mask! Look at her skirt! AND she knows how the sew??? Ugh, we love her!

- Ranboo
- booboy
- Allay
- your mc girlfriend
- Rosé
- legally alcohol
- Markus
- Corvid
- phil’s child
- Damien
- Levi
- leviathan
- Mikael
- Fate
- Ghost. Ghost. Ghost.
- Luka
- not a fucking scalie
- Ophelia
- hamlet’s bitch (lit major)
- Spamton G. Spamton

- Tom Simons
- TommyInnit
- big man shit
- Theseus
- dsmp dni (/srs)
- Clementine
- fuckign tangerine
- Corey
- hello, there!
- Grieve
- Bee
- Techno
- don’t perceive me
- William Gold
- perceive me pls
- Melody

- Toby Smith
- tobes
- Tubbo_
- Tubbo
- streamer man
- Toob
- toob
- Jax
- professional hater
- Theo Innit
- tommy kinnie
- The Archivist
- shut.
- Sofia
- best girl
- Beep
- i know more than you
- Ghostbur
- now my favourite colour is blue

- Will Gold
- goldblum
- Wilbur Soot
- cave bitch
- Sadie Burlow
- grade A simp
- Vale
- ringleader of the shitshow
- Callum Fakier
- silly quirky arg-ing mood
- Farah
- better than you
- Jacey
- babyman

Og Dream Team
- Dream/Clay
- gnf OnlyFans
- dreamwastaken
- Ray
- Dillon
- pickles
- Tom
- notDream123
- Dahlia
- mamacita
- LJ
- laughing your guts out
- Perseus
- self insert cringe
- Halo
- fallen angel

MrJacobs Crew
- Karl Jacobs
- karljacobs
- Doc
- swirls and stars
- Arlow
- Marionette
- puppet bitch
- Winters
- cold. shut up callum
- Xam
- redstone redstone redst-
- Carlos
- Haley

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