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After completing the fourth workout section for this course, and the first time based workout as well, I am absolutely exhausted. Without a doubt, this was the most cardio and heart rate intensive workout we have had to complete so far. The first task being to complete 10 burpees, was absolutely brutal on me. It took my full ability, body, heart, and mind to go extremely high effort and try my hardest for these burpees, which took extreme effort. After the burpees, we were instructed to follow up with alternating leg lunges, which proved to be my most imporved area in working out. Although my legs still do get quite sore and are clearly the area that I am least used to working out, I strived to focus on the best form that I could do when doing these alternating leg lunges, and even though my quads burned quite a bit, I pushed through it. I completed almost 11 sets of the 25 minute challenge, with the lunges and abs being so hard to finish. I focused on continuing my work with the burpees and keeping my heart rate up the most. Overall this workout was extremely intense, probably the most cardio intensive workout we've had to complete so far, but I look forward to continuing to push myself.

I have just finished the fifth exercise in this class, and the second one this week. The Furry 50's as a whole was challenging in multiple ways for me. Having done so many push-ups in our previous workouts last week, it felt good to focus on my chest for the beginning of this workout. I can't quite pinpoint why it felt good to stretch out my arms after each push-up, being the windmill pushups, but I liked it, and it definitely helped with my focus and overall feeling of my chest and shoulders as individual muscles. For my back exercise of choice, I chose alternating one arm dumbbell rows. This back workout was favorite so far of the ones that we have completed, because I notice the most out of any workout I complete that I am focusing on correct form, and activating my back muscles. I know mind muscle connectivity can be a major key in many individuals fitness journeys, so I take advantage of that whenever we get to choose our back workouts. I found the mountain climbers to be great at getting my heart rate up, and I was thinking just last week that I wanted to do them to help support my bodyweight while activating my chest and somewhat completing cardio. Overall, this workout was one that felt most applicable to daily muscle groups that I engage, while incorporating some cardio that will benefit everyone.
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