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package com.recommend

import org.apache.spark._
import org.apache.spark.SparkContext._
import org.apache.log4j._
import java.nio.charset.CodingErrorAction
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD.rddToPairRDDFunctions
import scala.math.sqrt

object ColaborativeFiltering {

// com.recommend.ColaborativeFiltering
type MovieRating = (Int, Double)
type UserRatingPair = (Int, (MovieRating, MovieRating))

type RatingPair = (Double, Double)
type RatingPairs = Iterable[RatingPair]

type UsrRate = (Int, MovieRating)

type MappedMovieRating = ((Int, Int), RatingPair)

def mapMovieNames():Map[Int,String] = {

implicit val codec = Codec("UTF-8")

var movName:Map[Int, String] = Map()

val lines = Source.fromFile("../ml-latest-small/movies.csv").getLines()

for(line <- lines) {
val li = line.split(",")
if(li.length > 0) {
movName += (li(0).toInt -> li(1))

return movName

def userBasedMaping(lines:String):UsrRate = {
val line = lines.split(",")
val usr = line(0).toInt
val mov = line(1).toInt
val rat = line(2).toDouble

return (usr, (mov, rat))

def filterDuplicate(userRatings:UserRatingPair):Boolean = {
val movieR1 = userRatings._2._1
val movieR2 = userRatings._2._2

val mov1 = movieR1._1
val mov2 = movieR2._2

return mov1 != mov2

def mappPair(userRatings:UserRatingPair):MappedMovieRating = {
val movieR1 = userRatings._2._1
val movieR2 = userRatings._2._2

val mov1 = movieR1._1
val rate1 = movieR1._2
val mov2 = movieR2._1
val rate2 = movieR2._2

return ((mov1, mov2), (rate1, rate2))

def computeCosineSimilarity(ratingPairs:RatingPairs): (Double, Int) = {
var numPairs:Int = 0
var sum_xx:Double = 0.0
var sum_yy:Double = 0.0
var sum_xy:Double = 0.0

for (pair <- ratingPairs) {
val ratingX = pair._1
val ratingY = pair._2

sum_xx += ratingX * ratingX
sum_yy += ratingY * ratingY
sum_xy += ratingX * ratingY
numPairs += 1

val numerator:Double = sum_xy
val denominator = sqrt(sum_xx) * sqrt(sum_yy)

var score:Double = 0.0
if (denominator != 0) {
score = numerator / denominator

return (score, numPairs)

def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {


// Create a SparkContext using every core of the local machine
val sc = new SparkContext("local[*]", "MovieSimilarities")

println("nLoading movie names...")
val nameDict = mapMovieNames()

val data = sc.textFile("../ml-latest-small/ratings.csv")

//read and map movie data based on (userId, (movId, rating))
val usrRating =

//emit every movie rated by same user
val joinedRate = usrRating.join(usrRating)

//filter out duplicates from above join
val uniqueRate = joinedRate.filter(filterDuplicate)

// now map data into movie pairs to find similarity (mov1, mov2) => (rate1, rate2)
val mapPairs =

// grouped by movie pair ratings (mov1, mov2) => [(rate1, rate2), (rate1, rate2), ...
val groupByMoviePair = mapPairs.groupByKey()

//Calculate similarity based on rating vector
val moviePairSimilarity = groupByMoviePair.mapValues(computeCosineSimilarity).cache()

//Sort similarities if req
//val sortedmovies = moviePairSimilarity.sortByKey()

if (args.length > 0) {
val scoreThreshold = 0.97
val coOccurenceThreshold = 50.0

val movieID:Int = args(0).toInt

// Filter for movies with this sim that are "good" as defined by
// our quality thresholds above

val filteredResults = moviePairSimilarity.filter( x =>
val pair = x._1
val sim = x._2
(pair._1 == movieID || pair._2 == movieID) && sim._1 > scoreThreshold && sim._2 > coOccurenceThreshold

// Sort by quality score.
val results = x => (x._2, x._1)).sortByKey(false).take(10)

println("nTop 10 similar movies for " + nameDict(movieID))
for (result <- results) {
val sim = result._1
val pair = result._2
// Display the similarity result that isn't the movie we're looking at
var similarMovieID = pair._1
if (similarMovieID == movieID) {
similarMovieID = pair._2
println(nameDict(similarMovieID) + "tscore: " + sim._1 + "tstrength: " + sim._2)

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Regards; Team

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