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You: Sarah 19, please say if reading! (My description: I have brown shoulder length hair, my eyes and eyebrows are the same as my hair. My skin is really pale but in the summer I have a pink tan line across my cheeks and the bridge of my nose. I am pretty tall for a girl, at 5'10'' as I play the middle position for my uni volleyball team. My body type is skinny/fit. My legs are the most toned part of me) The story: Your wife and you always wanted children but it never worked and so you applied to be foster parents. You found my (16 year old in need of a home) profile and your wife immediately wanted to help and give me a loving home. But because of all sorts of delays it wasn't immediate. By the time I was ready to come to your home, your wife passed away but you decided to take me in anyway. (So that's the starter! Please introduce yourself and start us off! I want this roleplay to be romantic/sexual with build up)

Stranger: (I'm reading)

You: (Thank you)

Stranger: (My name's Travis 28. I'm 6'3" and I'm toned/muscular in build with short dirty blond hair and icy blue eyes. I've got fair skin and a Celtic cross tattooed on my left forearm plus a handsome face and pearly white, straight smile.)

You: (Please continue :))

Stranger: (Okay give me a second :) )

You: (Take your time)

Stranger: I drove to the foster home to pick you up and take you home finally; after all the paperwork, background checks and the investigation into our home and personal lives; we finally were approved to become foster parents, but unfortunately my wife took ill and died after a short, but grueling battle with ovarian cancer which is what caused us never to be able to have children of our own. I was dressed in a pair of blue jeans, black boots, a black t-shirt underneath a charcoal gray short sleeved work shirt that was buttoned up. I got out of my car and headed inside to sign you out and take you home.

You: Since my parents died when I was 5 I lived with my grandmother on my mom's side until I was 9 and she could not take care of me anymore. No other relatives stepped up to the task and I was admitted into the system. Not many foster parents wanted an already developed child, and as I got older I got introduced to a more sad and violent way of life. I bounced around from foster home to foster home, some were brutal and just used me for the money, others were nice but would have me taken away once they had kids of their own. Lately I have been living in a girl's group home after a bad experience with my previous foster family. I was told there was a couple interested but that fell through when the wife died. The husband would have to reapply to be a single foster parent before taking me in. I didn't know until last minute that he actually still wanted me, It took nearly a year for him to reapply. The house supervisor just gave me a black garbage bag one day and told me to pack my things. I am wearing a black hoodie and some ripped up jeans, my hair pretty messy and in a nest of a bun. My left cheek looks like its healing from being punched, a small nearly healed cut pretty noticeable on my paler skin. I stand there awkwardly holding my bag, not saying much

Stranger: I was led to your room in the saw you and I gave you a smile; my wife saw that you needed a good home and I intended to honor her wish and kept pressuring for the chance to be a single foster parent. "H..Hello Sarah.. my name's Travis; and um... I'm here to take you home, to live with me.." I say as I walked over and nervously gave you a hug. Financially I'd be able to provide for you as I had a decent job and making good money so you wouldn't have to worry about starving or struggling; I planned on making sure you had a good life. "So um... what do we do next?" I asked the supervisor of the house and she took us to her office. "Mr. Walker; if you will just sign these papers then Sarah is officially your foster child... until you finally dump her back here once you realize how much trouble she is." I looked at you with a frown and signed the papers handed to me.

You: Throughout the whole interaction I have barely said a word. You notice my gaze is often on your hands, watching where they are in relation to me, watching how close you are to me, how close the supervisor is to me. I clutch my things to be abdomen like my life depends on it. Soon enough I am in your car, looking out the window, I finally manage to speak up "I'm sorry about your wife" I say gently

Stranger: You sat in the front of my car and I began our drive back home. "It's okay Sarah, you didn't do anything." I say with a weak smile; all I could think about was Samantha's voice in my head telling me she was proud of me for doing this and letting you into our home; that we had built for each other. "You'll have your own bedroom, your own bathroom and there's plenty of food and such.. Also I hope you don't mind animals.. I've got a dog and a cat." I tell you as we turned onto the street where our quaint suburban home was.

