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// ==UserScript==
// @name VTaming Client
// @namespace
// @version 1.16
// @description Escape to view serverdata, + to view profile list, - to view menu list, remove ads, and more! (more to come!)
// @author Andersen Zahn
// @match *://
// @match *://
// @require
// @grant none
// @supportURL
// ==/UserScript==

let serverRefreshRate = 3000;
let versionnumber = "1.16";
let versiontype = versionnumber.match(/./gi).length;
const ui_error = new Audio('');
const ui_close_window = new Audio('');
const ui_click1 = new Audio('');
const ui_click2 = new Audio('');

console.log("VTaming Client Started");
document.getElementsByTagName("canvas")[0].id = "canvas";
document.getElementById("how-to-play-box").innerHTML = `<h1 id="quit-how-to-play-box" class="button-quit" onclick='document.getElementById("howto").click();'></h1> <h2 class="pop-title shadowed">HOW TO PLAY</h2> <div style="display:flex;margin-top:-15px;" id="how-to-play-buttons"> <div id="game-how-to-play" class="flex-left-auto shadowed section-button-selected" onclick='if (document.getElementById("game-how-to-play").getAttribute("class") == "flex-left-auto shadowed section-button") { new Audio("").play(); document.getElementById(&quot;how-to-play-main-tab&quot;).style = &quot;margin-top: 0px;&quot;; document.getElementById(&quot;how-to-play-mod-tab&quot;).style = &quot;display: none; margin-top: 0px;&quot;; document.getElementById(&quot;mod-how-to-play&quot;).setAttribute(&quot;class&quot;, &quot;shadowed section-button&quot;); document.getElementById(&quot;game-how-to-play&quot;).setAttribute(&quot;class&quot;, &quot;flex-left-auto shadowed section-button-selected&quot;); } else { new Audio("").play(); };' style="flex-left-auto shadowed section-button;">Game</div><div id="mod-how-to-play" class="shadowed section-button" onclick="if (document.getElementById('mod-how-to-play').getAttribute('class') == 'shadowed section-button') { new Audio('').play(); document.getElementById(&quot;how-to-play-main-tab&quot;).style = &quot;display: none; margin-top: 0px&quot;; document.getElementById(&quot;how-to-play-mod-tab&quot;).style = &quot;margin-top: 0px;&quot;; document.getElementById(&quot;mod-how-to-play&quot;).setAttribute(&quot;class&quot;, &quot;shadowed section-button-selected&quot;); document.getElementById(&quot;game-how-to-play&quot;).setAttribute(&quot;class&quot;, &quot;flex-left-auto shadowed section-button&quot;); } else { new Audio('').play(); }" style="shadowed section-button-selected;">Mod</div> </div><div class="scrollbar0 scroll-container" id="how-to-play-main-tab" style="margin-top: 0px;"> <div class="scroll-content-bg"> <div class="scroll-title shadowed flex-align-center"> <a href="" target="_blank" style="color:#7289da;">Join the Discord for more answer</a> </div> <p class="scroll-subtitle shadowed">GAME RULES</p> <p class="scroll-subtitle1 shadowed">CRAFT</p> <ul class="c-white dashed"> <li> Hit trees, bushes and rocks to collect resources and craft buildings</li> <li> Level up to unlock various items by gathering resources, killing animals/players/bosses.</li> <li> The gold represents your score. To get more gold, place down windmills, kill animals, players, bosses or gather it in the map</li> <p class="scroll-subtitle1 shadowed">PETS</p> <li> Pets are very useful for fighting</li> <li> They will gain experience by killing animals/players/bosses</li> <li> Currently, there are 3 pet levels. (Baby, Adult, and Boss) The higher the level, the more health, the faster and damage it deals</li> <li> Use their skill to win faster during a battle</li> <li> Each pet has a different skill. It's up to you to try them all!</li> <p class="scroll-subtitle1 shadowed">BOSSES</p> <li> The Bosses are immobile creatures in the map. You can find them by looking at the minimap </li> <li> Defeat the bosses to gain a lot of experience, gold, and to tame special pets</li> <li> Once killed, each bosse releases unique special pets</li> <li> To share the reward when several people kill a boss, this one makes appear 3 chests which will give each a big bonus of score</li> <p class="scroll-subtitle1 shadowed">SHOP IN-GAME</p> <li> With your gold, you can buy hats, wings, capes and tails</li> <li> Each item gives you or your pets an advantage during the game</li> <li> Once you die, your hats are saved if you don't log out of the server you were playing in.