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Exercises to help Patellar Tendonitis:

Quadriceps Stretch
Step 1: Support yourself on a wall and stand on one leg
Step 2: Bend the other knee as far back as you can
Step 3: Hold for as long as possible, aim for 15 seconds, then 30, then one minute. You should feel a stretching on the front of your thigh of bent leg

Hamstring Stretch:
Step 1: Lie on your back and raise one leg as far as you can
Step 2: Keep your leg straight with your knee locked and pull your knee into your chest with your hands behind your knee
Step 3: Hold for as long as possible, aim for 15 seconds to a minute. Should feel stretch on the back of your thigh

Straight Leg Lift:
Step 1: lie flat on your back, making sure your impacted knee is flat and straight. Tighten your quadricep muscles and lift your leg 45 degrees off the ground. Hold for five seconds.
Step 2: Slowly lower your leg back down to the ground and relax.
Step 3: Repeat for 2 or 3 sets with 1o reps

Wall Slides:
Step 1: Stand upright with your back and glutes touching a wall. Put your feet shoulder width apart about six inches from the wall
Step 2: Bend your knees slowly and lower your hips until your knees are at a 45-degree angle. Hold for 5 seconds
Step 3: Repeat for 2 or 3 sets, 10 -15 reps

Wall Sits:
Step 1: Stand against a wall with your legs shoulder width apart. Slide down the wall until your knees are at a 45-degree angle, similar to sitting in a chair.
Step 2: Hold for as long as possible. Aiming for 15 to 3o seconds to 1 minute.
Step 3: at least 3 sets

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Regards; Team

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