You: "I love animals" I brighten up a little but still have the thought in my head that at any point you can just throw me out. Once we arrive I leave the car, still clutching to my things. I wait for your cue to enter. I don't seem phased by the huge German Shepherd greeting you, and offer my hand to him to sniff and inspect.

Stranger: I smiled when I opened the door to my house and my three year old German Shepherd; Mace, greets us at the door and I looked at him before looking at you. "Don't worry he won't bite." I say as Mace comes towards you and he sniffs your hand and soon after he licks it slowly. "Good boy.." I say petting his head and I placed my jacket on the hook. "Um.. I didn't really have time to pull anything out to cook tonight; so I was thinking would you want pizza or Chinese tonight?" I asked you.

You: I seem genuinely happy to see your dog, accepting of her immediately. I see your counter has fresh fruits and your fridge is stocked. The supervisor at the group home made us buy the food in the kitchen, and I rarely had any money unless I did some kind of 'favor' to one of the girls which most likely would involve smuggling in drugs into the home. The last meal I had was yesterday morning. "Anything would be really good, I am sure. I'm really not picky... Do you mind showing me where I can leave my things?" I ask politely

Stranger: "Of course, follow me." I say as I led you upstairs and Mace following close behind as I pointed out each room. "Here's my room, if you need anything you can always holler." I say as I then went to a room that was all the way down the hall and I opened the door to your room, a nicely sized bedroom with a desk, laptop and a bed that was already made. "Here we are... perhaps tomorrow we can go get you some clothes... since I really haven't got anything for you to wear except some sweat pants and an old college t-shirt of mine..." I say

You: am in awe when I see my room, finally letting go of the bag I was clutching so dearly. I sit down on the comfy bed, taking everything in "This is all for me?" I ask carefully, my face brightening as my hands feel the sheets. I've never felt such silky sheets before. I do feel a bit dirty being in such a pretty home like this "I .. I don't need clothes, this is more than enough" I look around and my cheeks go paler when I see the laptop, I am speechless and overwhelmed, unsure with how to deal with it all "C-can I have a moment? I.. I'll be right down" I assure you

Stranger: I smiled seeing you happy and I leaned against the door and I nodded. "Yes, Samantha and I were more than ready to take you in a few years ago... we had this room which was originally going to be an office; but we decided to turn it into a bedroom with it's own bathroom as well.." I explained as I watched you sit on the bed. "You sure?" I asked when you mentioned the clothes and I then smiled and turned towards the stairs. "Sure, I've got some work I need to take care of downstairs.. Take all the time you need." I say walking back downstairs as Mace follows and joins me downstairs in the living room.

You: I smile, extremely relieved that you don't seem strict. I watch you leave and unpack my bag, I didn't have much, it didn't even fill 1 drawer. I go to my bathroom, pleasantly surprised that everything I need is there, toothbrush, shampoos, soaps. I look in the drawers and even find pads and tampons, happy I don't have to ask for any. I decide to take a shower, feeling like I shouldn't be dirty here. I wash my panties by hand since I only have 3 pairs and hand them to dry. I come downstairs, my hair damp and wavy, in some old mens pajama pants and a different black hoodie that isn't in much better condition

Stranger: I meanwhile had removed my over shirt, boots and socks and now just wore my black t-shirt and blue jeans. Mace jumped up on the sofa and began sleeping on her pillow, I grabbed the Chinese take out menu from the nearby drawer and began writing down what I wanted. I then heard the shower running upstairs and I grabbed some grapes and nibbling on them while I looked over some of the stuff from the girls group home.

