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elementary school like between 3rd to 5th grade but like by the time we were in 5th grade wed use discord but then the school shut it down bc it found out ab it and like kids were cyberbullying each other on it and like kids were being really uh suicidal ab it n shit and then yada yada blah blah etc happened some kids were suspended some were expelled and others cough me disabled their accounts and pretended to never have played a part in it. i would say what i did was a bitch move but like istg i was this innocent ass little kid back then esp in my friend groups and was forced into a lot of the things like disc but never used it soooooo im safe :sweat_smile: but anyways yea no so the school banned basically bc kids were using it in class to talk to each other but like also to send nsfw and nsfw gifs to each other n shit and etc and they said some racist and homophobic shit to everyone and god that school never got any better in the coming years bc this all happened in 5th grade then in 6th grade middle school started and theres this thing called the AEP program that kids can get accepted into and go to a new school aka their new middle school or they could j tranfer out and go to a new school for elem/ms or just ms but our elem school went from prek to 8th so it has ms as well but anyways so like our school basically j pulled a thanos snap 2.0 and like over half our friends are gone now bc they gone to this aep program shit right i applied and got on the waiting list and i went in my 7th grade year but let me tell you that 6th grade year at my elem school was something because of the amount of people that stayed. everyone was fucking dumb i tell you, like im saying almost every smart kid in that school left and i never seen a more dumb school bruh ok anyway so everyone left at ps11 (my elem school) dumb as fuck got it? got it. so they got into fights and arguments really fuckin often and did a lotta dumb shit, recorded things made shit loada racist comments towards one another pulled up to school literally j to get into fist fights, then suspended, then return to do the same thing and the dumbass school never expell em its annoying k anyways yea so all that happened 6th grade it was one hell of a time then 7th grade and 8th grade came by all spent at the new ms i got accepted into aka academy 1 middle school; absolute rat filled piece of shit. *hell*! honestly bruh everyday youd hear ab some kid trying to open their locker and some rat flying out of it and youd be walkin up the stairs and see those big ass scary ass fucking roaches out of nowhere and the teachers themselves they all loud as hell and perverted as fuck ok well nvm just one was a perv like a big fat fucking perv and we wrote out a whole letter tryna get this man fired or some shit but it went all the way to the board and they did nothing but guess whatttt that stupid fucktard excuse of a uh idefk what he is atp bruh like some real life osama type shit idek but he undergoed underwent?? a 3 day suspension, 60 day investigation trial thing, got yelled at by our beloved math teacher that everyone hated while we were students there but suddenly love now, and got fired thank god <3 but yea no so basically there was a line and the osama lookin teacher said to hurry up and touched a girls ass like gesturing to hurry up and like it sounds like it wasnt intended in the wrong way but my guy everything ab this bald fuck puts no one in a good mood like im tellin u hed always be checking out every girl in the seventh grade when we were students there and be racist as fuck he had his favorites and he showed so much hate to so many poc kids but made the more developed girls feel so uncomfortable and he had this huge thing for this one white girl (gorg btw but never deserved this digusting fuck to bother her like that) and he always bothered her and anyway when we were in 7th grade we wrote a huge ass letter demanding this dude at least be put under soem fucking inspection but no nothing we got nothing out of that and we showed hard proof and students' statements n everything bro istg i still have the doc too i think k anyways fast forward to 8th grade oh actually we wrote all this in 8th grade sorry the experiences tho we encountered in 7th grade and AND THAT GUY WAS MY 7TH GRADE HR AND ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE TEACHER twas' hell. k yea so anyways in 8th grade our entire year was online and i mean you could probably assume why that was and imagine how it was. so yea nothing that special happened in 8th grade but if i had to choose id still say 8th grade was my favorite year because thats the year i got to 'make more friends' bc a lot of the people i knew existed in 7th grade i became close w in 8th grade but lost touch w in 9th anyways boooooom baby now we in freshman year of hs first year and its going great for 2021 portion then 2022 and we are going straight down down dowwwnnnnn its like worse than 7th grade but it couldnt be worse because 7th grade was the ultimate worst of them all alright so now 9th grade starting to go to shit a lot of i forgot the word i think this is my cue to stop now im gonna leave byeeeeee
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