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Portable Oxygen Concentrators Rent or Buy?
If you or a loved one was recently prescribed oxygen therapy, it is likely that you are pondering a myriad of questions. To begin, what exactly is an oxygen concentrator for portable use, in addition to how does it work? You're likely also curious about costs, in addition to how exactly you should buy one of these machines.

Luckily, your friends at The Senior List are here to keep you up-to-date about everything that is related to portable oxygen concentrators as well as their price. Did you know you may rent rather than buy one? Both options have pros and cons Let's jump into it and take a deeper look.

Who Is Prescribed Portable Oxygen?

Portable oxygen is recommended to those who are struggling with low blood oxygen levels. It could be due to some condition like COPD and asthma. Or it could be due to an infection as a result of surgery or illness.

If you want to purchase an oxygen concentrator on the go, you'll need an authorization. The reason behind this is that it requires a certified medical professional to assess your requirement for oxygen and decide the precise quantity you need. This figure is measured by liters per minute. Oxygen on its own is a medicine, and you shouldn't use it without proper guidance from a doctor.

What Is A Portable Oxygen Concentrator?

The portable oxygen concentrator a piece equipment small enough to carry with you while you perform everyday activities. Comparatively to large oxygen tanks or even the stationary concentrators of today the portable oxygen machine is light enough to travel from room to room, outdoors, or even in an airplane.

A portable concentrator is a device that draws from the air and enhances the oxygen levels of the air. This is accomplished by passing the air through an intake filter to a compressor, and then through a sieve bed. The process eliminates oxygen from air, leaving the air with a greater oxygen content, up to 95 percent.

The concentrator's portable device is hooked up to a tube, and the oxygen is pumped through a nasal cannula, or the mask. It results in an increase of blood oxygen levels and thus improving the symptoms associated with asthma, COPD, and other breathing-related problems.

Buying a Portable Oxygen Concentrator

The first procedure to acquire a portable oxygen concentrator is receiving your prescription. It will include how much oxygen you need (measured in units of liters per minute) as well as the method for oxygen administration.

There's 2 ways by how a concentrator may deliver oxygen.

"Pulse Dose the delivery process is able to detect the moment you breathe and then pumps oxygen out in the same manner.

Continuous Flow: As the name implies it is a continuous, constant stream of oxygen in the direction of the user.

You should expect to spend around $2500 for an adequate concentrator. Some models range from $2000 to $2500, with some of the more advanced ones more than $3500. Inogen portable oxygen concentrators, for example, start at $2,295. The majority of times, Medicare will cover the expense of your portable oxygen concentrator based on the location from which you make your purchase.

If you suffer from low blood oxygen levels A portable oxygen concentrator is able to greatly improve your life and is a vital piece of equipment. Its cost could be a worry, though that's why we'll take a deeper look at your other option, which is renting.

Renting a Portable Oxygen Concentrator

If you're worried about the initial cost of purchasing the oxygen concentrator you can carry around, renting one is a good option to reduce the price. Costs differ between providers but generally the average cost is $35 per day (or $250 weekly) to lease the portable oxygen concentrator. The price will depend on the particular model and the manufacturer Be sure to research different suppliers.

What to Consider When Purchasing a Portable Oxygen Concentrator

Before you go ahead and either rent or purchase a concentrator that you are considering, there are several aspects we'd suggest looking over. Be sure to be certain of your LPM (liters per minute) you need, so you can make sure your device meets the amount you need. This information will be outlined on the prescription you receive for portable oxygen.

Also, you should consult with your doctor regarding when you need oxygen. Certain people require it constantly while others require it only at night early in the morning, after exercising or walking.

Also, make sure you inquire if you require an ongoing flow or a pulse which your doctor should be able to explain. koncentrator tlenu wypożyczalnia śląsk is only released oxygen after breathing, whereas the latter will supply it continuously. It is important to note that if have to use it the same time as an BiPAP machine, you will require a continuous flow device.

While being crystal clear regarding your oxygen therapy requirements It is important to double-check:

What kind and type of batteries the unit takes, and how often you'll require to recharge or replace the batteries. Some units are equipped with rechargeable batteries. Inogen's most current units for example, come with two battery systems that can power your concentrator for upwards for 13 hours.

The warranty's duration and how long the warranty lasts.

What is the condition of the unit? FAA (Federal Aviation Administration) accepted if you're planning to fly with it. Most units pass the test; however, it's not a good idea is to encounter issues when you're at an airport.

What kind of cleaning and maintenance the unit needs. A majority of portable concentrators can benefit from periodic external wipedowns, in addition to swabbing of those air vents.

The volume you set is for those who are worried about noise, especially when you're going to use your concentrator in the night. A lot of times, portable concentrators have the same volume as a private indoor conversation, meaning it won't cause much disturbance in the event that you use them at stores or restaurants.

The size, weight and dimensions of the device. The majority of portable concentrators weigh around 5lbs. This allows them to be carried anyplace, but you'll want to ensure you're content with the dimensions and weight.

Which are the included accessories, like spare batteries, cannulas, or a carry case. If you don't get these extras they'll require you to budget for them separately. Be sure to consider them when you calculate the cost of purchasing or renting a device.

Pros and Cons of Renting and Buying A Portable Oxygen Concentrator


The cost of the initial purchase will be lower.

You'll have greater flexibility in returning your concentrator.

Many companies provide the option to extend your rental contract.

Some insurance companies will pay for renting, but not purchasing a portable oxygen concentrator.

Several suppliers offer extras like maintenance or savings on spare batteries that are included in a rental deal.

For those who require oxygen only for short periods You can save money.

Most often, rental companies will offer ongoing maintenance to your concentrator in part of your rental contract.


The costs will likely increase over the long run.

It can be difficult for many to think about how to pay each week.

It's your responsibility to send everything back when you're done with your concentrator.

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