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1. When the pollution darkened the forest the moths turned dark so they would be better camouflaged.
2. There were always some dark moths but before the forests were polluted most of them got eaten.
3. Some moths happened to be born dark and they had a better chance of surviving in the polluted forest.
4. The moths adapted to their new darker environment.
5. The moths had to change so they wouldn't be eaten.
6. The moths got darker so they could survive in the darkened forests.
7. The moths turned dark to survive and when they reproduced their offspring were dark too.
8. The predominant color of the moths changed from light to dark because their environment changed as a result of the Industrial Revolution.
9. There was a struggle for survival in the moth population.
10. Since the moths that inherited the dark color were better able to survive in the polluted forest most of them reproduced and their offspring were usually dark.
11. Realizing they would be eaten if they stayed light the moths darkened their coloring.
12. Because light moths now had a disadvantage fewer were born and the species eventually changed to consist mostly of dark moths.
13. The light color was now disadvantageous so the moths turned dark.
14. If you happened to be born light-colored after the forests were polluted you were probably going to get eaten.
15. Once the forests were polluted moths that happened to be born dark had the advantageous trait.
16. The species adapted so it could survive.
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