You: I feel a little lost, you look busy as you are on the couch. I try to say something but find it hard to start a conversation. I notice you reading some papers about me and feel vulnerable, thinking you will send me back at any moment if I do something wrong. I clear my throat a bit "Um.. thank you for the things in the shower, it was really thoughtful of you" I try so hard to not do anything wrong

Stranger: I looked up from the papers and I gave you a smile. "You're welcome." I say as I listened to you speak. "I um.." I noticed you looked at the papers and I put them down; "Anything to make this as easy as possible for you; I know it must have been difficult living in that group home.." I say as I stood up. "But let's not worry about that; how about we get something to eat shall we? You hungry?" I asked

You: "Yes please, I could eat" I downplay just how hungry I am and take a seat at your kitchen island. I try my best to stay relaxed. Soon enough we are eating out of some take out containers. I am nearly done my meal. You notice I sneak a fortune cookie into my hoodie, paranoid about not having food later. "Thank you, it was really good" I start putting things away, and cleaning some dishes, keeping my sleeves down despite that making them wet, I seem uncomfortable exposing any skin at all

Stranger: I noticed you're acting a bit strange but I decide to think nothing of it. "I'm glad you enjoyed dinner." I smiled as I helped you clean up and I watched you sneak a cookie from the bag into your hoodie but I say nothing. I looked at the clock and saw it was 7 PM and I decided to go out to the living room and catch up on some of my TV shows that I usually watch. "If you need anything Sarah, don't hesitate to call or shout." I grinned as I walked by you and gave you a peck on the head; I noticed as well that you were afraid to expose any skin which had me concerned and I'd talk to you about it before bed.

You: I close my eyes when you come close to me and you hear me hold my breath when you kiss my forehead, only breathing out once we are at a distance again. I make sure to clean up everything I have, I am not sure about what I am supposed to do around you, if you want me out the couch or to stay out of your way. I go to my room eventually and hide the cookie in my desk drawer for later. I have picked up some survival tricks over the years. 'I just need to get through the next three days', I tell myself. I am coming off of heroin withdrawal, I already feel the fever coming on. I have two doses left and I plan on spacing them out to wean off of it. The dealer forced me to take my first few hits to make sure I would come back to him

Stranger: I felt a little concern growing inside me when you tensed up from me trying to touch you, I mean I wasn't going to hurt you, but I can see it was going to be a struggle in the beginning. I head up to your room and knock on your door. "Sarah... Sarah can I come in?" I asked softly as I didn't want to disturb your privacy or make you feel like I was monitoring you; but I was genuinely concerned and worried about you.

You: I have thrown up just about everything in my stomach in the past half hour. I am in the bed, shaking a bit from a fever "Um yeah, of course" I take a few deep breaths and try my best at seeming normal, managing to get some color into my cheeks by pinching them

Stranger: I opened the door and I noticed you were not looking good. "You look a little sick are you alright?" I asked as I sat on the side of the bed and placed my hand on top of your forehead. I could feel you were burning up and I frowned. "Sarah you're shaking.." I say a little sternly.

You: "I'm sorry... I.. I must be allergic to something .. I" I struggle to keep composure, feeling extremely hot and cold at the same time but I don't take anything off "I'm sorry this is really embarrassing, I just need some rest" I force a smile

Stranger: I knew I needed to press this on as I "No... no... food allergies don't give you fevers and you're shaking." I say as I then pulled the covers back and I took a hold of your arm and rolled up the sleeve of your hoodie and I could see the faded track marks. "Sarah... did they make you take drugs at this group home?" I asked shocked

You: I pull at my arm trying to cover up again and shake my head "I.. I'm fine" I pant, my chest in pain from the anxiety "Please... just trust me.. I'm not an addict" I pull at my arm again, freaking out when you keep inspecting me "I'll be okay" I reassure you "Please don't take me back" I nearly sob

Stranger: I see you about to cry and I wrapped my arms around you and hugged. "Sarah.. I would never take you back.. I promise and gave my word to Samantha that I would take you in and vgive you a home." I say softly as I rubbed your back gently in the hug. "And I intend to follow through on that promise." I tell you as I looked at you. "Do you have any heroin left ? If you do... please give it to me and I will get rid of it." I say to you softly and I place my hands gently on your shoulders;

You: I get even more scared when you hug me, having a full panic attack, terrified you will do something. It takes me a few moments but I start to relax in your arms a bit, realizing you don't want to hurt me. My body is in a lot of pain. When you let go I run to the bathroom to throw up again. I dry heave, washing my face in the sink "It's in my bag... I was going to use it portions to wean myself off" I shake, holding the sink, my pace paler than ever. I am still in the hoodie and pajama pants

