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In the first stanza, the child watches the goods train passing. It had no lights, doors and windows for the passengers The trains are compared to “huge elephants”. If you watch a herd of elephants, it would go one behind the other and it will be like the goods train compartments.

The line, “I sit by my window for hours on end” gives us the information that the child loves watching the trains passing by that it doesn’t move from that place for a long time.

"trains are tedious"
The child is feeling pity for the train because it is running for a long time. As he doesn’t know that the trains run on engines he is using the word which is used for the human

Second is the passenger train which is filled with people (and we can hear people talking that's why its known to be like a marriage procession), windows with lights, etc. than the first one.

The child describes the sound of the train to the rhythmic beat of music.

The rhythmic beat of the wheels' rotating rises above the din (noise of people) of the train

The train is moving fast and the moon looks like flickering because there are trees which would hide it and reveal it.

The trains are called tireless because they operate relentlessly

river is a wanderer, nomad,tramp (always travels, never remains still to set a camp )
river is a winder (twists n turns) in valleys, hills,etc. (never remains still)
river is a hoarder (buries treasures it wants to keep)
river is a baby (gurgles, hums, sounds like he's sucking his thumb happily & innocently)
river is a singer & dances, sounds of the river can be heard as he dances (as it goes) throughout the countryside.
rive is a destroyer/monster, he gobbles trees & he will swallow u next.(in floods)

The river in capital shoes in the poem its portrayed as a person who can be as kind/innocent as a baby and him sucking his thumb and gurgling but also as vile/cruel as a/an person/adult who can cause destruction not only to its property but also to people.

8 year old girl, Lucy curiously enters a wardrobe in her spare room (it was summer where she lived) & ends up under a lamp post, in the middle of the eternal snowy night in Narnia (place between great castle of cair paraval on the eastern sea) and sees a brown-eyed Faun (Tumnus) who dropped his parcels assuming she came from the wild woods of the west (then corrected).

He offered her tea,cake,sardines,toast with a roaring fire and an umbrella over them in winter, which she didn't refuse, walking arm-in-arm over a rocky path with hills-up and hills-down in a small valley she went into a little,dry,clean cave of reddish stone w/ carpet, 2 little chairs, table, dresser, mantelpiece (with his old father) over the fire, a corner (perhaps the bedroom), wall with a shelf of books like "NM the life and letters of Silenus or nymphs" & "their ways of men, monks & gatekeepers; a study in popular legend." or "is man a myth?". & Tumnus took a piece of wood with a neat pair of tongs from the fire & lit a candle and put the kettle on.

There was wonderful tea, a nice brown egg for each of them, toast with sardines, toast with honey and buttered-toast, after she ate enough:

He told her:
-> nymphs lived in wells, dryads lived in trees & sometimes danced with fauns (midnight dances); long hunting parties after milk-white stag who could give you wishes if u caught him; feasting n treasure seeking with wild red dwarfs in deep mines & caverns far beneath forest floors; In summer before the eternal winter, woods were green, old Silenus on his fat donkey would visit them & sometimes Bacchus would turn the streams of water into wine & the entire forest would be jollified weeks on end.

If Mr. Tumnus didn't hand over the daughter of Eve or the son of Adam the white witch would cut his tail off, saw his horns off, pluck his beard off, wave her wand over his clove hoofs and turn them into stone like horses and if she's really angry she would turn him into stone until the 4 thrones of Cair Paravel are filled and he doesn't know if or when it will ever happen but decides to let her go because he felt bad & she was a really nice person.

He was in service of the white witch and she told him that if he sees the daughter of Eve / the son of Adam to tell her and kidnap them and he felt bad taking in innocent Lucy for 'a cup of tea' Thats why he started crying and escorted her later to the lamp-post and let her go.

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