</li> <p class="scroll-subtitle1 shadowed">GOLDEN APPLES IN CHESTS</p> <li> In the map, you will find chests that will give you golden apples.</li> <li> This is the currency of the game. With them you will be able to buy many cosmetics, unlock more pets, create clans, change your nickname etc.</li> </ul> <p class="scroll-subtitle shadowed">HOW TO TAME PETS IN GAME</p> <ul class="c-white dashed"> <li> Find an animal that is sleeping and press the Taming button (a paw)</li> <li> If you succeed, the animal will become your companion</li> <li> If you fail, the animal will wake up and be aggressive</li> <li> You can own 3 animals at the same time</li> <li> You can reorder your pets by dragging and dropping their images, or by pressing TAB. You can change the control in the Settings</li> </ul> <p class="scroll-subtitle shadowed">HOW DO PET ELEMENTS WORK</p> <ul class="c-white dashed"> <li> Each animal has a specific element</li> <li> These elements make it stronger or weaker against certain animals</li> <li> To better understand how elements work, select a pet before starting a game and go to "Type and Skill"</li> </ul> <p class="scroll-subtitle shadowed">HOW THE BADGES WORK</p> <ul class="c-white dashed"> <li> There are 11 badges that determine your level, as well as your activity.</li> <li> The badge is awarded according to your ranking score. This one corresponds to your 10 best scores during the last 21 days.</li> <li> Depending on your activity, you can improve your badge, or lose it.</li> <li> Each badge makes you start the game with a given number of resources, and one or more pets, evolved or not.</li> <li> Having a badge also entitles you to golden apples every day.</li> </ul> <p class="scroll-subtitle shadowed">HOW THE CLAN SYSTEM WORKS</p> <ul class="c-white dashed"> <li> You can create a clan in your Profile &gt; Clan, or join an existing one</li> <li> Clans allow you to play as a team by agreeing on a common goal.</li> <li> The best clans appear at the top of the Global Leaderboard</li> <li> You must belong to a clan to own totems</li> <li> Totems are distributed in all game servers and clans that want them must own and keep them. Territory warfare guaranteed!</li> </ul> <p class="scroll-subtitle shadowed">HOW THE FRIEND SYSTEM WORKS</p> <ul class="c-white dashed"> <li> You can add friends on Profile &gt; Friends</li> <li> Adding your friends to your list allows you to know when they play, in which server, under which name, with which skin, and in which team.</li> <li> You can also play in Private mode, so your friends don't know where you play or how to find you.</li> </ul> <p class="scroll-subtitle shadowed">HOW TO UNLOCK MORE PETS</p> <ul class="c-white dashed"> <li> Before starting a game, you can choose an animal to play with. </li> <li> To unlock the ones that are not yet accessible to you you must tame 50 animals in the game</li> <li> If your badge allows it, you can start a game with several pets.</li> <li> If you want to start with 2 identical pets, you must have tamed it 100 times.</li> <li> And to play with 3 identical pets, you will have to do it 150 times.</li> <li> To unlock pets faster, you can open chests in the Shop on the homepage</li> <li> Each chest will give you 30 cards.</li> </ul> <p class="scroll-subtitle shadowed">HOW TO CUSTOM YOUR CHARACTER</p> <ul class="c-white dashed"> <li> There are hundreds of different cosmetics to customize your character and make him unique.</li> <li> To customize it, open chests in the homepage shop</li> </ul> <p class="scroll-subtitle shadowed">WHAT IS A VIP PASS</p> <ul class="c-white dashed"> <li> A vip pass is a premium access that you can buy per month, per quarter, or per year.</li> <li> With it, you will get one or more cosmetics that will remain unlocked even after your pass expires</li> <li> Your badges will last longer, giving you more golden apples for 10 more days.