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Make Time to Write - Start by Writing on your own First - The Universe Will Reward Your Effort
There are so many wonderful reasons to get the time and energy to write. You wonder why I say discover the time and energy to write? Writing is exciting, as it should be!

It is best initiated when you have the time to activate yourself on a fact-finding, poetic, or expressive mission- Allowing time and energy to release what your spirit really wants to release, first to yourself, then so that you can pen in some recoverable format, or in 2018, make enough time to type words of information, poetry or encouragement LET your writing be nourishment to your own soul first!

You have to really enjoy writing at the onset of doing your craft. It will NEVER be seen as a bore or as a chore, THOUGH as much more- a passion, mission and even as your calling.

Writing can and does serve an objective on so many different levels and circumstances:

*Write as self-therapy; read your thoughts on paper and you also judge what needs to be mended, ended or further expanded upon- Allow good or unfair events you will ever have experience be released!

Anticipate to enjoy your writing mainly for your own personal self-satisfaction. Making enough time to create should mainly be accomplished for the writers' own enjoyment or benefit.

It is making time and energy to spend alone in your own thoughts and to have a conversation between yourself and your divine higher self-imposed guiding voice. CV Writing Companies in Dubai Utilize your innate capability to speak clearly and write or type your words or messages, maybe even later share your text having an audience of readers- if that's what you choose to do together with your content. ~ Because the hard, cold the truth is that unless enough people, companies and freebies have already been handed- out, not free to you the writer, but free for the entities that are looking and need the freebies. Writers' should be prepared to get exploited a lot- writers that aimlessly crave the writing recognition. At least that's part of the many lies that I was told about being truly a freelance writer. To that I say: NONSENSE! ~
There is NEVER a good reason to write for FREE for anybody other than for yourself!

* If you write well, believe me, people will find you and they will follow you and they'll WANT to contact you.

Never let anyone tell you, or agree with them if they do, that you need to give away your writing content and creativity to numerous places before you can be prepared to be paid.

Your penned creativity took your time, sweat, and energy and really should serve you first- before serving anyone else, if at all!

Should they want your writing FREE OF CHARGE, the chances are very high,that they need good content and only wish to exploit your work to create a profit. Their intention isn't to share with you, the writer, in the benefit or in the profit of everything you created.

They are asking you for the original content to make use of for dishonest or fraudulent purposes. It is a hard truth. If anyone lets you know you need to contribute content to many places before you can receives a commission,then, my friend, they are deceiving you.

That is one of the primary writing misnomers of writing and the advice given to MANY writers- to- date. Telling a writer that he should write for another person or company and not get paid is ludicrous!

Do not enlist the opinion of family or so-called friends, writing is a thing that your intimate circle of friends and family do not clearly comprehend.

I don't know the reason why WHY- or the answer to that- All that I could CLEARLY add: Is that it is rare to see a writer which has a supportive and understanding family, mate or friend.

They, the aforementioned people above, find more benefit in discouraging you as a writer than encouraging you as an individual.

Sorry to relay such bitter, sad and unpleasant news for you. But if you desire to be a great writer, you will have to involve some very thick skin- especially if you want to earn a living doing any sort of writing- analyze if writing is indeed what brings you the most passion.

*There are so many production companies, and several other published writers, in the entertainment and advertising industries, that may plagiarize UNKNOWN writers and repackage unprotected Intellectual Property for unfair gain and illegal profit, that the names would astound you...

They go around the Internet, Twitter and anywhere they can find something unique or catchy and plagiarize your articles!

Unless and until you have a trademark or a copyright on everything, they will plagiarize your work and add your creative passages, phrases and words to their products, movie scripts, commercials, and even have the audacity to include themselves as the owners of origin.

There are so many industries that do this, I don't have enough time or the space,on this forum, to name them all.

You would believe that a publicist would not do this- but reconsider. They are combing the web to exploit free, written text, developed by wonderful, outstanding, talented, unprotected, unpaid freelance article writers.

These writers are posting their hearts out on their pay-by-the-month blogs- to get a name by writing samples also to obtain Internet exposure.

Unfortunately, blogs usually only catch the incorrect sort of exposure- that of large businesses, corporations, pharmaceuticals, or multinational companies who'll quickly fight to see who can plagiarize your site content first!

Pay no credence or attention to condescending publicists that will ask you, to write for them, FREE-OF-CHARGE.

They begin by playing on your own emotions, telling you that they will give you the opportunity to exposure your writing style and your name on their site. NONSENSE.

If a publicist, a marketer, or an internet company for-profit, is asking you to write for them, then notice that they are making use of your writing skill, talent, content and acumen to make money. And they don't desire to share in the profit with you! They view the freelance writer-as somebody who needs to pay his dues, donate FREEBIES, so that you can possibly earn a living OR to survive in the writing industry- Making them the money and bringing them a following by you, the writer, presenting your very best writing and donating your time and effort. NONSENSE.

Let them pay someone to write for them, whether it's not you, they will have to pay someone at some point.

OH, and several of the writers that they do pay, have plenty of free time, and surf the Internet for blogs of the unsuspecting writer, writing on blogs on publicly-viewed forums, again, plagiarizing good content.

Probably content an unpaid, freelance writer wrote on an annually-renewed and paid blog that the writer had to pay to have online.

They advise writers to cover a domain, pay for monthly hosting, create an exclusive brand and banner, and all this in an effort to get a name following and writing exposure.

Who is getting the exposure, the companies and marketers searching the web for FREEBIES. They're using these FREEBIES to advertise, plagiarize and to rehash content that unpaid, freelance writers have posted on the pay-by-the-month blogs- Can you remember what I said concerning the advice directed at writes by editors? Writes are encouraged to purchase a website, post online and to do so to get writing exposure.
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