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In my opinion I think that Katie yup is kidnapped from my research as you can see in some of her videos she had buruses on her hand and her lips People have been saying that she is okay nothing is hapenning with her but in my opinion i don't think that is ture Katie sometimes show signs that she needs help in One of her videos she wrote sentence and The letters that start with capital makes a word so i decided to put them together and see what the word is and after i did that i had more proof that she was kidnapped it spelled out HELP and s.o.s and from the backround noices i heard a door creacking and from behind the camera someone was saying faster hurry up or i will kill you the last video she made 2 of her teeth feel out and the last video she made was at 2019 since then nobody was hearig nothing from her and I also think that she lives in Spain Or french becaouse the accient she have and also the food some are from spain. She is also verry skinny people have been saying that how is she skinny if she is eating allot of food so I think she is skinny bc after they make the video the kidnapper/behind the cam that person is making Katie to throw up all the food bc who ever that bitch is wants the girl to starve and thats also gives some moe proof of why she is eating faster bc she is verry hungry and starving I wonder what happend and wondder is she is still alive or not :(
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