</li> <li> You will also earn a hat that will allow you to earn more golden apples in the game.</li> <li> And finally, you won't have to watch any more commercials to unlock your rewards or to respawn </li> </ul> <p class="scroll-subtitle shadowed">HOW TO EARN GOLDEN APPLES</p> <p class="scroll-subtitle1 shadowed">IN GAME</p> <ul class="c-white dashed"> <li> Find chests around the map and destroy them to earn Golden Apples.</li> <li> With a VIP PASS, you can use a Golden Apple Hat to increase your golden apple gain</li> </ul> <p class="scroll-subtitle1 shadowed">WITH YOUR BADGE</p> <ul class="c-white dashed"> <li> Thanks to your badge, you receive golden apples every day.</li> <li> The bigger your badge, the more golden apples you will receive.</li> </ul> <p class="scroll-subtitle1 shadowed">IN THE SHOP</p> <ul class="c-white dashed"> <li> You can also directly buy Golden Apples in the shop.</li> <li> One of your friend can also offer you a gift to open in your Profile &gt; Gifts</li> </ul> <p class="scroll-subtitle1 shadowed">JOIN THE DISCORD COMMUNITY</p> <ul class="c-white dashed"> <li> The final way is to join our <a href="" target="_blank" style="color:#7289da;"> Discord Community of</a>.</li> <li> Participate to many events hosted by the developers and the staff for you to win extra Golden Apples!</li> </ul> <p class="scroll-subtitle shadowed">THE GAME IS BLOCKED</p> <ul class="c-white dashed"> <li> Sometimes the game is blocked in certain places. Therefore you can try the proxy sites:</li> <li> - <a href="" target="_blank" style="color:#e3a30f;"></a></li> <li> - <a href="" target="_blank" style="color:#e3a30f;"></a></li> <li> - <a href="" target="_blank" style="color:#e3a30f;"></a> with two M!</li> <li> - <a href="" target="_blank" style="color:#e3a30f;">;</a></li> <li> More proxies will be added soon, to find them you have to come on our discord community.</li> </ul> <p class="scroll-subtitle shadowed">WATCH A TUTORIAL</p> <a href="" target="_blank">HOW TO PLAY</a> - <a href="" target="_blank">FROM NOOB TO PRO</a> </div> </div> <div class="scrollbar0 scroll-container" id="how-to-play-mod-tab" style="display: none; margin-top: 0px;"> <div class="scroll-content-bg"> <div class="scroll-title shadowed flex-align-center"> <a href="" target="_blank" style="color:#7289da;">Have Suggestions, Feedback, Or Found A Bug? Share It Here</a> </div><p class="scroll-subtitle shadowed">CONTROLS</p> <p class="scroll-subtitle1 shadowed">SERVER LIST</p> <ul class="c-white dashed"> <li> Press Esc to open server list.</li> <li> From here you can see server data.</li> <li> This can be opened from in the game too.</li> <p class="scroll-subtitle1 shadowed">PROFILE LIST</p> <li> Pets are very useful for fighting</li> <li> They will gain experience by killing animals/players/bosses</li> <li> Currently, there are 3 pet levels. (Baby, Adult, and Boss) The higher the level, the more health, the faster and damage it deals</li> <li> Use their skill to win faster during a battle</li> <li> Each pet has a different skill. It's up to you to try them all!</li> <p class="scroll-subtitle1 shadowed">BOSSES</p> <li> The Bosses are immobile creatures in the map. You can find them by looking at the minimap </li> <li> Defeat the bosses to gain a lot of experience, gold, and to tame special pets</li> <li> Once killed, each bosse releases unique special pets</li> <li> To share the reward when several people kill a boss, this one makes appear 3 chests which will give each a big bonus of score</li> <p class="scroll-subtitle1 shadowed">SHOP IN-GAME</p> <li> With your gold, you can buy hats, wings, capes and tails</li> <li> Each item gives you or your pets an advantage during the game</li> <li> Once you die, your hats are saved if you don't log out of the server you were playing in.</li> <p class="scroll-subtitle1 shadowed">GOLDEN APPLES IN CHESTS</p> <li> In the map, you will find chests that will give you golden apples.</li> <li> This is the currency of the game. With them you will be able to buy many cosmetics, unlock more pets, create clans, change your nickname etc.