You: *face)

Stranger: I watched you go to the sink in your bathroom and I rubbed your back as you mention it's in your bag and I looked at it and I grabbed the two doses that were left and I joined you in the bathroom. "Now, Sarah... I'm not sending you back to the home; I will never do that.. but I will be there every step of the way with you to get you through this addiction.. Now the first thing we do is we dump it.." I say taking the doses and dropping them down the toilet and flushing them. I then placed my hands on your shoulders; "I'm going to be here for you... be that support and love that you need." I tell you.

You: I wash my face and drink from the sink desperately, wanting water "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, I swear I am not addicted, it's just withdrawal, its just physical. I get very warm but I am too nervous to take my hoodie off. I lay back down in my bed, shaking and hugging myself "I'll be okay, I promise. You weren't supposed to know'

Stranger: I placed my hand on your back as you mention that you weren't addicted. "I know... but this is what families do; they look out for each other and protect one another.. I lost my wife... I'll be damned if I'm losing another part of my family.." I say as I laid down next to you and I hugged you close to me. "Just try to get some sleep okay.. I'll stay with you until you fall asleep.. and we can discuss this at another time." I tell you.

You: I squirm in the bed, feeling too warm, too feverish. I clutch the sheets in fists and hide my face in a pillow as i try to work through it, desperately needing you to take charge and help me get the fever down

Stranger: I decided the only way you were going to come down from the fever was to lose some layers of clothing; I decided to remove your hoodie, pajama bottoms. "Don't worry... I'm not going to try anything; but I'm trying to help you get the fever down." I say as I began stripping you down.

You: I sob as you take my clothing off, not because I don't trust you but because it's just very traumatic. I am in my panties and bra, bruises showing on my ribs and thighs. I curl up into a ball, my back really shows how thin I am "I'm sorry"

Stranger: "It's okay..." I tell you as I looked at how bruised you were. "Jesus... what did they do to you.." I say as I shook my head. I then see how thin you were. "Also you don't have to sneak food, if you're hungry Sarah, don't be afraid to grab something to nibble on." I say as I leaned down and kissed your cheek.

You: I nod trying so hard to stay calmer for you. I cry myself to sleep, finally not shaking after some time. I am knocked out for at least 12 hours, exhausted from fighting off the withdrawal symptoms

Stranger: I pulled the covers over you and I go to my own bedroom to sleep and sure enough I passed out and woke up the next morning. I went to check on you and you were still asleep, I decided to shower and get ready for a day of running errands. I wore a pair of black jeans, a red t-shirt and a gray fleece zip up jacket with black and white sneakers.

You: When I wake up I feel a little dizzy and strange, not really recalling exactly what happened last night. I check my bag and remember you flushed what I had left. I get myself to the shower and sit in the tub, soaking myself in cold water while still wearing my underwear for what seems like a really long time

Stranger: "Sarah... Sarah, you in here?" I knocked on your bedroom door and opened it to see you weren't in bed; but the shower was on. "Hey.. I was thinking today we get you some new clothes and just spend the day together... how's that sound?" I asked through the bathroom door.

You: I turn the water off and go to the bathroom door, not bothering covering up or grab a towel. I open the door and look at you, my eyes just instantly conveying the agony I feel "I.. I just need to get dressed" I look to my feet, I am dripping cold water, my bra and panties obviously soaked and see through

Stranger: I couldn't help but look as I bit my lip as the wet material became see through and I decided to look away. "Maybe some new underwear as well.. Get dressed and I'll meet you downstairs." I say as I shut the door and quickly made my way downstairs.

You: I take my time, struggling to get composure. I have to sit in bed for sometime before I manage to pull on what I wore yesterday when you picked me up. I make my way downstairs, my hair still a bit wet

Stranger: "You know, you don't have to keep using cold water.. we do have hot water." I explained while I handed you a towel and I waited for you to dry off. "Come along." I say while I get my car keys and everyhing ready
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