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Learning Task 2: Get a copy of an editorial written in English from old
newspapers (e.g. broadsheets, school publications). Cut and paste it in your
notebook. If you have a way to connect to the Internet, you may use an online
editorial for this task. Read and examine it. Then, in your notebook, answer the
questions below.
1. What is the main idea portrayed by the editorial you have just read?
The main idea that is portrayed by the editorial is about the resuming of education in the midst of crisis or when the COVID-19 pandemic cases increased and outspread in the Philippines.
2. Are there evidences that support the main idea? Cite at least three examples.
3. How would you describe the way the editorial board proved its point?

4. What can you say about the use of language and the words used in the given
reading material?

5. Were you prompted to believe the claims based on the ideas presented in the
material? Why or why not?
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Regards; Team

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