</li> </ul> <p class="scroll-subtitle shadowed">HOW TO TAME PETS IN GAME</p> <ul class="c-white dashed"> <li> Find an animal that is sleeping and press the Taming button (a paw)</li> <li> If you succeed, the animal will become your companion</li> <li> If you fail, the animal will wake up and be aggressive</li> <li> You can own 3 animals at the same time</li> <li> You can reorder your pets by dragging and dropping their images, or by pressing TAB. You can change the control in the Settings</li> </ul> <p class="scroll-subtitle shadowed">HOW DO PET ELEMENTS WORK</p> <ul class="c-white dashed"> <li> Each animal has a specific element</li> <li> These elements make it stronger or weaker against certain animals</li> <li> To better understand how elements work, select a pet before starting a game and go to "Type and Skill"</li> </ul> <p class="scroll-subtitle shadowed">HOW THE BADGES WORK</p> <ul class="c-white dashed"> <li> There are 11 badges that determine your level, as well as your activity.</li> <li> The badge is awarded according to your ranking score. This one corresponds to your 10 best scores during the last 21 days.</li> <li> Depending on your activity, you can improve your badge, or lose it.</li> <li> Each badge makes you start the game with a given number of resources, and one or more pets, evolved or not.</li> <li> Having a badge also entitles you to golden apples every day.</li> </ul> <p class="scroll-subtitle shadowed">HOW THE CLAN SYSTEM WORKS</p> <ul class="c-white dashed"> <li> You can create a clan in your Profile &gt; Clan, or join an existing one</li> <li> Clans allow you to play as a team by agreeing on a common goal.</li> <li> The best clans appear at the top of the Global Leaderboard</li> <li> You must belong to a clan to own totems</li> <li> Totems are distributed in all game servers and clans that want them must own and keep them. Territory warfare guaranteed!</li> </ul> <p class="scroll-subtitle shadowed">HOW THE FRIEND SYSTEM WORKS</p> <ul class="c-white dashed"> <li> You can add friends on Profile &gt; Friends</li> <li> Adding your friends to your list allows you to know when they play, in which server, under which name, with which skin, and in which team.</li> <li> You can also play in Private mode, so your friends don't know where you play or how to find you.</li> </ul> <p class="scroll-subtitle shadowed">HOW TO UNLOCK MORE PETS</p> <ul class="c-white dashed"> <li> Before starting a game, you can choose an animal to play with. </li> <li> To unlock the ones that are not yet accessible to you you must tame 50 animals in the game</li> <li> If your badge allows it, you can start a game with several pets.</li> <li> If you want to start with 2 identical pets, you must have tamed it 100 times.</li> <li> And to play with 3 identical pets, you will have to do it 150 times.</li> <li> To unlock pets faster, you can open chests in the Shop on the homepage</li> <li> Each chest will give you 30 cards.</li> </ul> <p class="scroll-subtitle shadowed">HOW TO CUSTOM YOUR CHARACTER</p> <ul class="c-white dashed"> <li> There are hundreds of different cosmetics to customize your character and make him unique.</li> <li> To customize it, open chests in the homepage shop</li> </ul> <p class="scroll-subtitle shadowed">WHAT IS A VIP PASS</p> <ul class="c-white dashed"> <li> A vip pass is a premium access that you can buy per month, per quarter, or per year.</li> <li> With it, you will get one or more cosmetics that will remain unlocked even after your pass expires</li> <li> Your badges will last longer, giving you more golden apples for 10 more days.</li> <li> You will also earn a hat that will allow you to earn more golden apples in the game.</li> <li> And finally, you won't have to watch any more commercials to unlock your rewards or to respawn </li> </ul> <p class="scroll-subtitle shadowed">HOW TO EARN GOLDEN APPLES</p> <p class="scroll-subtitle1 shadowed">IN GAME</p> <ul class="c-white dashed"> <li> Find chests around the map and destroy them to earn Golden Apples.