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Temat: Jak Pracowała Organizacja Bojowa PPS?
5. And to the others He said in mine hearing, Go ye after him through the city and smite; let not your eye spare, neither have ye pity. 9. Then said He unto me: The iniquity of the house of Israel and Judah is exceedingly great, and the land is full of blood, and the city full of perverseness; for they say, The Lord hath forsaken the earth, and the Lord seeth not. Then they began with the ancient men which were before the house. It is unbelievable that clergy who regard themselves as good Christians, but who are more concerned with the defence of Jewry than with Holy Church, risk asserting in our days that this God-murdering people is still the chosen people of God, in spite of all its crimes and the passages in the Holy Scripture that prove that it is far removed from being the “chosen people” in the present, such as it was before Jesus Christ; rather is it far more a people cursed by God, because all curses which the Lord has cast against this people, in the event of its not obeying his commandments, have now been fulfilled. To put it briefly, instead of observing the commandments and everything which God made as a condition of their being His chosen people, they have violated all this systematically in the most far-reaching form, above all through committing murder of God, that terrible crime, which consists in the killing of the Son of God, and which represents the horrible peak of many crimes and violations of the commandments, which they have in addition carried out for two thousand years and even up to our days.

On the other hand, the previously quoted word of God proves to us that, just as God was energetic and irreconcilable in His struggle against Satan, so He was also irreconcilable against the forces of Satan upon earth. Clearly the Creator has even used the Pagan peoples, such as the Chaldaeans, the Romans and others as implements of divine providence, in order to punish the misdeeds and sins of the Jewish people, and to fulfil the curses prophesied by God Himself. If the Hebrews or their agents within Christianity, in the reading of these lines, feel themselves afflicted, they must nevertheless recognise that we neither may nor can alter the divine order. Chapter IX, Verse 25: “Know, therefore, and understand, that from the going forth of the commandment to restore and build Jerusalem, unto the Messiah the Prince, shall be seven weeks, and threescore and two weeks; the street shall be built again, and the wall, even in troublous times. It was soon seen that the whole of Christianity was threatened by death, unless the necessary measures were seized upon to command a halt to the secret organisations of Jewry and the secret societies which the concealed Jews formed among the true Christians.

There was the deadly threat that International Jewry had planned for all Christianity in the twelfth century. There remained no other choice than to oppose the secret anti-Christian organisations with equally secret counter-bodies. There is no truth, no mercy, nor knowledge of God, in the land. In order to establish an effective and convincing defence of Holy Church and the Inquisition, one much possess the courage to take refuge in the truth and only in the truth. An often alluded to fact of the Inquisition is the burning of the secret Jews or their execution through the garrotte, in which respect it is difficult to establish the exact number of those executed who were Judaised heretics, as the Church described those who in appearance were Christians but in secrecy practised Judaism. We are not of the opinion that in the present one should attempt to force religion upon anyone by violence, nor that anyone should be persecuted on account of his ideas; for the truth will be able to establish itself without the necessity of resorting to compulsory methods; in fact we know that Holy Church, tolerant and good-willed in its early times, had to adjust itself in the face of an extraordinary situation.

One must recall that after Moses mentions all the blessings that God would grant to the Israelites, if they kept all his commandments and would listen to the voice of the Lord, he records the terrible curses that would strike them, if they did the opposite. If one reads once again the aforementioned verses from the Bible, which speak of this destruction, and one compares them with the bloodbaths carried out among Jews in Europe when occupied by the Nazis, it will be proved that yet once again in history the curses and punishments predicted by our Lord God centuries ago have been fulfilled. “19. Cursed rozprawka be when thou comest in, and cursed shalt thou be when thou goest out. “21. The Lord shall make the pestilence cleave unto thee, until He have consumed thee from off the land, whither thou goest to possess it. God gave Israel a very great privilege, but not in order to use it as a common law, which could allow it to commit unpunished every kind of sins and crime and to violate the divine commandments and statutes. At the same time that God refers to the shameful deeds of Israel, He brings, in the prophecy of “Amos”, His resolution to expression, that He will not allow the continuation of these misdeeds: Chapter VIII, Verse 2. “And He said, Amos, what seest thou?

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