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Questions to Ask on Instagram Story to Increase Engagement
Questions to Ask on Instagram Story to Increase Engagement
Increase your engagement on Instagram by asking the right questions.

Questions to Ask on Instagram Story to Increase Engagement of Audience
Brands must consider more quality metrics in today’s world and pay attention to comments, saves, shares, story views, and other metrics that measure their success. You get more interaction on your posts, and you’ll automatically receive a broader audience reach if you use Instagram’s features efficiently.

In this article, we will look at the most common ways to enhance engagement on Instagram. The first question that might come to your mind is about the meaning of engagement. After undereating how we use engagement for our businesses, we will explain various methods to enhance it. You can also find some catchy questions to ask on Instagram stories to increase the audience’s engagement.

What Is Engagement?
Engagement in simple terms refers to “involvement, commitment, passion, and enthusiasm.” According to Merriam-Webster, engaged means being emotionally involved or committed, as well as being “in gear.”

As a business owner, you know that Instagram is more than just a place to showcase your cute products. Using this amazing platform helps you build your brand and grow your audience.

However, to achieve success, you need more than just an audience: you need engagement. To prove your content engages with your audience, you need comments, shares, likes, and other actions.

In other words, engagement is only valuable when it comes from actual people who are enthusiastic. That is bad news for those who want to buy likes and comments for their poor content, and that doesn’t work!

Engagement with Instagram Stories
When we are talking about engagement on Instagram, it is specified in some particular aspects. Not only “Likes” but also a lot of other actions can be made by users. All in all, we can say the following list includes the things we are looking for on Instagram:

Branded hashtags
Followers and audience increase
Here we have made a shortlist of exciting things you can do for your Instagram stories and plenty of intriguing questions to ask.

Polls and Quizzes
If you want to steer your audience toward a specific answer, you may wish to do a poll or a quiz to avoid open-ended questions. You can use stickers to do this.

Engage your viewers with a multiple-choice answer to limit their response and let them participate more easily. With this feature, it’s easier for people to interact with your posts without having to type anything.

When you post something worth sharing, it’s equally simple and effective to use a sliding react (with those beautiful heart-eyes emojis). Never think that your picture is not nice enough to use those red heart-eyes, and your audience is always likely to slide it.

Screenshot My Stories!
It’s easy to create fun Instagram Stories with “Screenshotable” pictures. “Screenshotable Stories” are those with solid content. If you provide your followers with infographics, statistics, and shareable images, they tend to take a screenshot to have it for the next time or reshare it. You can encourage your audience with many options that are worth a screenshot. For example, an amazing wallpaper would be a great idea. Or you can ask them to fill in the blanks and share a story that encourages them to do so.

DM Me to Talk More!
The main thing you want out of your content is to make your audience talk to you. Why don’t you break the ice of conversation for them? As a helpful tool on Instagram stories, asking for a DM is an excellent opportunity to start a conversation with your audience. These conversations are excellent examples of engagement on Instagram. If you lead the talk, you may convert your audience to your customers and supporters.

In addition to that, it is time to make a list of followers interested in your content and those who want to criticize it. They both can help you optimize your content and Instagram account, and keep in touch with them and grow your community.

Countdown for Something
Surprising is a way to fascinate people. But sometimes, it is more interesting to remind people of something that is going to happen. Maybe an event, live, or a campaign is what you like to inform people. In these cases, you can use the countdown feature on Instagram stories to prepare your audience for an important event in the future.

Ask Engaging Questions
As a marketing strategy, asking a question on Instagram Story lets you gather insights on your audience’s opinion of the product or service you’re marketing. You might have no product or service, but the need for engagement is still vital. You can ask your audience to respond to your stories with a question sticker.

As Instagram stories are widespread these days, users ask challenging questions in their Instagram stories as “poll questions” and interactive questions to motivate the audience to respond. You might have tried to ask your followers a catchy question before, and how did it go? Many people ignored you? Maybe you need more creativity to figure out what questions to ask on Instagram stories to increase engagement. The rest of this article is all about social media engaging questions. Use these examples and engage with your followers.

Questions to Put on Instagram Story
Was There a Dream Job You Had as a Kid?
Questions like this can make fun stories by using audiences’ answers. Anybody you ask had a dream job in childhood. In addition to answering this question, reading the other’s answers about their dreams during their childhood is so funny; what’s better than having some fun content on Instagram? Questions like this are good choices to make your audience follow your next stories. That’s all an influencer needs while the others have a good time with you and your other followers.

What Would You Tell to the 21 Year Old Version of Yourself?
When you encounter this question, quickly you remember your old goals which you got into or not, the time which is past and it makes you think about how you spent your time recently. It’s impossible to get the time back, but it’s cool to think about impossibilities as a hobby that effectively grows your positive thoughts. It encourages you to be better at doing things right now. So again, you try to find an answer as fast as you can to prove to yourself that you changed and grew in a good way.

Who Inspires You Everyday?
This is an example of an interactive question. When you interact with these types of questions, your mind gets involved. So the influencer did his/her job and caught your attention as an audience. By asking this question, influencers let you think more about your daily routine. When you stop on this question automatically, you start to think deeply, and also, you don’t want to take that much time on stories, so you have to get to the answer quickly and in summary. As you can see at this time, they make you think easily; thus, it doesn’t bother you anymore.

Would You Rather Be Forest or Street??
Here are the causes of poll questions on Instagram for your audience. People are always in a situation to choose between two options that actually have the same objects but are also entirely different. Because of this, it’s so easy to find an answer between two points, so it gets funny to answer poll questions as an amusement which also makes us think about something by free-thinking. These types of questions don’t take our mind, they’re not boring, and as it said before, they’re not hard to answer and don’t take much time. Primarily it’s important for an influencer not to take much time of an audience.

What’s the Best App on Your Phone?
Social media marketing of this type of question is to exchange helpful information. In this way, influencers would like to offer their audiences and others the useful apps they use. So when the influencer lets all of you share your ideas with many other people, you as a human get engaged to join people you don’t have any information about as a group. Of course, there will be much new and attractive information and apps exchanged between us. So there is no more influence and any audience here. You are a group of people sharing practical ideas which don’t need any special education, or even it doesn’t matter how old you all are.

What’s the One Country You Wish to Travel to in the Next 3 Years?
One of Instagram’s points for people is to enjoy the time. Also, one of the attractive topics to talk or write about is our wishes. Let’s dream. Dreams are so easy to get. Also, this topic is in the funny topics collection, which is the best way to engage the audience to take more time with you and your stories and enjoy your content.

A Takeaway Note
These questions are not the exact word you should use when asking your audience. We aimed to bring you some examples and, better to say, patterns to follow and make engaging questions on Instagram stories. Chance the subject of the questions and let yourself be creative in generating new ideas. The only thing you need is a ten-minute brainstorming time, and then, you can make up your challenging question to ask.

Let’s Review
Here we talked about the importance of engagement on Instagram and how it helps you grow and shine. As stories are popular these days, it would be best to be creative about the content you put on your stories, and they must be engaging enough to work for your brand. We mentioned a couple of features you might like for this purpose and as a result, asking questions is the best to emphasize. Never forget to customize these suggestions to fit into your field and niche.

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