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The Conceit of Low Self Esteem and the Pride of Humility
If you might have low confidence, you're probably obsessive about yourself. Which is simply a backwards way of conceit.
If you have low self-esteem, you believe you're special. No-one can be as low while you. No-one is as undeserving while you. Everyone else in the world could possibly be worthy of undergoing treatment well, of having good relationships, financial success, a sound body, spiritual connection, or anything that you think that you never deserve. Probably all the.
Here's the one thing: in case you encountered another individual who thought the method that you do, you would think similar to, "no-one should have such hard luck." Or deserves health, and success, and good relationships."
In short, you're harder on yourself than anybody else. Somehow you're so unique, so special, that ordinary human rights and dreams don't affect you. It's similar to what you call "terminal uniqueness" inside the recovery movement. Nothing ever works out in your case, or ever will, and you certainly don't deserve to have things go the right path anyhow.
Now before you decide to bite my take off, let me say that you just may not go along with anything I said intellectually. That is, you'll understand it doesn't really make for good business, but if you're honest with ourselves you'll admit that thatrrrs your feelings anyway. You think one of many ways, and feel precisely the opposite.
Here's a secret: when there exists a battle between the heart and also the mind, guess which wins? (Hint: it's not the top!) Every time.
So what's all of this concerning the pride of humility, then? You have to have enough pride in yourself to appreciate that you just are in the same way worthy, just as worthy of happiness along with a rewarding life as any other man. You have to be humble enough to appreciate you're the same as everybody else, and unique at the same time. Just like all the others.
We don't rate human beings on the scale. So-and-so doesn't measure to my standards, so he or she develops into stranded in the station in the event the train of life's goodies comes by. Or maybe so-and-so really gets good grades on my scale, so they gets an additional freightcar load of goodies.
Here's the idea: you're man. That qualifies one to can get on the happy train. If any man deserves it, you do too. Get over yourself. You're as good as anybody else, as worthy of other people. Even if you've really screwed up, you deserve an additional, third, fourth and endless chances much like someone else.
The real trouble with doing this is not that you simply can't continue with the logic. It's that your internal programs are screaming in denial so loudly that you simply literally cannot bare this thought in your head in terms of yourself and accept is as true. On a scale of 0 to 10 where 0 equal completely false, and 10 equals completely true, in the event you how true is it that you simply believe that you simply're value an excellent life, you will can be found in under 5. I'm guessing well under 5.
Well, the good thing is that there are methods to rewrite those internal programs forever, and it isn't really likely to take 5 years of therapy and thousands of dollars to do it, although once in a while that truly helps. You don't have to look inside the mirror and bombard yourself with endless affirmations that you don't believe either, although that is proven to help also.
What works neatly, quickly and efficiently is energy medicine, or energy psychology. There are a number of excellent methods and techniques available, and you also are looking for the one which resonates along. I use meridian tapping techniques, and in particular Matrix Reimprinting, because I have found so that it is especially helpful with long standing issues like this, but find what works and feels comfortable to suit your needs.
When you begin to actually feel relaxed in your skin, it's a great feeling. Do yourself - and everyone near you - a favor, and do not deprive yourself from it.
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