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There is an increasing number of devices streaming data to the web, creating huge data-sets which stand as potential for creating smarter systems. While the margin of uncertainty in spatial spheres is increasing, it is necessary to use the available big data and analysis in city dynamics as a source for evidence in design and policy for better management. Simulating complex phenomenon in cities from emerging datasets and visualisations can bring insights which would help with more insightful planning and decision making process.
Through this degree I will be able to have better skills and insights for making the most of my academic background mainly in urban design and analysis; emphasizing on my analytical and research skills with world class researchers and technological facilities. There are few programs which approach this subject with the depth offered in this program and there are limited experts worldwide who are actively involved in urban complexity.
UCL has maintained a good reputation as one of the world's most advanced universities for years. It is known for its high calibre research and high quality modern courses as well as its strong educational facilities and graduate services, which would be a vital asset for me to issue a higher quality research and gain more prominent transferrable skills. In addition the rate of staff to student ratio in the UK is one of the highest in the UK.
The UK government had implemented in
As a student with an architectural and urban design background, I am involved in 3d modelling, animation and GIS visualizations. In my experience from my MSc course, I was exposed to spatial analysis GIS tools of cities studying the impact of the spatial configuration in various social issues. I intended to take this knowledge forward in my work and I am particularly interested in projects which involve work on Big Data, analytical visualizations, urban policy and smart cities applications.
My interest in spatial data and visualisation goes in line with my recent work and experience in urban complexity starting my first encounters in urban planning and design in my architecture courses to my MSc project in Architecture and Cities. In my MSc thesis project, I have analysed and visualising virtual and physical presence of potential start-up communities in an attempt to find a relationship between their physical presence and their online activity. The results had shown that there was not a significant correlation between the sample’s twitter activity and their physical presence more complex relationships were involved which made the process of finding a straight correlation very difficult. The results of my research were fractal cities and agents’ analysis and a focus on dynamics through the works and CASA’s dashboards.. Hannah fry demonstrations chaos

A large part of my recent project had been presented and is to be published in a paper as part of Complexity and digitalization of cities conference from AESOP. In the future, I am planning to work in urban research and consultancy.
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