</li> <li> With a VIP PASS, you can use a Golden Apple Hat to increase your golden apple gain</li> </ul> <p class="scroll-subtitle1 shadowed">WITH YOUR BADGE</p> <ul class="c-white dashed"> <li> Thanks to your badge, you receive golden apples every day.</li> <li> The bigger your badge, the more golden apples you will receive.</li> </ul> <p class="scroll-subtitle1 shadowed">IN THE SHOP</p> <ul class="c-white dashed"> <li> You can also directly buy Golden Apples in the shop.</li> <li> One of your friend can also offer you a gift to open in your Profile &gt; Gifts</li> </ul> <p class="scroll-subtitle1 shadowed">JOIN THE DISCORD COMMUNITY</p> <ul class="c-white dashed"> <li> The final way is to join our <a href="" target="_blank" style="color:#7289da;"> Discord Community of</a>.</li> <li> Participate to many events hosted by the developers and the staff for you to win extra Golden Apples!</li> </ul> <p class="scroll-subtitle shadowed">THE GAME IS BLOCKED</p> <ul class="c-white dashed"> <li> Sometimes the game is blocked in certain places. Therefore you can try the proxy sites:</li> <li> - <a href="" target="_blank" style="color:#e3a30f;"></a></li> <li> - <a href="" target="_blank" style="color:#e3a30f;"></a></li> <li> - <a href="" target="_blank" style="color:#e3a30f;"></a> with two M!</li> <li> - <a href="" target="_blank" style="color:#e3a30f;">;</a></li> <li> More proxies will be added soon, to find them you have to come on our discord community.</li> </ul> <p class="scroll-subtitle shadowed">WATCH A TUTORIAL</p> <a href="" target="_blank">HOW TO PLAY</a> - <a href="" target="_blank">FROM NOOB TO PRO</a> </div> </div>`;
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'<div id="server-name2"> Connecting ...</div>' +
'<div id="server-category2" class="server-category c-beige"> Official Server</div>' +
'</div>' +
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'</div>' +
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'</div>' +
'</div>' +
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'<div class="shadowedText" style="margin-left:13px; margin-top:-51px; font-size:16px;" content="LEADERBOARD"><div style="" class="subtitle shadow ">LEADERBOARD</div>' +
'<div class="subtitle above ">LEADERBOARD</div>' +
'</div>' +
'</div>' +
'</div>' +
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'<div style="" class="subtitle shadow ">HOW TO PLAY</div>' +
'<div class="subtitle above ">HOW TO PLAY</div>' +
'</div>' +
'</div>' +
'</div>' +
'</div>' +
'</div>' +
'</div>' +
'</div>' +
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what is is a web-based application for taking notes. You can take your notes and share with others people. If you like taking long notes, is designed for you. To date, over 8,000,000,000 notes created and continuing...


  • * You can take a note from anywhere and any device with internet connection.
  • * You can share the notes in social platforms (YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, instagram etc.).
  • * You can quickly share your contents without website, blog and e-mail.
  • * You don't need to create any Account to share a note. As you wish you can use quick, easy and best shortened notes with sms, websites, e-mail, or messaging services (WhatsApp, iMessage, Telegram, Signal).
  • * has fabulous infrastructure design for a short link and allows you to share the note as an easy and understandable link.

Fast: is built for speed and performance. You can take a notes quickly and browse your archive.

Easy: doesn’t require installation. Just write and share note!

Short:’s url just 8 character. You’ll get shorten link of your note when you want to share. (Ex: )

Free: works for 12 years and has been free since the day it was started.

You immediately create your first note and start sharing with the ones you wish. If you want to contact us, you can use the following communication channels;

Email: [email protected]




Regards; Team

Shortened Note Link
Looding Image
Long File

For written notes was greater than 18KB Unable to shorten.

To be smaller than 18KB, please organize your notes, or sign in.