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TIPS FOR RENOVATING HOME Just Like Hollywood Stars
1. Check the Condition of the House
The first step that must be the end is to check the condition of the building of your house therefore that you can find out which areas or rooms obsession to be renovated and plus to what extent renovations need to be done.

There are conditions that are not too urgent or urgent, such as peeling wall paint or fences, fittingly that the renovation does not require too much money. However, there are as well as conditions that are quite urgent or the broken is quite severe, and if not snappishly followed in the works can be fatal. Examples adjoin a permeable roof truss, leaking drains, or cracked walls. These things require major renovations and should be ended as soon as possible.

2. attain Your Research First
Design Concept Research
If Perkasa assistant wants to unquestionably fiddle with the layout and interior design concept, after that Perkasa co-conspirator must determine the design concept and lp song requirements first past renovating the house.

In Indonesia, there are four popular design concepts, namely the minimalist design concept, which usually uses hollow iron , the classic design concept, the industrial design concept, and the avant-garde design concept. However, each concept unconditionally has its own advantages and disadvantages, and this needs to be explored additional through design concept research that Perkasa cronies can accomplish through offline research and/or online research.

Offline research can be over and done with by asking the closest people who have changed the design of their homes or by viewing and reading books or magazines that cover a lot of house designs. on the new hand, online research can be the end by reading blogs or articles that lid a lot of home layout designs.

Contractor Research
We have often heard that many contractors have problems. There are those who shortly direct away in the center of the road for no reason, there are moreover those who initially said that the cost would be affordable, but in the middle of the road the costs unexpectedly skyrocketed. Therefore, Perkasa buddies should not arbitrarily or suddenly appoint contractors. see for a contractor who is trusted and has a fine reputation, and we recommend that you question this to your closest friends who have the end house renovations using contractors.

Price Research
It is then important to realize past renovating the house, that Perkasa partner in crime must be hardworking in surveying the prices of building materials and the cost of handyman services at that time. This is for that reason that you can have an idea of approximately how much it will cost you to prepare.

3. Prepare an seize Budget
After knowing the condition of your home and enactment some research, you will enormously start to have an idea of how much it will cost you to renovate your home. similar to this picture, you can begin to create a welcome budget chemical analysis and begin saving. This is correspondingly that later you are not overwhelmed with you look the tally for the renovation.

We as well as recommend Perkasa associates to prepare a remoteness fund because sometimes even though we have planned and prepared a detailed house renovation budget, cost overruns can nevertheless occur. Expenses following this can get you in trouble, especially if you don't have the funds to assign to it. reach not get into debt or experience financial difficulties because of these conditions. make positive you have a spare fund for house renovation costs. At least, you have to prepare this reserve cost at least 10% of your total home renovation budget. For example, if the home renovation budget is Rp. 100 million, next you have to prepare a backup cost of Rp. 10 million. After all, it's improved to prepare more allowance than less, right?

4. Avoid Renovating Builders London During the Rainy Season
We plus advise Perkasa associates to avoid renovating houses during the rainy season as much as possible. This aims to prevent any blister in the renovation costs. This is because renovation conduct yourself can be disrupted or delayed past it rains. This can subsequently outcome in the cost of the repairman inborn inflated because of the delayed admin time.

5. Use atmosphere Materials
Just with in supplementary projects, we suggest Perkasa partners to always use setting materials in renovating your home. do not just choose building materials just because the price looks cheap without checking the character first. Using tone materials may seem more expensive at first, but it will improvement you in the long run. This is because goods that are not of fine feel will be damaged speedily and can make you have to renovate many times, as a result the costs will swell. However, feel building materials will be durable and left for years will not be damaged.
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Regards; Team

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