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Other Animals
A wide variety of mammals -- from rats and skunks to wolves and bears -- will opportunistically feed on falcon eggs or chicks if they can manage to gain access to a nest without being driven off by the highly protective parents. Fledgling falcons that aren’t yet strong fliers might also be at risk to a host of mammalian hunters. Reptiles such as snakes and monitor lizards can be adept raiders of bird nests, including those of falcons.

Avian Predators
Large owls can be notable predators of falcons. The great horned owl of the Americas, for example, will readily prey on both falcon chicks and adults; mortality from horned owls has even hampered the recovery of peregrine falcons in some areas, as along the Virginia coast. Other large raptors such as golden eagles may pose a risk, especially to vulnerable falcon nestlings. Falcons also occasionally attack one another, although usually falcon-on-falcon aggression is related to territorial defense and not predation. Ravens and gulls may raid falcon nests for eggs and young.

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