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Traditional Chinese Medicine Massage Therapy
Lymphatic massage is one type of massage focusing on the idea that it can facilitate the natural draining of the lymph, that carries away waste products from the cells back to their core. As the first line defense against infections such as toxins and diseases, the lymphatic system is essential. The main purpose of the lymphatic system is to make white blood cells, which protect the body against infection. Consequently, any form of damaged lymphatic system could cause symptoms such as fever and joint pains.

The lymphatic system is able to perform this function on its own but sometimes will require the help and guidance from massage therapists. To maximize lymphatic drainage, massage therapy needs to be focused around this type of technique. Lymphatic massage therapy can be described as a kind of massage therapy that is based on the idea that lymphatic drainage leads to a higher flow of lymph. In turn, the body naturally eliminates toxins out of the body, and waste elimination occurs.

The lymphatic massage is also employed in the treatment of lymphedema. Lymphedema refers specifically to the swelling of lymphatic fluids. The most common site of lymphedema is the lymphatic vessels as well as in tissues of the arms or legs. This disorder can be caused by treatment with radiation, surgery or various other conditions like diabetes, multiple sclerosis and Parkinson's.

The Kuwait Sports Medicine Association conducted research that proved that lymphatic drainage had a significantly higher efficacy than cellulite reduction. The study revealed that lymphatic drainage was extremely effective at reducing cellulite. In a different study at the University of Portsmouth in the United Kingdom, the effectiveness of massage to reduce cellulite was compared between those with cellulite as well as those who didn't have. It was found that the patients with cellulite saw notable improvements in thigh fat and thigh subcutaneous fat area. Though the gains were substantial although the statistical significance wasn't as strong.

There are many advantages to lymph drainage massage. It is a great way to improve lymphatic system functioning and immune system. It enhances fluid balance and cardio-vascular efficiency. It is known to improve the skin's elasticity, and reduce swelling. Furthermore, it could boost blood circulation to the brain as well as improve the functioning of the immune system.

This method can be done through three methods of manual lymph drainage. The first is called the superficial level massage or moving with gliding technique. For glide motions, this method uses the circular, smooth movement. Techniques for percussion or tapotement are two different types of methods. The process involves applying extremely forceful pressures on areas. Thirdly, there is the shiatsu technique, where the massage techniques are carried out using pressure applied by both fingers and thumbs deeply within muscles.

The lymph liquid must be cleared from the tips of the fingers, and after that it's extracted using your hands or fingers. After removing any excess fluid or tissue and lymphatic system, it can be restored in the process of eliminating toxins as well as fluids. It can also stimulate lymph flow and lymphatic drainage. The increase in lymphatic flow can reduce swelling and ease the pain. It can also be employed to rid the body of harmful compounds.

This practice is a product of the ancient Chinese therapy, and was used for centuries by the Chinese. Massage therapists are incorporating Chinese medicines into their massage therapies and a lot of Asian patients now use this method to aid in helping recuperate faster from injuries and illnesses. The type of massage treatment is thought to work in treating many chronic conditions, including constipation, arthritis and cardiovascular disease, diabetes asthma, migraines, cancer as well as thyroid and renal problems, tumors, sexual dysfunction, as well as constipation, Alzheimer's disease, Heart Diseases, Diabetes Asthma, Alzheimer's Disease, constipation, Alzheimer's disease, and heart issues. Traditional Chinese therapy uses a range of methods that include the use of friction, tapping and shaking. The therapy does not only apply to just the fingers. It also applies to the arms, feet, shoulders, elbows and back.

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