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we talk a lot about broken hearts
but oh,
what about the aching ones?
the hearts that are healing
but can’t escape the visits of the
cold, sharp
pain gripping their core.
the hearts that appear
whole again
but still experience
the waves of hurt
crash against their soul’s door.
-Liz Newman

Sunnynose- 9 moons before the incident
A gray tabby tom-kit waded into the river, purring in delight as the gentle river washed against his fur. His five siblings who all looked like him were ahead. Splashing, mewing in excitement, and playing with each other. The deeper part of the pool was up to their knees. The shallow part of the pool was up to his chest. He was the youngest out of six kits. He was the only- well, imperfect kit. His siblings were big and strong. Three sisters and two brothers. His sisters were named Softkit, Streamkit, and Flutterkit. His brothers were called Fogkit and Sleekkit.
The gray kit puffed out his chest, wading deeper into the river. His heart thumped as he got four steps in deeper. Now it was up to his neck. The kit then bravely took a few more steps forward. Then Sunnykit looked down at his reflection. He stared into his blue gaze. His left eye was bright blue, reminding him of a clear blue sky. His right one, however, was cloudy. There were spots of white and darker blue. This... this is why my family hates me.... He then attempted to turn around and run back to the rocky shore, but he slipped on a slick rock underwater.
Letting out a yelp, Sunnykit splashed around as his head went underwater once. Then twice. He then kicked hard, spinning him towards his siblings. Gasping, his head rose above the water. He was swimming!
"MOTHER! FATHER! I'M SWIMMING!" he cried. The kit's heart soared as he imagined his parents' proud, boasting voices that they always used to declare his siblings' accomplishments. He then made a small circle. His mother and father ignored his pleads for attention. Then a strong jaw picked him up. Sunnykit squealed in surprise.
"Let go of me! I can swim!" he yowled. Then he realized the cat was his eldest brother- Sleekkit. Sunnykit rolled his eyes. Oh, wow. How heroic.
"Mother! Father! Sunnykit was drowning and I saved him!" Sleekkit boasted as he dragged Sunnykit not-so-gently to shore. Their mother, Brightecho, had her chest puffed out proudly. Their father hung back, two emotions opposite of each other glinting in his blue eyed gaze.
"No! I was swimming then that snake-heart picked me up and took the credit!" Sunnykit protested. Brightecho turned sharply to her youngest kit.
"No. You didn't. You are blind and will never learn to swim. Now, go thank your brother" she snapped. The kit's mouth was dry in shock as his mother gushed over Sleekkit. His brother smirked, winking at him. That would be the first time Sunnykit ever faced rejection from his family. He would soon enough learn it was better to keep your mouth shut than to waste your time trying to explain what would never be understood.
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