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1 The opportunity presented is very enticing and one of the main aspects that excites me is the fact that I am able to enhance my knowledge in the Engineering industry while gaining a hands on experience. I previously attended Blackburn College completing a level 3 City and Guilds Engineering course and am currently doing an Engineering Traineeship at Training 2000. Throughout my time in education, I gained many skills of which I am eager to express and bring to the company. Such skills involved the ability to present and organise well which brought along a sense of confidence within me. Spending numerous years in the Engineering field, many problem-solving tasks and projects crossed my path where I was able to improve my coordination skills with my colleagues. Working on tasks with several team members gave me an opportunity to also gain leadership skills in which allowed me to delegate and distribute roles equally, voice my opinions and also improve my listening skills. I am confident working both individually and as a team. Completing any task appointed to me to the best of my ability and efficiently is a great quality I possess. I feel that joining NHS Property Services as a maintenance technician gives me a great opportunity to show my passion for helping others which goes hand in hand with what this role would encompass. Growth is a very important aspect to me and I feel that I can grow and improve as a young Engineer. I would also like to take on this role to make a difference and to join a company where I can gain expert advise and put it into action.

2 An occasion where I really thrived and expressed my strengths was while I was on work Experience at Dietech Engineering. Over the course of my time there, I conducted in many different tasks which allowed me to portray myself very well to the employer. During the first week, I began by shadowing an employee who is an apprentice also and has been with the company (Dietech Engineering) for two years. I started off by helping him with jobs assigned to him and working as a team to get them done such as drilling holes into metal blocks and deburring certain products so they were ready to be sent off to the customers. This was all done under supervision, however, as the week went on moving into Wednesday and Thursday, I would be assigned my own individual tasks where I was told what to do and I had to follow instructions to get them done. One of these tasks included operating a CNC machine. This tested my listening skills, my independence as well as confidence because although I was being watched to a slight degree, it was more of an individual task and my own responsibility. My confidence thrived through this task because I did complete the job to a good standard and at times where I was stuck, I was able to speak up and ask for help. Overall, I learned quite a lot of new aspects related to engineering throughout the week as well as the fact that I was able to portray my qualities and personality very well to several employees. Such qualities involved my punctuality, respect and showing a great interest in what I was doing as well as what my fellow employees were doing. On week two, I began the week by working with another employee who gave me instructions on how to complete a certain job which involved unpackaging over 100 different pieces in which we then worked as a team to put them pieces together to produce the final product. We then organised them into a delivery box with the intention that they wouldn't be damaged during the delivery process. This task mainly helped my listening skills, my ability to follow instructions as well as my organisational skills. We were also working to a deadline as they had to be sent off within the next couple of days, aiding in my ability to work under pressure because had I messed up, time would be wasted. For the rest of my time there, I completed several other jobs the employer would ask me to do and help put them into the delivery van once finished. At times my math skills were required to some extent when counting how many products where in each box. Another task which was a little outside the box was a spray paining task I had to complete. This required organisation and time management because this also was an opportunity to work to a deadline. I was able to express my versatility and how I was open to new and different tasks that I may have never done before. This allowed me to learn more and spend my time there efficiently.. Overall, throughout my time in education and my experiences in life I have accumulated many skills and strengths of which I am eager to bring to NHS Property Services.

3 I aim to progress in the Engineering Industry, gaining many new skills and qualities along the way. I feel this apprenticeship gives me great value for time as I am able to learn through experience and action. I hope to achieve great qualifications on completion of this apprenticeship to improve the potential of my future. I aspire to become a young, versatile Engineer to open up many more opportunities where I am able to present my dedication and drive. I am also eager to build an independence within me, where I am able to completely rely on nobody but myself. Whether that is having the ability to drive or even paying my own share of the bills, I want to be in a situation where I am comfortable and independent. After completion of this apprenticeship, if I was to be successful, I would like to continue if I was offered a permanent role. This would allow me to grow within the company and hopefully gain a promotion someday in the future. Such an opportunity like this would enhance my recognition and would look great on my CV, where if I was offered a more convenient role towards the end of the apprenticeship, I would be able to proceed and grow even more as a Engineer. Currently, I have many aspirations for my future, however I would firstly like to begin my journey, and I am eager and ready to do so.

4 I would like to gain numerous skills from this apprenticeship. Firstly, as I expressed before, I want to be more independent and confident in my own decision making. I feel this apprenticeship will give me a chance to interpret different situations, hopefully resulting in the best and most efficient outcomes. Also, several different tasks on this role would potentially test whether I am proactive or reactive. I would like to distinguish the latter and become a very proactive character resolving any problem that comes my way. There is always room for improvement and although I am able to work well in a team, I would still like to improve these skills. My time at Training 2000 really helped me with my teamwork skills and every aspect that teamwork encompasses such as: communication, delegation, trust etc. Improving my teamwork skills may hopefully lead to potential promotions like becoming a manager of some sort. My time management is an aspect of which I would like to develop on this apprenticeship. I believe I am great in terms of dedication and my passion for my work, however it does occasionally happen that I become too engaged in a certain job which could reduce efficiency. This apprenticeship would hopefully help me create a balance between quality and quantity. Keeping calm and staying positive both mentally and emotionally is a personal aim of mine as this also affects work rate and I hope to accomplish this by creating great relationships with my work colleagues. Overall, I would like to enhance my skillset during the course of the apprenticeship to help me in tough circumstances I may come across in the future.

5 During my time at Secondary School I was a part of the football team where I gained several awards. My favourite thing to do in my free time is to play football. Football like many other sports isn't just a plain and simple sport, rather there are a number of different aspects that come into play to be successful. Communication is an integral part of the game. It helps keep the team compact and allows each person to play to each others' strengths. With communication comes trust and this opens up a door to make many more risks which may have better outcomes. Appointing a leader (or captain) is also crucial to keep the team under control and to delegate each player's role correctly. A leader also helps team morale and it is often their role to maintain it throughout the game as well as make the final decision of some tactics. I have personally came across these aspects many times and has allowed me to improve myself while enjoying a great game of football. It also gives me a chance to socialise and it is a great method of exercise. Along the terms of exercise, I like to go on long walks and hikes (when the weather is good). Also, I have an interest in going to the gym which aids in my mental health and is a good stress reliever. Although I am not the best at swimming, it is something I like to do on the odd occasion. Anything that allows me to socialise and get out the house brings me pleasure, however, I do also like to relax at home at times and watch tv or play a few games on the console.

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