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How to lose 20 kg in a month?
Few people want to lose weight for a long time, dropping a pound a week. People, especially women, dream of losing weight today. But few people care how it will affect a person.

How to lose 20 kg in a month without harming your health? Is it realistic? In detail in this article.
Is it really possible to lose weight by 20 kg in a month?

Stories where a girl lost weight by 20 kg in a month are real. But it is worth bearing in mind that it is extremely difficult to do this without harming your health. Such a process is not possible without the introduction of diets and physical activity.

Only with a comprehensive approach it is possible to lose excess weight, but without harming your health and normalize your metabolism.
Pros and cons of rapid weight loss

Objective advantages of extreme weight loss:

- Such "shaking" allows the body to zero in and normalize the rate of metabolic processes.

- Achieving a visible result in the shortest possible time.

- Diets designed for great weight loss do not require expensive products for the menu.

This is where the pluses end, but the minuses are just beginning. They include:

- A high probability that the weight will rapidly return after a couple of days.

- The likelihood of psychological distress and stress.

- Risk of dehydration of the body.

- If a person does not balance nutrition or does not take vitamins, the body will not get enough of them.
Recommendations for rapid weight loss

Minimizing the effects of a rigid diet and rapid weight loss will allow the following rules to be followed.
Shaping your mindset

According to psychologists, in order to quickly lose pounds, you need to properly configure yourself and prepare for the process: normalize the sleep regime and exclude from life at most stresses.
Controlling the feeling of hunger

It is important to learn to distinguish the signal of the need for a snack, coming from the head, from the physiological need for food. When a person is really hungry, he will agree to eat any acceptable food for him, whether it is porridge or soup. But if there is a desire for a juicy bun - this is a contrived appetite. In order that the feeling of hunger will be released, it is necessary to drink a glass of water.
Consumption of vitamins

Since diets involve the use of one set of products and limitation of others, there may be a deficit of certain micronutrients. To make up for the balance, nutritionists recommend introducing vitamins into your life. It is necessary to use the ones that are right for you. The required list of vitamins for the body can be found out by taking tests.
Water balance

Drink the daily norm of water for your body. The required amount of pure liquid allows you to burn fats quickly in the body and eliminate toxins. You should drink at least 1.5 liters of drinking, clean water per day. A more precise dosage can be calculated with the help of a formula based on your body weight.
Contraindications .

If a person decided to really lose weight by 20 kg in a month and set yourself this goal, then first it is necessary to read the contraindications for those who want to lose a lot of fat in a short period of time:

1. Diabetes mellitus.

2. Neuroses of various kinds.

3. Emotional instability.

4. Eating disorders.

5. Ulcers.

6. Gastritis.

7. Gastrointestinal disorder.

8. Kidney and urinary tract disease.

9. Hormonal disorders.

10. Disease of the cardiovascular system.

It is not real to lose 20 kg in a month for teenagers and young girls is contraindicated. In their maturing body is undergoing restructuring and abrupt changes can lead to the fact that a person will achieve the opposite effect - to get fat.
Harsh diets

It is important not to rush in choosing a diet. Before introducing it into your life, it is better to consult with a nutritionist. Especially if there are contraindications to any products.

Below are the diets that really help people of all genders and ages lose weight in a short period of time.

This option involves an independent selection of foods. At the same time there are many cases where a girl has lost weight by 20 kilograms, using only this diet. Its essence is that the total caloric content of the daily diet should not exceed 1200 Kcal. The ratio of micronutrients is as follows:

- 20% of fats from all food consumed;

- 60 g of pure protein;

- Light carbohydrates are excluded;

Food should be eaten in small portions 5-6 times a day.

Is it realistic to lose weight in a month by 20 kg and at the same time cleanse the body of toxins? Yes, if you use a mono-diet. It consists of consuming only one selected product for several days. The number of calories consumed does not matter.

The most common mono-diet options are:

1. Apple diet.

2. Kefir.

3. Cereal.

4. Pear.

In the process of dieting the digestion of habitual food occurs oversaturation of the body. As a consequence, the gastrointestinal tract becomes more difficult to digest.

Lose 20 pounds in a month with a diet that is used by movie stars and models around the world. The Hollywood diet got its name because of the established fashion for it among celebrities. It is thanks to her many stick to the form with the parameters of 90-60-90. Its duration is 14 days.

Breakfast during the whole time should be excluded from the menu. It is also forbidden to eat and drink:

- Sugar.

- Salts.

- Alcohol.

- Bread.

- Alcohol-containing drinks.

Best diet pills

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